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KDE Plasma 6 Can Now Sync Your RGB-Backlit Keyboard With Your Desktop's Accent Color

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  • #21
    Originally posted by Kjell View Post

    That's dope!

    Which programs/scripts do you use to achieve this?
    It's a basic feature of my keyboard, the Redragon K556-RK. They don't sell the RK model with round keys anymore, but the K556 and their other full RGB keyboards have the same effects.

    If you skip around to around 2:50 you can see some of the reactionary effects.


    • #22
      Originally posted by skeevy420 View Post

      Redragon K556-RK
      Do you boot into Windows to configure the RGB effects + macros to the onboard memory?


      • #23
        Originally posted by Kjell View Post

        Do you boot into Windows to configure the RGB effects + macros to the onboard memory?
        Just Fn Key+Ins/Del/Home/End/PgUp/PgDown to cycle through the different effects, Fn+Up/Down to adjust brightness, Fn+Left/Right to set the color. Everything is done on the keyboard.

        I'm not sure if it works with KDE's effects. I'll find out more whenever CachyOS updates to that KDE version. I have the same /sys/class/leds output that byteabit has so I'm doubtful.

        ls /sys/class/leds
        input7::capslock input7::compose input7::kana input7::numlock input7::scrolllock

        Powerlevel10K FTW


        • #24
          Originally posted by torsionbar28 View Post
          Who uses all that gaudy RGB crap anyways? I can't imagine anyone older than 12 being enticed by all these silly colored lights.
          I recently got one, it makes it easier to use the keyboard in the dark.
          And you know what, I like the way it looks so why not.
          I don't care for RGBs inside the tower (yet?) though.

          I'm more mitigated about the mouse, I mean my hand is covering most of the RGB stuff and the underneath contour is not really visible... I guess the only benefit for me is to find the mouse in the dark, which is rarely needed.


          • #25
            Originally posted by ssokolow View Post

            My laptop is a hand-me-down Lenovo Ideapad that can cycle the keyboard backlight between Off, Bright, and Very Bright using either Fn+Space or the slider in the Plasma Battery/Power panel. However, it's stuck on that cold blue-white that cheap/early white LEDs have. If it had RGB LEDs, It'd be nice to have the brightness and color temperature of the keyboard match the brightness and color temperature of white white pixels on the screen.
            of course a rust fanatic uses chinese spyware.


            • #26
              I do like the idea of RGB. A ram stick could show temperature and/or how much ram is in use with the RGB on ram, CPU RGB could show temperature and/or how much CPU is in use etc. It could be useful but in practice its just disco lights profiles and bad software that acts like malware. Keyboard strokes could leave a RGB trail behind to help type faster. Keyboard can light up in the dark. Games could colour profile keys. etc.


              • #27
                Originally posted by cj.wijtmans View Post

                of course a rust fanatic uses chinese spyware.
                1. You don't seem to understand the term "hand-me-down". It refers to something you received for free from the previous owner because they didn't need it anymore. (Like all the computers in my retro-hobby corner except the Power Mac G4 which was a birthday gift and the Atari 520STFM which was trash-picked.)
                2. The reason I'm using a hand-me-down at all is because I have so little use for a laptop that I only boot it up when there's a power outage and I want to fall asleep to some favourite videos I archived.
                3. I'm not a fanatic. Show me a language that functions as a better Cython than Cython and a better Go than Go for someone like me who's obseesed with proving programs correct at compile-time and I'll switch.


                • #28
                  (Edit: I may misunderstood your reply out of context. So you are using Rust already then?)

                  Originally posted by ssokolow View Post
                  Cython than Cython
                  Maybe Nuitka, which truly compiles Python with a C compiler. And it uses official Cython implementation and is 100% language compatible. And as far as I know, compatible to most important third party libraries. A true Python compiler, with improvements in performance. Is it better Cython than Cython? You decide; I just brought this to the table after your question.

                  If proving programs correct at compile-time is your most important aspect (as you suggest it with the term "obsessed"), I think there are better options than Python and Go. Not that is impossible to do this with those languages, but other languages can help you achieving this even better. There are plenty of possible options for this.
                  Last edited by byteabit; 11 April 2024, 02:30 AM.


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by byteabit View Post

                    Maybe Nuitka, which truly compiles Python with a C compiler. And it uses official Cython implementation and is 100% language compatible. And as far as I know, compatible to most important third party libraries. A true Python compiler, with improvements in performance. Is it better Cython than Cython? You decide; I just brought this to the table after your question.

                    If proving programs correct at compile-time is your most important aspect (as you suggest it with the term "obsessed"), I think there are better options than Python and Go. Not that is impossible to do this with those languages, but other languages can help you achieving this even better. There are plenty of possible options for this.
                    Yes. There are plenty, like Haskell, Coq, Agda, etc... but can I write my code once and then write thin shims to compile it as modules I can incorporate into Python, Node.js, Ruby, etc. codebases so I don't have to maintain multiple implementations? That's the thing.

                    Thanks to that ecosystem of "easily write a compiled extension for language X" crates, Rust sits at a sweet spot for me where it's compile-time correct without being onerous, and interoperable without being C or C++.


                    • #30
                      Originally posted by ssokolow View Post
                      can I write my code once and then write thin shims to compile it as modules I can incorporate into Python, Node.js, Ruby, etc. codebases so I don't have to maintain multiple implementations?
                      I'm personally not a big fan of using another language in a language. But I can understand the appeal of it and it might save ton of time and resources. So happy to see all those options we got so far. We have already a few options like building Libraries that can be called from other programs. Or WebAssembly to run it on most systems in a web browser by writing once.

                      There is also Java... but who wants to program in Java in 2024?

