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R.I.P. Steve Jobs

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  • gbudny
    Linus Torvalds: "Steve Jobs Was Exceptional CEO" -

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

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    Originally posted by AnonymousCoward View Post
    Dude, he just volunteered to moderate out the spam here. You should be thankful for that instead of trying to silence him.
    So what? I volunteer moderation on a bi-daily basis on /., where mod-points seems to come flying at me out of nowhere (15 on avarage).

    Guess what I'm not (and cannot be) doing while moderating a story?

    I HATE this Apple fanboyism. Not because Apple is succesful, but because it's (at least in my mind) absolutely ungrounded stupidity and followism.

    PS: Maybe it's a personal problem of mine that I want to correct every single thing and this is just really pointless maybe, by I can't stand it.

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  • AnonymousCoward
    Originally posted by V!NCENT View Post
    Moderation is lessening extremes. Apple is a little extremely out of place on a FLOSS website, and just a company. Given how much extreme attention Steve Job's death gets, and Ritchie doesn't, it's only moderate in nature people combat the attention of a CEO.

    Now, how does one objectively "fathom", when one is engaged in the very thing one needs to judge? Earth to you; you can't.
    Dude, he just volunteered to moderate out the spam here. You should be thankful for that instead of trying to silence him.

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    Originally posted by deanjo View Post
    Well that is simply not the case, many models are manufactured in China and Mexico at the Foxconn factories for nokia (and other countries as well) for countries that are not local. Also the "Made to" moniker refers to where the product was assembled, not to where all the sub components were manufactured.
    Nokia doesn't manufacture components. Nokia buys them from Samsung, Toshiba and Texas Instruments. Therefore, Nokia has nothing to do with them.

    Absolutely I can. I can even fathom it, but I can't "fanthom" it.
    Phantom. My bad. Jesus.

    Fathom means measure, phantom means ghost, or to mentally image something.

    Apparently it is you that has a hard time understanding what moderation is and what bias is.
    Moderation is lessening extremes. Apple is a little extremely out of place on a FLOSS website, and just a company. Given how much extreme attention Steve Job's death gets, and Ritchie doesn't, it's only moderate in nature people combat the attention of a CEO.

    Now, how does one objectively "fathom", when one is engaged in the very thing one needs to judge? Earth to you; you can't.

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  • liam
    Originally posted by urfe View Post
    How exactly is Steve Jobs 'greedy and evil', when the man drove a 2008 car and owned a 1960 motorcycle, his wife has several charitable organisations, he donated moeney to fight AIDS in Africa and tore down his house to build a smaller one with only 5 bedrooms and a three-car garage? And stop comparing him to Bill Gates or his actions, he's not even in the Top 100 wealthiest men. But, hey, if he keeps shares in the industries he helped create or shaped (Pixar-Disney, Apple) he's a demon! And if I highlight this, then decency goes out the window - because Free Software and GPL... well, something.
    This is something that always amazed me. Jobs runs the most profitable software company in the world and yet he's not one of the wealthiest guys in the world. Compare him to a real d-bag like Zuckerberg and Jobs really does come off quite well.

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  • XorEaxEax
    Originally posted by yogi_berra View Post
    For someone that doesn't subscribe to Stallman's view you spend a lot of time defending that view and engaging in character attacks against people that question it or mock it. Could it be that you are the one obsessed with the man?
    YOU are the instigator, I merely call you on your bullshit. Please point out where I defended Stallman's view on proprietary software (which is what I mainly disagree with him on).

    Originally posted by yogi_berra View Post
    Yes, your trolling is pretty weak.
    You need to look up the meaning of trolling, a good starting point would be a series of posts on Phoronix made by user yogi_berra.

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  • deanjo
    Originally posted by Qaridarium
    this is just my experience be an pirate or an Open Source freak or you are lost if you are poor.
    Back in the days of the Performa however Q, there was a heck of a lot out there in linux land for OS or piracy. Linux was pretty minimal in those days.

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  • deanjo
    Originally posted by V!NCENT View Post
    No shit, Sherlock, but only as close to the geographical supply chain as possible. That means no China to Europe. And if something from China ends up in Europe; it's not Nokia endorsed and will be rejected for warranty.
    Well that is simply not the case, many models are manufactured in China and Mexico at the Foxconn factories for nokia (and other countries as well) for countries that are not local. Also the "Made to" moniker refers to where the product was assembled, not to where all the sub components were manufactured.

    I'll refrase that, for you autism:
    Can you fanthom made locally?
    Absolutely I can. I can even fathom it, but I can't "fanthom" it.
    You are a moderator, engaging in something you're suppose to moderate and therefore biased. Is this realy so hard to understand?
    Apparently it is you that has a hard time understanding what moderation is and what bias is.

    chair, judge, make peace, negotiate, preside, referee, take the chair, umpire

    Bias is an inclination to present or hold a partial perspective at the expense of (possibly equally valid) alternatives

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    Originally posted by deanjo View Post
    Again wrong, the those products made in China are shipped internationally, they are not only for China.
    No shit, Sherlock, but only as close to the geographical supply chain as possible. That means no China to Europe. And if something from China ends up in Europe; it's not Nokia endorsed and will be rejected for warranty.

    I can spell locally, apparently you can't.
    I'll refrase that, for your autism:
    Can you phantom made locally?

    I am correcting false statements with facts. That's not bias. That is setting the record straight.
    You are a moderator, engaging in something you're suppose to moderate and therefore biased. Is this realy so hard to understand?
    Last edited by V!NCENT; 15 October 2011, 01:44 PM.

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  • deanjo
    Originally posted by Qaridarium
    no it is not a excuse. They had their chance in my family and linux do not have big market share to but we are happy with linux we do have 5 and more linux computers.
    Do you really think you would have had a much better experience with linux in that era? By your criteria it sounds like a Windows PC was the best option for you or even an Amiga.

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