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R.I.P. Steve Jobs

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  • #71
    Originally posted by Hephasteus View Post
    Ok so If I come to your house and beat you senseless and toture you then your family and people who care about you are not allowed to rejoice over my death. You said it first. Or was that statement just hipocracy?
    So you are saying that Steve Jobs came over to your house and beat you senseless and tortured you and your family?


    • #72
      Originally posted by Hephasteus View Post
      Ok so If I come to your house and beat you senseless and toture you then your family and people who care about you are not allowed to rejoice over my death. You said it first. Or was that statement just hipocracy?
      A better analogy might be "if I come over to your house and argue with you about licensing in front of your family..."
      Test signature


      • #73
        Originally posted by bridgman View Post
        A better analogy might be "if I come over to your house and argue with you about licensing in front of your family..."
        Exactly, one has to keep things in perspective.


        • #74
          Could some of the general negativity towards Steve Jobs simply be miss directed hatred of apple fan boys? A bit like insulting Jesus cos you hate Christians.


          • #75
            Originally posted by Nevertime View Post
            Could some of the general negativity towards Steve Jobs simply be miss directed hatred of apple fan boys? A bit like insulting Jesus cos you hate Christians.
            Yes a lot of it is that. It's just like asking a Boston resident about the Yankees.


            • #76
              Originally posted by Qaridarium
              this only sound funny if you talk only for 1 person but what if steve jobs buy million of people for brainwash your family and they never ever let you do anything else you walk on the street there is a apple ad you watch tv there is a apple ad you surfing into the internet there is a apple ad you try to read a book but every second page there is a apple ad and there is also a apple ad on your toiled paper and every 10 minute another apple dude knocks on your door just because he want argue with you about licensing software.

              your argumentation is only funny if its only 1 bad evil guy named Steve jobs but it isn't funny anymore if this guy spend all his money in other people to do the same to force you into slavery.
              Again you are losing touch with reality Q, same could be said about anyone or anything "what if"'s are not reality. If advertising was "evil" then you would also have to include companies that generate revenue off of advertising, hello Google. Also MS/Yahoo/Ebay all spend more money on advertising which are not even close to the advertising done by the likes of Coca Cola, AT&T, several beer outfits, etc.


              • #77
                Originally posted by XorEaxEax View Post
                Bullshit much?
                Not at all:

                In the early 1980s, two Cambridge firms rose up and began offering the AI Lab hackers serious money. The first, Symbolics, was started by a former AI Lab administrator named Russell Noftsker. The other was Lisp Machine Inc. (LMI), founded by a hacker god named Richard Greenblatt. MIT struck a deal with both companies allowing them use of a programming language that the AI Lab had developed. But Symbolics eventually demanded that MIT not share its improvements to the code with LMI, and the university capitulated. Outraged by what he saw as a predatory move, Stallman clipped off Symbolics' communications link to the lab, then reportedly threatened to wrap himself in dynamite and walk into the company's offices (Stallman calls this absolutely untrue).

                The man didn't want people making money from their code then, he doesn't want it now. You can spin it however you want.


                • #78
                  Originally posted by deanjo View Post
                  So you are saying that Steve Jobs came over to your house and beat you senseless and tortured you and your family?
                  NO but their involvement in Foxconn which is pretty much a mob operation that they fell into bed with when they fell into bed with intel gives ohhh a couple million people the RIGHT to completely hate Steve Jobs. Just like the foxconn employees in mexico had the right to burn down their plant. Oh sure they tried to punish them for it but they still had a greater wider permission. And as for china all the dork buddhist priests who kept saying it was a sin for chinese employees to commit suicide. They can have all the hatred they need too. I was simply stating that when people come to the defense of iconic facade figures with such nonsense as NOBODY deserves hatred it's simply hipocracy.

                  I think foxconn employees can relate to this.
                  Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                  • #79
                    Originally posted by bridgman View Post
                    A better analogy might be "if I come over to your house and argue with you about licensing in front of your family..."
                    You're missing the bigger picture. The computer industry has always and I MEAN always been involved in law making from the first end user license agreement. The problem with the computer industry is it works off non real products. It is involved in "cloning" from a technical perspective of it's product creation. Licensing is not about protecting yourself or your employees or your work. It's about making the rules and it pulls in a "need" to enforce the rules. This is why ever corporation that has any involvement in social things is deeply involved in law enforcement. And these things are not financed by the people. They are financed by counterfeit money. Anything that has hyperbolic growth is ponzi and underwritten by corrupted government. Look at AOL. It vomitted all over everyones living room in 2000. It is fraud and was fraud from the start. Yet it's back with a vengeance and you can't hardly go anywhere on the web without running into facebook who wants to ianna multicast all it's crap through yahoo (akamai ponzi fraud company), AOL transit data (ponzi fraud company), and then there's google who does insane crap for other companies but hides it's face from everything it does. The industrial revolution was about making 5000 horsepower engines to move around guns the size of volkswagens and the IT revolution is about making people pay the electric bill of every lying freakfaced sociopathic "governer" on the planet. How many websites disallow any discussion of politics yet center their operation around games or computers or some kind of corporate enterprise that has lobyists and law makers and law enforcers and politics. The "cloning" ideology behind computers is to "program" people and turn them into clones and parrots and mimickers and ego extensions of the people who make rules play games enforce rules change rules to suit the situation and ignore their own behavior while focusing entirely on what is going on "outside".
                    All you have to do is play a modern game. Most of them are psychotic. With psychotic rulesets. Sure people hack and mod those away because if they didn't allow people to. The revolt against the psychotic "rules" of games would be harsh in the extreme. All you have to do is listen to someone "speak" the code words. Over powered cheat character. Then all you have to say is.... It rubs the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again.

                    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                    Apple is High Frequency Traded by 40 hedge funds. It operates off of cruelty and ponzi and Initial Public Offering money which is backed by the FED which simply means it's taxpayer and government force funded. Just because Steve Jobs as a single person and doesn't entirely embody all the characteristics of the group of people he cooperates with in a consipiracy against humanity, doesn't mean he's still not a part of the bigger gang of crazy assed fuckers. They are known as sociopaths and their goal is to create "willing victims". To use and abuse under a "police" state that doesn't degenerate into a "war" state. It's all game theory to them. Right and wrong, good and bad, mean nothing. And trying to get people to operate as a higher self simply allows them to operate out of their lower self. As long as you're setting the bar. They are sliming underneath it pretending they are the bar you set. People know each other through their energy and what they share in their energy. These people are energy aggregators. They take other peoples energy and wear it like a little Kookie mask. Or a human skin dress. Steve Jobs is buffalo bill. Nothing more nothing less. End of story. You can't now him any more than you can know something is cyanide wrapped in a sugar pill. Or one of the ingredients in that pie you are eating is a POISON. Or that you've been eating cesium 137 tainted food for months since fukishima blew.
                    Last edited by Hephasteus; 14 October 2011, 12:56 AM.


                    • #80
                      Originally posted by Nevertime View Post
                      Could some of the general negativity towards Steve Jobs simply be miss directed hatred of apple fan boys? A bit like insulting Jesus cos you hate Christians.
                      Well, to be fair, Jesus was no saint either

