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Linux Kernel Networking Driver Development Impacted By Russian Sanctions

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  • Originally posted by Anux View Post
    Yugoslavia was a NATO war. Not even NATO itself is denying this.
    No its not, NATO considers it a humanitarian mission because ethnic genocide was happening there. NATO never had any intention of actually physically invading the country or taking over the country (which is what the aim of a war is). Once Milosovic was tried the entire thing ended.

    Was the whole event outside of the scope of NATO? Yes. Was the cause justified? In my view yes (again ethnic genocide) although it shouldn't have been done by NATO because its not a peacekeeping force but rather a defensive pact.

    Was it a war?

    Definitely not.
    Last edited by mdedetrich; 18 March 2023, 03:20 AM.


    • Originally posted by Anux View Post
      Yugoslavia was a NATO war. Not even NATO itself is denying this.
      All ex-yugoslavs except serbs wish NATO would intervene much sooner, instead of 4 years after genocide and 8 years of serbian agression to other yugoslavs.


      • Originally posted by tuxd3v View Post
        I am also not a lawyer, and for sure not a International one.
        But I do tend to agree with International law, as a way to solve conflicts in the world.
        If you ask me if UN International Court of Justice, ruled well, I will say to you that no, I don't agree with it.
        I agree that needs to exist a form to protect people, but the way the UN International Court of Justice, put it, no I don't agree!
        Remember that was the way Kosovo become an independent state...Kosovo belongs to Serbia technically.
        However its the law and its for everybody.

        It will depends.. some Ukrainians will agree of course, specially the ones being hunted/killed, the Ukrainians Hunting/killing them(the butchers), of course those don't agree.
        Remember that the conflict is one part of Ukrainians trying to exterminate the other part of Ukrainians.

        Yes International Law was created to protect those being oppressed.
        There are one part of Ukraine, that don't want any more to be in the same country..
        And its understandable why!
        Would you live in the same place where there are someone trying to kill you?
        No, of course not!
        That is why they declared themselves independent from Ukraine.And by International Law they have all the rights to do so.

        However Russia didn't acknowledged their plea, and let them to die for 9 years, only after Russia discovered that the new NATO army, that Ukraine was assembling(350k), was to be used against the other Ukrainians civilians(In March 2022), only then, Russia recognized them as independents countries.

        But there are a problem do you make Ukraine military to stop of killing Ukrainian civilians in those regions??
        Here is the problem International Law didn't solve,...its the only flaw of International Law...they don't define, how the self-determination can be enforced.
        I understand that self-determination can only be enforced by military means..and I believe that is why International Law doesn't state, how to enforce self-determination..

        So those new countries did treaties with Russia, asking for Military help, and Russia, this time, decided to help.
        They sent its military to protect the people of donbass, later on this process, those republics, of Lugansk, and Donetsk, asked Russia that they wanted to be part of Russia...
        And we understand why...they where being exterminated by the other Ukrainians, of course they are in complete terror, they need protection.

        Russia made referendums there, where people have voted, and the people decided to join the Russian Federation!
        So the process was legal, and according to International Law, it had international observers too, like international Law states.

        This is the chain of events that I remember, and its a complete normal process for parts of a country that split themselves from the rest.

        Now about your comment...there are nothing hostile here, its International Law working.
        What the International Law states is that everybody has the right to self-determination, if the situation occurs that someone is blocking those rights, then a Autonomous Region needs to be created for that people..inside the same country.
        By that they mean, local government, police, a local other words its like a country, but with a difference, that this Autonomous Regions needs to be inside the Country of Origin.

        If the killings continue to occur, them of course, you need to create separated countries for that people to live in peace.

        Now Russia,France,Germany,Ukraine did the Minsk agreements, where International Law was applied, so it was supposed to have 2 Autonomous regions, inside Ukraine, this was in 2015.The documentation was signed and delivered to the UN.
        So Ukraine still had the chance to have donbass as part of the country, but their hate ruined everything, they continued to kill the populations of Donbass, and worst, they assembled a new army with help from NATO to completely destroy them..this lead to the Russian intervention in Ukraine.

        So Ukraine can only blame themselves for the caos,destruction,deads, and finally for loosing donbass.
        The decision of the UN International Court of Justice on Kosovo, gives the final verdict.
        " exercising the right to self-determination, the territory of a state is not obliged to apply for permission to declare its sovereignty to the country’s central authorities."

        I personally don't agree with parts of it, I agree with the Autonomous Regions part of the Law, I agree that something needs to be made, to protect that people, but I think they have created a situation where now some regions of any country can get out more easily, without being that I mean some region that lie, and say they are being oppressed...Taiwan?

        For what I understand, Russians acted accordingly with International Law.
        Now if donbass can't be truly independent,.. then Kosovo can't too, and so will be part of Serbia.
        To be clear of course noone should break international law at all.

        I just don't trust these Russian authorities who you cite everywhere who care only on themselves exploiting rest of its people, who still run FSB which murders their own citizens inside and outside of the country, who makes feel to its citizens that elections don't matter (was that really creditable referendum? i don't think so!), who repress people who want political change as a treat for interest of themselves, who run penal colonies in 2023 and proceeded and passed the law of 15 years of penal colony for claiming Russia is at war.

        It makes me highly doubtful about what they say and that their comparisons are creditable at all. When sth is not creditable there must be evidence instead of claims from machinery of propaganda highly specialized in misinformation.

        Last edited by ququk; 18 March 2023, 05:56 AM.


        • Originally posted by mdedetrich View Post
          No its not, NATO considers it a humanitarian mission because ethnic genocide was happening there.
          Then Russia's war is also just a humanitarian mission to save the donbas from the nazis. How blinded has one to be to declare the bombing of innocent people a humanitarian mission? Really? That's just stupid propaganda.
          At the very least it shows that NATO is not a defense pact (anymore).

          NATO never had any intention of actually physically invading the country or taking over the country (which is what the aim of a war is).
          No it's not, where do you guys get this definition on war? Are you this indoctrinated already? 10 seconds on wikipedia proofs you wrong:
          > War is an intense armed conflict[a] between states, governments, societies, or paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents, and militias. It is generally characterized by extreme violence, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces.

          That's really low to criticize russia for calling it a special operation and then defending the other wars as being a humanitarian mission. And twisting the definition of war with lies. How has human kind sunken this low?


          • Originally posted by LightBit View Post
            All ex-yugoslavs except serbs wish NATO would intervene much sooner, instead of 4 years after genocide and 8 years of serbian agression to other yugoslavs.
            Yeah especially those that lost their friends and family under the rain of NATO bombs, I'm sure. They are probably killing a family member every once in a while just to get this good feeling back.​


            • Originally posted by Anux View Post

              Yeah especially those that lost their friends and family under the rain of NATO bombs, I'm sure. They are probably killing a family member every once in a while just to get this good feeling back.​
              That's like Germans complaining about their friends and family that died in WW2 completely ignoring what Hitler was doing. You should blame Slovodan Milosovic for doing ethnic genocide, not for NATO ending it.

              I don't know what it is with Slavic Balkan/Eastern countries victimizing themselves and blaming everyone else rather than accepting they did a terrible thing in history. Do you see Germans complaining about Russia/France or Japan complaining about USA because of WW2? (Japan had a freaking atomic bomb dropped on it, if anyone should be complaining it should be them, what NATO did in Serbia was in perspective nothing).

              Stop being salty, grown up and move on, like the Germans and Japanese did.
              Last edited by mdedetrich; 18 March 2023, 07:13 AM.


              • Originally posted by Weasel View Post
                That's history. And no, the US did not genocide them, it was the British, because the US was a British colony in the first place, until the independence. And of course the British did have an empire and colonies.

                I'm talking the present here. I don't fucking hate the Japanese just because of what happened in WW2 and that's much closer to the present than your ancient history. I don't care about the past, else we'd have never ending grudges.
                I know that most of you were originally Europeans, but as a descendant of war traffickers and actual beneficiaries of war crimes, do you want to blame those Europeans who have never even set foot on this land in turn?

                "My ancestors killed almost all the Native Americans and established the United States, but let's give the title of war crimes to those Europeans who didn't want to kill the Native Americans back then."

                That's ridiculous!​


                • Originally posted by Anux View Post
                  Yeah especially those that lost their friends and family under the rain of NATO bombs, I'm sure. They are probably killing a family member every once in a while just to get this good feeling back.​
                  Purpose of NATO intervention was to stop war which was killing family members and friends. Unfortunatly there are always innocent casualties. Wars should never be started. NATO ended it the best way they could.


                  • Originally posted by Anux View Post
                    But, but, at least Huawei was spying and not blocked out of economic interests? Because else it looks like this is Americas way of dealing with competition in a free market ...
                    Huawei was also blocked, they even illegally arrested its CEO in Canada.
                    Any company that is competitive, the US blocks it, T-Platforms is just an example.
                    There are no free market now!
                    We had maybe 10 years of free market, and now we return to dictatorship..because the US can't compete with some companies.

                    But its not only the US...EU is starting to play the same book.
                    Look, Russia solved its problems from the 90s, they are now producing good air plains, good engines for them, good helicopters, cars, trucks, commercial chips, etc

                    Do you see the problem?
                    The US has its chip industries to protect, and boeing..
                    EU has car industries to protect and airbus..

                    So Russia clearly starts to frighten some industries of EU and US.
                    The Russians where the first to build a Wing for their aircraft, of composite materials, and they are so good that the wing as an aspect ratio of marvellous 12.5...
                    EU and US can only produce them with ratios of 10-10.5...a wing like that will make your air plain have less drag, support more cargo, and consume less fuel...that is a danger for EU and US..

                    What US did?
                    They blocked the composite materials, for the Russians, they blocked all the Electronics for the cockpit too.
                    France blocked the engines, the US too.

                    So Russia, developed their own composite materials, and continue to build those Wings
                    Russia developed also engines of last generation, pd14 was developed in 2014 I think, they are now accelerating the development of pd8, and pd35.

                    What will happen next?
                    It didn't happen yet, but we already know...US and EU will block those air plains from landing in their territories!!
                    So Russia will have its market share hindered...they will be able to sell them only to countries that don't fly those plains to EU/US...

                    Russia has a brand of Luxurious cars Aurus, that uses electronic components from EU, what do you think happened?
                    Yes they are being blocked!
                    Why?Because they saw the level of Quality Russians put in those cars, and that frighten them!

                    Just Imagine those cars competing the global market, with the likes of Mercedes,BMW,Bently,etc..cant you see the problem?

                    Don't you see the problems China is facing?
                    China Comac is also under big problems,because they use electronics, flight control systems, engines for EU/US..those air plains will only be able to fly in Asia/Africa, and south America..definitely not in US/EU..
                    The short conclusion is that, the free market that we saw from 2000 to gone!


                    • nope.
                      Last edited by tuxd3v; 31 July 2023, 11:03 AM.

