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Microsoft Releases Azure Linux 3.0 Preview

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  • Microsoft Releases Azure Linux 3.0 Preview

    Phoronix: Microsoft Releases Azure Linux 3.0 Preview

    Microsoft has published its first tagged preview of the upcoming Azure Linux 3.0 operating system...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite

  • #2
    A little off topic, I've read rumors that Microsoft Office Online (Excel, Outlook, Word, etc) functions properly on Linux in the browser.

    Any truth to that? Anybody seen any reviews?


    • #3
      Originally posted by ezst036 View Post
      A little off topic, I've read rumors that Microsoft Office Online (Excel, Outlook, Word, etc) functions properly on Linux in the browser.

      Any truth to that? Anybody seen any reviews?
      Works for me just fine. I do have to use Chrome though because I get some oddities when using Firefox.

      Edit: Note that I don't have very complex Word documents as well as Excel spreadsheets so mileage will vary.
      Last edited by dekernel; 06 June 2024, 11:20 AM.


      • #4
        Does this distro support Ed25519 keys? Because Azure devops does not support it yet.

        According to Senior Program Manager, Azure DevOps -


        • #5
          Are there any tests proving the optimizations of this distribution? For example, faster performance under a hypervisor.


          • #6
            Wonder if this means WSL and WSL2 will get a kernel bump to 6.6 LTS as well.

            Not that it really matters much for WSL since using Windows means no longer having to be concerned with hardware compatibility as compared to running Linux on a bare-metal desktop.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ezst036 View Post
              A little off topic, I've read rumors that Microsoft Office Online (Excel, Outlook, Word, etc) functions properly on Linux in the browser.

              Any truth to that? Anybody seen any reviews?
              It works fine for my needs. Word, Excel, even PowerPoint.

              I'd say it's good enough.

