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Pop!_OS COSMIC Desktop Improving Multi-Monitor & Multi-Window Support

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  • #21
    One of the issues with an image viewer is right now image-rs does not work with JXL and they have no plans to yet so that will require a bit of manual work, but implementing JXL support is actually really easy things to jxl-oxide which IS spec compliant now being very good, a good example is occulante


    • #22
      Originally posted by ssokolow View Post

      They were using GNOME and customizing it to their brand identity. GNOME pitched a fit and said "Ship stock GNOME or GTFO", so they GTFO'd.

      You'd have to ask them why they didn't just rebase on top of KDE instead.​
      There are many ways they could've GTFO without re-inventing the wheel:
      * Fork Gnome and start from there.
      * Base on KDE (or any other DE).
      * Build their own shell but re-use existing Gnome apps instead of redoing everything.

      Obviously, we shouldn't say no to innovation, so if they manage to accomplish a good result in a timely manner then why not, but we'll have to wait and see. For now they seem to be working fast, but as with any software project the beginning always seems fast before things slow down as the project grows. My fear is that they release something that looks good on the surface, but once you start using it daily you start missing the polish of Gnome and KDE in various corner cases.


      • #23
        I have some translations here
        Originally posted by sarmad View Post
        There are many ways they could've GTFO without re-inventing the wheel:
        * Fork Gnome and start from there.
        Fork dogshit and start from there
        * Base on KDE (or any other DE).
        Base on a buggy mess

        * Build their own shell but re-use existing Gnome apps instead of redoing everything.
        Build their own shell but re-use existing trash instead of redoing everything.

        ... My fear is that they release something that looks good on the surface, but once you start using it daily you start missing the polish of Gnome and KDE in various corner cases.
        I think while a justified thought, I think cosmic can at least match default gnome without too much difficulty. At the very least, I have been using it for a bit, there are for sure its not alpha quality yet dont get me wrong. but I would say, even in it's current state, cosmic is probably pretty close to an "alpha" release.


        • #24
          Originally posted by Quackdoc View Post
          I have some translations here

          Fork dogshit and start from there

          Base on a buggy mess

          Build their own shell but re-use existing trash instead of redoing everything.

          Not only is it easier to start from scratch than to inherit technical debt, but it's also fundamentally incompatible with what we want. With COSMIC we can make our platform toolkit from the ground up with all the right technologies that the team wants to push forward. With GNOME you have to inherit someone else's past decisions, and the programming languages they used to make it.

          even in it's current state, cosmic is probably pretty close to an "alpha" release.
          We are getting very close to our first alpha. I'll need to finish a couple settings pages.


          • #25
            Too bad they are distracted by apps for which there are already analogs. It would be better to make basic DE and customization.


            • #26
              Originally posted by guglovich View Post
              Too bad they are distracted by apps for which there are already analogs. It would be better to make basic DE and customization.
              I would posit that the pace of work to this point suggests that they aren't being "distracted" by much of anything. We'll see once they get to Alpha, which is the point where I might spin up a VM to have a look... But I really like the idea of a clean-sheet design that's memory-safe by default.


              • #27
                Originally posted by mmstick View Post

                So you'd rather society stick to using stone wheels like the Flintstones. You want newer and better applications, but part of that involves building a newer and better platform toolkit.
                Here's a counterpoint to some of the curmudgeonly feedback you're getting from a few folks around here:

                I've been a fan of the concept behind COSMIC from day 1, and everything I've seen - including your willingness to provide quite open replies on this forum, TBH - makes me happy that I bought some System76 hardware (a laptop) this year.

                I look forward to trying the fruits of your labours in 2024!


                • #28
                  mmstick Based on your posts, sounds like you are involved. Thanks for efforts with this. I like this site, but there are always a crap-ton of complainers around who probably have never contributed to anything. I for one am for a more full-blown (hopefully can still be kept simple as well) DE, like what you are doing, in Rust. Great! A new tool kit, or at least a more modern one, in Rust? Great! Ditch the technical debt? Great! Building a solid base/foundation that can be expanded up with ideas going forward? Great as well.

                  Anyway, kudos from me on this, and looking forward to giving it a try once more ready for that from a user like me. I tend to think I have a good sense of things, would be happy contribute feedback to the project (via established channel), etc. Keep it coming, don't mind the naysayers
                  Last edited by ehansin; 16 December 2023, 03:08 PM.


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by ssokolow View Post

                    They were using GNOME and customizing it to their brand identity. GNOME pitched a fit and said "Ship stock GNOME or GTFO", so they GTFO'd.

                    You'd have to ask them why they didn't just rebase on top of KDE instead.​
                    Where are you getting this from?

                    Ubuntu uses Gnome that is customized, as does Nobara; what you're describing goes against all the claims ever made by Linux and GPL proponents for decades.


                    • #30
                      Originally posted by Steffo View Post
                      Gnome is a very closed-minded community.
                      Want to see how close minded they are?

                      Read the parts where they consider it "disrespectful" if you do not adhere to the coding style they prefer and consider the idiocy of what they are saying.

                      Gnome had a memory leak for 10 years, imagine if someone that was experienced with FORTRAN, Pascal or C# decided to take a look at their code and figured out what the problems were and decided to submit a patch but used a coding style that they considered "disrespectful", say something like having the balls to use 7 or 9 indentations instead of exactly 8.

                      They would likely have rejected the patch rather than incorporate it, because you know, the compiler really gives a shit how many indentations there are, it might refuse to produce byte-code with an error message "are you kidding me, 9 spaces indented, WTF do you think you are?"

                      Gnomes don't even belong on people's lawns, much less their desktops.

