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CentOS Stream 9 Builds Flowing, Opened Up For Contributors

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  • #21
    I posted this elsewhere...

    Another possibility?

    At IBM, how those outside of IBM perceive them is everything.

    The CentOS takeover and destruction, while it might not seem like a "big deal", was sort of a black eye to IBM reputation wise.

    IBM: "Thou shall not do that."

    Have a feeling this wasn't a simple "step down" by Whitehurst.


    • #22
      Originally posted by lethalwp View Post
      Sorry Redhat/Centos, i don't want centos stream.

      I am a freeloading parasite who thinks operating systems are created by magic dust and free sunshine, and therefore I refuse to pay a single cent for all the developer effort that went into creating CentOS, its packages, its repositories and testing it for stability because open source developers are supposed to work for no pay.
      Fixed that for you. You're welcome.


      • #23
        Originally posted by RahulSundaram View Post

        Can you cite your source? It would be entirely unlikely they are waiting on a new release of Dnf that hasn't even landed in Fedora yet and RHEL releases are more time based now.
        ikm sure i read it on Phoronix website

