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KDE Software Compilation 4.5.1 Released

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  • #51
    Originally posted by liam View Post
    I've got a F14 alpha(Gnome) running just fine.
    BTW, to those who say Red Hat "owns" Gnome in some sense, look at this
    They are the single largest contributor, but only just. Interestingly, volunteer work was the largest segment with nearly 24.5%.
    I was running F13 and F12 before. Interesting link. Personally I'd love to see Red Hat owning Gnome, because they're probably the most Linux friendly company. They would probably care more about community then current Gnome Foundation people who behave sometimes like some anti FLOSS company. They prefered MS format over ODF, fight with RMS and have no objections when Icaza advertises mono on their planet. Red Hat, offers also mono free Gnome and if I'd have to use Gnome I'd be running Fedora, CentOS or Arch Linux.


    • #52
      Originally posted by kazetsukai View Post
      They don't need to, they just need to go back to KDE 3.5 for a little bit. Then maybe they'll finally realize....
      I think you may have a bit of a point there but I'm quite serious when I suggest they need to get away from kde 4 for a while so they can acclimatise to other environments that others (including myself) consider more practicably usable.

      I can appreciate the software technology underneath KDE 4 and it does have some gems that surpass the other desktops but it's a little frustrating to see what is tantalisingly close to being a truly great environment hampered by many little annoyances and bugs that culminate into a feeling that its continued use is just too much effort when compared to the other offerings.


      • #53
        Originally posted by kazetsukai View Post
        They don't need to, they just need to go back to KDE 3.5 for a little bit. Then maybe they'll finally realize....
        Sounds better, because they could switch to messed up configuration options like those present in the upper Gnome panel or they could consider Gnome's Open file window as something good and usable.


        • #54
          So you did an in place upgrade with Fed?

          Originally posted by kraftman View Post
          I was running F13 and F12 before. Interesting link. Personally I'd love to see Red Hat owning Gnome, because they're probably the most Linux friendly company. They would probably care more about community then current Gnome Foundation people who behave sometimes like some anti FLOSS company. They prefered MS format over ODF, fight with RMS and have no objections when Icaza advertises mono on their planet. Red Hat, offers also mono free Gnome and if I'd have to use Gnome I'd be running Fedora, CentOS or Arch Linux.
          That could be a problem, assuming that's what you meant.

          I don't think Red Hat is the most Gnome friendly company. The reason is that there are companies that exclusively work on Gnome. It wouldn't surprise me if Red Hat had even contributed to KDE, though I was unable to find anything similar to the census for KDE.
          Red Hat is a great company, so I certainly get your point (though the specifics of your GF reference escape me), but I wouldn't like the fact that Gnome would be owned by anyone. GTK, maybe, but even then I'd prefer pure GPL. I just don't like the idea of companies "owning" core parts of an "operating system". That said, Trolltech being bought by Nokia is the best thing that could happen to Qt, though I'm not sure that KDE will gain much benefit.

          Regarding GF:
          I've not heard about their preference for doc/docx for odf (though it must be said that until a macro language is specified for odf [in 1.3, IIRC] it is missing a very important feature and one could see resistance to it from the business sector). RMS can be... strident (not to say that he hasn't been incredibly important). I see no problem with Mono (other than the fact that I've yet to use a mono app that is not unstable, and that includes the necessary Gnome-Do, and I agree that Gnome should move away from including Mono as a dependency, even though F-Spot is, IMHO, best in class [Tomboy, isn't, IMHO] ), and since Icaza a founder of Gnome, what can they do? Besides, the Planet is quite liberal with who it aggregates.

          BTW, I just started using a music player that uses Qt called Clementine. It's fantastic! If you haven't tried it, give a shot.


          • #55
            Originally posted by liam View Post
            BTW, I just started using a music player that uses Qt called Clementine. It's fantastic! If you haven't tried it, give a shot.
            I just fucking love how they nailed all of somafm's stations in clementine - in like a separate space with an icon


            • #56
              Actually, you're right, RedHat write about one third of all code in GTK, I thought it was in one third of GNOME. Still, their 16% of all code in GNOME is quite a large proportion, especially considering that they likely concentrate on the core technologies and not additional apps.

              Anyway, I'm in a rubbish mood, so I post rubbish stuff from time to time. At least I try to balance it out with some useful posts :/


              • #57
                To all KDE 3.5.x lovers that do not use because KDE4 is unstable:

                Have you ever taken the Fedora KDE spin for a ride? No you didn't.

                Please do it; KDE4 isn't unstable.

                IT. IS. NOT.

                And here's my AmaroK screenshot:

                Bet you didn't knew how to configure it through GUI options.



                • #58
                  Originally posted by V!NCENT View Post
                  To all KDE 3.5.x lovers that do not use because KDE4 is unstable:

                  Have you ever taken the Fedora KDE spin for a ride? No you didn't.

                  Please do it; KDE4 isn't unstable.
                  Define unstable. If a distro has to patch the window manager with a lot of patches, before it is considered stable. Does that mean that kde4 is stable? I think otherwise.

                  Archlinux doesn't patch kde very much, and would consider kde 4.5.1 in archlinux unstable. At least the compositing part of kde.

                  Don't get me wrong. I would love to use kde full time, but for me gnome is just more production ready.


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by tball View Post
                    If a distro has to patch the window manager with a lot of patches, before it is considered stable.

                    I would love to use kde full time, but for me gnome is just more production ready.
                    Do you want a stable KDE4? Or are you just here to bitch?

                    I don't give a shit about what has to be patched. Distro's patch the SHIT out of everything, in case you simply didn't know.


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by tball View Post
                      Define unstable. If a distro has to patch the window manager with a lot of patches, before it is considered stable. Does that mean that kde4 is stable? I think otherwise.

                      Archlinux doesn't patch kde very much, and would consider kde 4.5.1 in archlinux unstable. At least the compositing part of kde.

                      Don't get me wrong. I would love to use kde full time, but for me gnome is just more production ready.
                      That's a bit unfair.

                      Does GNOME actually have compositing at all? I'm not sure if Metacity does, but it certainly doesn't have fancy effects. Compiz is third-party software which can work with GNOME /or/ KDE.

                      If you turn off compositing in KWin, it is as stable as anything. And it's only a click away.

                      Apparently, KWin breaks compositing for some people, especially when using the blur effect. This clearly sucks, and should be addressed. But let's not get too carried away.

