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Fedora 40 Eyes Dropping GNOME X11 Session Support

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  • #11
    Originally posted by clippy View Post

    That's what the simpledrm driver is for. Combined with the llvmpipe software renderer, it allows you to run any wayland session without GPU acceleration. Fedora has used it for quite some time as the default framebuffer provider at boot.
    If it actually works, I'm OK with that.

    The way the driver is called doesn't inspire confidence at all.


    • #12
      Originally posted by Arthus View Post
      Is this a deliberate gaslighting attempt? Are you unable to actually read the links that you post yourself?

      Wayland as a protocol does _not_ require KMS. Many/most compositors require KMS, _not all_.

      Also, KDE Plasma works perfectly fine with Wayland when booting with nomodeset. It uses llvmpipe for rendering and normally starts a session.
      Cant edit my post with a better screenshot:


      • #13
        Originally posted by avis View Post
        You don't have this problem with other commercial OS'es. I have a 2021 computer where I can install and use Windows XP (in basic graphics mode but still in graphics mode) for Christ's sake.
        WTF? You can't even make a proper analogy. Try using older hardware with Windows 11 or the newest macOS.


        • #14
          already decided I wont be adopting FC40 (in process of migrating to Oracle Linux). But thank you for the warning.


          • #15
            Originally posted by Arthus View Post
            Cant edit my post with a better screenshot:
            OK, I'm almost at ease.

            Not sure what kind of graphics mode is used and whether you can change screen resolution with "nomodeset". I guess the latter is not possible/available.

            So if UEFI boots you into 1024x768 mode or something, that's all you'll get. With VESA you can use up to 1600x1200.

            VESA with UEFI is actually quite a complex topic:

            Experts are required because I am not going to pretend I understand any of this.
            Last edited by avis; 19 September 2023, 07:10 AM.


            • #16
              Yeah, we get it. There's always going to be that one scenario where an update means you lose an old feature. When that day comes, you need to switch from Rolling to LTS. There's also going to be a lot of teething pains when getting X out of a distribution. Don't use Fedora if you still depend on X. Practically every other distribution still has support for X so use one of them until Wayland does what you need it to do. Or don't, suffer, complain, and give me good laughs in the morning.

              Getting upset about the distribution primarily behind Wayland moving forward with Wayland changes and removing


              • #17
                Sorry Fedora: after 6 years with you, I'll switch to KDE Neon.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by pharmasolin View Post

                  Old hardware -> use debian.
                  People with new hardware, who are enthusiasts should have newer stuff, so they can test everything for LTS users down the chain.
                  Exactly. Linux *is* about cutting edge, enthusiasts, experimentation and mess. If people want standards and consistency, then this is exactly what commercial UNIX, BSD and the concept of a stable, solid base is for.

                  People can't play with toys and then complain when the toy breaks.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by avis View Post

                    That's asinine. You don't have this problem with other commercial OS'es. I have a 2021 computer where I can install and use Windows XP (in basic graphics mode but still in graphics mode) for Christ's sake.

                    With the direction Fedora is taking, either you pray Fedora supports your HW properly, or you die trying. I can imagine Fedora 39 or 40 are going to use Wayland for installation. Whoa, what a nice idea. The laptop I bought two months ago was not supported by Fedora 38 installation media, I barely installed the OS on it.

                    Just when Linux has started to support most HW properly, Fedora stewards decided that's too good to be true, let's just break everything.
                    Is your wonderful Windows XP getting updates? No.

                    Then how is installing a working-back-then linux distro in 5 years different? It isn't.

                    You want to stop innovation to preserve niche use cases that you won't even face yourself.

                    Either way, nobody cares about your boomer opinions tbh, the train is leaving, do what you want but writing petty posts on forums won't change anything.


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by kpedersen View Post

                      Exactly. Linux *is* about cutting edge, enthusiasts, experimentation and mess. If people want standards and consistency, then this is exactly what commercial UNIX, BSD and the concept of a stable, solid base is for.

                      People can't play with toys and then complain when the toy breaks.
                      Toys? Almost every major Linux distro out there claims it's production ready.

