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Qt 6.4 Release Candidate Arrives With Added Modules For 3D Physics, HTTP Server

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  • Nth_man
    Originally posted by hamishmb View Post
    I thought most browsers had disabled it ages ago, maybe I'm wrong.
    In it's written:
    This API opens up potential functionality the web has been lacking. Still, security has been of utmost concern when designing the API, and access to file/directory data is disallowed unless the user specifically permits it.

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  • carewolf
    Originally posted by hamishmb View Post
    I thought most browsers had disabled it ages ago, maybe I'm wrong.
    It requires explicit user permission to access, but some "rich" html5 applications use it.

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  • hamishmb
    I thought most browsers had disabled it ages ago, maybe I'm wrong.

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  • lowflyer
    Originally posted by hamishmb View Post
    Wait a minute, I thought HTML 5 file system access was a security risk?
    No need for panic. Nothing has changed. It still is a security risk.

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  • hamishmb
    Wait a minute, I thought HTML 5 file system access was a security risk?

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  • Setif
    They have also reintroduced Qt-Speech
    Qt 6.4 reintroduces the Qt TextToSpeech module from Qt 5.​ This module wasn't present in Qt 6.3. It now uses the CMake build system and works with Qt 6.

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  • Qt 6.4 Release Candidate Arrives With Added Modules For 3D Physics, HTTP Server

    Phoronix: Qt 6.4 Release Candidate Arrives With Added Modules For 3D Physics, HTTP Server

    Qt 6.4 is continuing to run on-schedule and out today is the release candidate ahead of the stable release expected around the end of the month...

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