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FreeBSD Adopts A New Code of Conduct Based On The LLVM CoC

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  • paupav
    Originally posted by geearf View Post
    Isn't gender a social concept and not a biological one? (meaning that the number of genders would be unrelated to genetics)

    A quick search gave me this:

    I definitely can understand that, Sub-zero was probably my favorite character.
    We I'm not talking of course in this case about rocks, tables nor words that have no gender nor any words for that matter. We are here talking about genders when relating to individuals in open source community's communication and there are 2 genders you can chose from. Either be male or female and don't force people to accept your views of the world and to remember 5235235 pronouns for all the genders you make up.
    We all know what happens when you start forcing people to accept your belief system or your religion.

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  • CochainComplex
    Originally posted by aht0 View Post

    I must say I hate and get violent with folks who state that they like 25+C and summer, since I am sub-zero kind of guy.
    that might escalate rather quickly. "Oh you like Russian Summer I guess?...hello comrade"

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  • CochainComplex
    Originally posted by skeevy420 View Post

    This is where I have to point out that weather is a crappy discussion as well. Ever had a Celsius versus Fahrenheit argument?
    No I'm not living in the US or Liberia. Therefore Fahrenheit is never mentioned in any discussion.

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  • geearf
    Originally posted by paupav
    Since nobody can deny that there are actually genetically 2 genders
    Isn't gender a social concept and not a biological one? (meaning that the number of genders would be unrelated to genetics)

    A quick search gave me this:
    In English, the four genders of noun are masculine, feminine, common, and neuter
    • Masculine nouns refer to words for a male figure or male member of a species (i.e. man, boy, actor, horse, etc.)
    • Feminine nouns refer to female figures or female members of a species (i.e. woman, girl, actress, mare, etc.)
    • Common nouns refer to members of a species and don't specify the gender (i.e. parent, friend, client, student, etc.)
    • Neuter nouns refer to things that have no gender (i.e. rock, table, pencil, etc.)
    Originally posted by aht0 View Post

    I must say I hate and get violent with folks who state that they like 25+C and summer, since I am sub-zero kind of guy.
    I definitely can understand that, Sub-zero was probably my favorite character.

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  • skeevy420
    Originally posted by aht0 View Post

    I must say I hate and get violent with folks who state that they like 25+C and summer, since I am sub-zero kind of guy.
    This is where I have to point out that weather is a crappy discussion as well. Ever had a Celsius versus Fahrenheit argument?

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  • skeevy420
    Originally posted by CochainComplex View Post

    Why Sports? - The classical how to involve in small talk compend states in general : avoid religion, race, politics, sex, finance ...but rather mention weather, sports e.g.....
    Coworker 1: Did anyone see the Cowboys game last night?

    Coworker 2: Fuck the Cowboys. We watch the Steelers.

    Coworker 3: You guys are both out of it. The Cardinals are the best.

    Coworkers 1 and 2 then killed Coworker 3. They got sentenced to 12 years in a medium security prison where the guards forced them to watch NASCAR. They committed suicide last Thursday.

    And that's why we don't discuss sports.

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  • aht0
    Originally posted by geearf View Post

    I guess sport is another topic people might get violent about (their team winning/losing). I rarely see people getting too crazy about the weather though.
    I must say I hate and get violent with folks who state that they like 25+C and summer, since I am sub-zero kind of guy.

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  • paupav
    Originally posted by vladimir86 View Post

    I don't think that people in general needs to be reminded of anything: Luckily most human being naturally and across the world have roughly similar non written rules about doing what this new list does (same as killing other huumans tends to be considered a bad thing universally, even for opposite cultures).

    I never paid much attention to codes of conduct and such, but I assume it is just a rough guideline about how to act in forums, etc, similar to a formatting code for a source code file... I don't know, probably someone else knows more.

    In the end of the day, is not going to do anything to change the look and feel for the OS like the old code didn't.
    You had to use pronouns such as xir, xis, ve, ze etc. remember them and If person got mad your patches could be refused from what I understand.

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  • vladimir86
    Originally posted by CochainComplex View Post
    Besides this should be considered as social standards. It is sad that some people have to be reminded of them.

    Somehow: I dont get the no simulated hugs one...I personally dislike getting hugs (real) by non-close-friend/family individuals. But how is a virtual hug harmful in any way? Or does it imply that the hug sender might get fantasies about touching someone in unappropriate way and this is considered as sexual harassment?
    I don't think that people in general needs to be reminded of anything: Luckily most human being naturally and across the world have roughly similar non written rules about doing what this new list does (same as killing other huumans tends to be considered a bad thing universally, even for opposite cultures).

    I never paid much attention to codes of conduct and such, but I assume it is just a rough guideline about how to act in forums, etc, similar to a formatting code for a source code file... I don't know, probably someone else knows more.

    In the end of the day, is not going to do anything to change the look and feel for the OS like the old code didn't.

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  • vladimir86
    Originally posted by scratchi View Post
    You can install Steam on Freebsd now! Just found this yesterday and been testing it for a bit: Source games work, but VAC servers crash the game. Left 4 Dead 2 single player is fine and you can join non-VAC server in TF2. Some unity games work, but I don't have sound...could be just my machine. Check this out, it's crazy!

    The port and package are games/linux-steam-utils

    Steam launcher for FreeBSD. Contribute to shkhln/linuxulator-steam-utils development by creating an account on GitHub.

    Lots of good info in this forum thread too:

    P.S. I had to install webfonts for text to be legible on login
    I don't know what that has to do with the original article, but you made my day anyway!

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