Originally posted by h0tc0d3
Well, dictators are hungry of territories, and it is normal we should react with force against somebody as primitive as Putin who respects force and force only. Without reaction it could go further and attack somebody else too,
Currently you're fan of very bad people. You Russians must realize that. Your authorities try to steal not only foreign territories - they steal you and your people. Unless you're rich oligarch or one of those who benefits from this sick system, you become "useful idiot" as Soviet called it by supporting them. The problem is you don't realize that you've got manipulated, such attitude makes your country poor and it's against your interest and interest of citizens. Noone can demonstrate against your dictator, noone can spread information about what really happens in Ukraine or go to prison for max 15 yrs. this is cult of brutal force against productive work. They try to stimulate your greed for territories, and that's just sick. That's what comminists wanted to do: to steal people and redistribute it, but at some point there was nothing to steal and noone produced anything with quality and it became a economical problem. You had drunk president Boris Yeltsin, you have formel KGB agent as a "president". It wasn't good examples, but that may change in the future. You Russians must force these thiefs and war criminals to resign from office. It is your country! Don't support people who make you poor and create chaos in your mind.