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Chrome 113 To Ship WebGPU By Default

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  • #21
    Personally I always turn hardware acceleration off. I never see any difference in performance and the security risk is too high.


    • #22
      Originally posted by Mike Frett View Post
      Personally I always turn hardware acceleration off. I never see any difference in performance and the security risk is too high.
      You really have to explain that in a lot of details. I'd you don't see any difference (especially in power consumption) it's very likely it's not being used. And it makes no sense that you see any security risks in it. Hardware acceleration simply means you use the hardware for a given task that is best suited for the task, not the CPU. Hardware accelerators usually only do one thing, like encoding or decoding content, so there hardly is any potential for security risks.


      • #23
        there is no need to frett about it... (sorry, couldn't resist)

        page rendering via paralellized processing in the GPU poses no security risk AFAIK...

        you're not letting the webpage comandeer your GPU via javascript directly, you're letting the browser offload very specific calculations about the webpage rendering to the gpu, which is more efficient at it because that's a huge amount of simple calculations that can often be done in parallel, and not as many complex calculations that have to be done in a rigid order, etc

        for really really really safe browsing what you do want to disable is javascript, but you'll soon notice how much the modern web relies on it (even when it didn't need to)
        Last edited by marlock; 07 April 2023, 08:19 AM.


        • #24
          Originally posted by marlock View Post
          for really really really safe browsing what you do want to disable is javascript, but you'll soon notice how much the modern web relies on it (even when it didn't need to)
          And then you get the idea to just block all unnecessary traffic system wide, even on your phone, and see how do many sites and apps take ages to load their content because they have to wait for an unnecessarily long timeout on their tracking domains bevor loading (or at least showing) any content. And it's f***ing disgusting.


          • #25
            stuff like ublock, unredirect, decentraleyes, noscript and even Firefox's default internal policies against cross-domain cookies and scripts are very good at speeding up the web and making it visually less jarring

            when you realize any news portal you go in for a single article tries to load over 100 different tracking domains (no exageration!), it's obvious why perf is better once they're neutered
            Last edited by marlock; 07 April 2023, 10:22 AM.

