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GNOME Foundation Names A New Executive Director

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  • #71
    I see it. The Day of GNOMish ................... Melissa and Bill Foundation doing something that no one care about


    • #72
      Originally posted by user1 View Post
      Let's just hope through the power of healing, all the flaws of Gnome will be fixed and it will become the ultimate Linux desktop environment But in all seriousness, I just wanted to point out how insanely stupid that statement is. As if KDE or other DE's don't have their own flaws.
      KDE will be perfect and gain shamanic powers! ​ ​ ​ ​
      Attached Files


      • #73
        Originally posted by furtadopires View Post

        "Do you have any experience with Gnome?"

        "Oh yeah, I've see a lot of them during my healing sessions"

        "You're hired."
        Hahahaha! I laughed so hard for this!

        I really can't stand chiropractors, feng sway, psychics, and other snake oil practices. Holly Million is one of these professional con artists by trade. Depending on how hard she lies to herself she might not be aware of this. This is obviously very high risk. Best case scenario is that she has a token position and doesn't work full-time for Gnome. Just ad-hoc NPO admin which see has experience with but that doesn't make sense to appoint an executive director just because of that. There's tons of people who can do that.

        The "Fedora 32 System-Wide Change proposal: x86-64 micro-architecture update" proposal was funny but I can still comprehend it. I might have blown it out of proportion in the past. However it does follow a similar situation I have seen over the past decade...

        Many new people in the software industry are getting fooled by people who are good at marketing. They quickly jump on projects, are very excited and brings a vibe that sits well with managers or board-members. They have all the new-normal buzzwords "essential business, do your own research, toxic behavior, agile, hard stop, utilize, touch base". They are so obsessed with doing something "disruptive" or "impactful" that they do not consider the repercussions at all. They come in with an innocent "doesn't everyone have a say in this" approach and then later try to take over projects and fight really hard to do things their way enforcing the exact same things they originally objected to. Going further injecting frameworks, preprocessors, linting an entire project, making promises to the owners that things will be "so much better" now that we are using X which is so much better than Y. Sometimes it just takes weeks other times it takes months but they run out of steam sooner or later. This sales ideology doesn't sit well with complex technical problems which requires discipline, humility, and time. In my networks business owners are finally beginning to understand this albeit after getting burned multiple times.

        I would be really embarrassed if I appointed a psychic with zero technical experience as an executive director of a major desktop environment. Yikes.


        • #74
          Just like happened to woke Mozilla, this excellent choice will accelerate the disintegration of gnome. The faster, the better.


          • #75
            Originally posted by Hans Bull View Post
            Just like happened to woke Mozilla, this excellent choice will accelerate the disintegration of gnome. The faster, the better.
            Good said!

            Gnome is facing serious challenges due to its poor management, which involves controversial figures such as Holly Million. They also have a sectarian organizational behavior with the dominant influence of Red Hat, which has been criticized for its toxic culture.

            The term "woke" is not only meaningless but also insulting, and I can express it better. Mozilla's problems are much more complex than the simplistic alt-right terminology of "woke". Some of the issues that Mozilla has to deal with are:

            - The decline of Firefox's market share and the difficulty of competing with Google Chrome.
            - The dependence on Google for most of its revenue and the potential conflict of interest that arises from it.
            - The backlash from some users and developers over some of its decisions, such as the integration of Pocket, the removal of XUL, and the deprecation of FTP.
            - The internal restructuring and layoffs that have affected its workforce and projects.

            From the ruins of Gnome, better desktop environments will emerge and Gtk will develop properly. There will be more customization options, a better graphical toolkit and more cross-platform compatibility.


            • #76
              Originally posted by Jabberwocky View Post

              I really can't stand chiropractors
              Maybe chiro's in the US are dodgy. I've experienced their craft (art...wait for it) before; there was a lot of hand waving, finger clicking and 'realignment'. And follow-up calls as to why I wasn't returning. His entire approach was "I've beenb trained in the US". I couldn't think of a worse claim to medical validity than that, not to mention the US doesn't have a great system...and it's soaking in to all levels of health care here, which is failing rapidly.

              My REAL chiro popped my neck back in to place snd within two week's of three sessions a week (VERY not normal in the chiro world....once in six months) and I was back on the road to recovery, and no desire to throw myself off the 4th floor balcony (too low anyway, especially as I'm half that height!). Followed with proper physio.

              As for Feng Shui, it's a lot like math's based 'art' like rule of thirds. Less is more, placed in the correct places, and you actually feel better standing in a room. Nothing mystical, but hard t to explain to most. A lot of houses do this now, based on the feng shui re-movement of the 80's and 90's. It's pretty much been subsumed in to basic designer theory now as far as I know.

              So yes, you're right to a degree, but there's genuine skills involved with both. It's a shame there's a lot fo ppeople whom rather than get skilled in their craft, are just skilled snake-oilers.


              • #77
                Originally posted by Nth_man View Post
                I didn't say "diversity = bad". What is bad is not hiring people because of their race and age.
                I'm not sure how people aren't familiar with the idea of someone lying to save face. We know that others people who had been in the field for awhile were trying to convince him against making vehicles that were that unsafe. Nobody with experience wanted to work with him and he didn't want to work with them.


                • #78
                  Originally posted by JanC View Post
                  Both ‘race’ & ‘caste’ are examples of non-scientific terms that describe something that doesn’t exist; they were just invented by people who wanted to discriminate. Because of that, many people find it offensive to somehow put them in a list of things that are very real, or at least wanted by the person, as it sort of acknowledges their existence, and thus the “theories” behind them.
                  That's clearly bullshit. Yes, race and caste aren't scientifically a thing but that doesn't mean racism and classism don't exist. Nobody honest person is reading something that says "You won't be judged by your race or caste" and going "That's gross that you said those words.".


                  • #79
                    Originally posted by Myownfriend View Post

                    Yea, no shit hiring 20-something white guys isn't diverse and we don't know if he did this because there's no pictures that I can find of their employees. But that's my point, he's about the aesthetics of progress just like a lot of CEOs are. That doesn't mean that diversity is bad and it doesn't mean that a 60 year old white guy saying that his field has a lot of 50 year old white, is a racist statement.
                    There was a picture on their Twitter before it was cleared out. IIRC there were several old white guys, and while the rest weren't just young white guys, it wasn't anything like his claims. I thought the consensus was that it was an excuse for not hiring experienced submariners and engineers, anyway.


                    • #80
                      ​> There was a picture on their Twitter before it was cleared out. IIRC
                      > there were several old white guys, and while the rest weren't just
                      > young white guys, it wasn't anything like his claims.



