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The Problems Debian Is Facing In 2020

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  • #71
    Originally posted by birdie View Post
    Debian, Black Lives Matter.

    SJW has triumphed. This SJ crap has infiltrated even the minds of previously sane people. What a sad day.

    Speaking of real Debian problems:

    What about a horrible bug tracker which is nothing more than a gloried mailing list?
    What about stale/outdated packages (I know the policy but Debian has literally thousands of packages with minor updates missing)?
    What about patches which take forever to be incorporated?

    A BLV statement. Is this a joke?
    I agree completely.

    Who in the heck has brought such a dumb decision to the table?!
    Why is "lack of diversity" a problem?! Why can't they focus on the **real** problems first, like the lack of stability and attractiveness?

    Honestly you should make this a petition (considering you have almost 50 likes), because it is beginning to ruin once-great projects.

    Can we go back to work?


    • #72
      Originally posted by Volta View Post

      Your skull is the thickest one BLM no brainer. It's a shame for Debian to have such moron as a leader.
      You're still super mad that you lost. You can't deny that you lost. So you can say whatever you want about me, but nothing changes that you lost.


      • #73
        Originally posted by johnny View Post

        You're still super mad that you lost. You can't deny that you lost. So you can say whatever you want about me, but nothing changes that you lost.
        Is this clown serious?


        • #74
          The Problem Debian Is Facing In 2020 is maximizing stupidity.


          • #75
            Originally posted by johnny View Post

            You're still super mad that you lost. You can't deny that you lost. So you can say whatever you want about me, but nothing changes that you lost.
            The main thing I've lost is confidence toward some people (RMS) and projects (Debian). I'm using Fedora and I consider it's the best OS in existence. However, I have sentiment toward Debian, because my first Linux distribution (Knoppix) is based on it. Then I've been using Kubuntu for several years. Now I have to read some mindless crap from so called Debian 'leader' about black people (black people are fine btw. and how many black developers do you have?) or Stallman's lgbt bullshit. I've believed you people are smarter and you won't be fooled so easily by some j-s propaganda. I'll take a closer look on you, because I have a feeling you're some corporate driven spotter.
            Last edited by Volta; 05 September 2020, 09:37 AM.


            • #76
              One thing I have learned from people commenting here is that they care for little else other than the very latest packages.

              How come this is so important to people?

              Whether you have Gimp version 2.10.8 rather than 2.10.9 or vim with patch 1382 but not patch 1401 does that really affect so many peoples lives here?

              It is fairly obvious that the majority of people here also use Linux as a workstation or desktop rather than on a server and are generally interested in graphical applications so it can't be to do with security (also updating a server isn't quite the "hammer in apt-get upgrade and sod everything else" approach that it is on the desktop).

              You probably all own phones or games consoles running operating systems with ancient versions of busybox and firmware blobs and yet you seem content with them. So why are so many people not happy with their number being smaller than it could be on their paint program or libpng?

              It is puzzling. Is it a psychological compulsion?
              Last edited by kpedersen; 05 September 2020, 12:10 PM.


              • #77
                Originally posted by enrico.tagliavini View Post
                I could agree with the problems presented in Debian. Not catching up enough and not having easier on boarding also has technical consequences. I see Debian as still stuck in early 2000. The don't release often and they don't push updated packages to the current stable release. This is not good. You need recent drivers to run well on newer computers, in fact most Linux distros based on Debian don't ship the stock debian kernel, or mesa drivers (SteamOS anybody?).

                There is nothing wrong with having a super high quality and rock solid distro, they should keep this goal as it's part of the Debian brand, but if it doesn't run on my laptop because your kernel it's old... all that mighty rock solid power is if little use.

                I hope they can sort it out and improve their situation.
                What do you mean they don't? Add debian-backports, and you're fine. Yup, new kernels in there too. Debian is a STABLE (if you're running stable) distribution, much in the same way Redhat / CentOS is a stable distribution. They don't release new versions of packages once they hit a release, they just backport patches. Only on rare occasions do they full on package new versions if something severe is needed.


                • #78
                  I just figured I'd throw this out to the universe, but isn't diversity for diversity's sake inherently being bigoted? If you have 5 candidates of equal skill, but you hire the one person because of their race/gender/religion, you are a bigot. And even then that's assuming they all have the same skills. If I were presented with that issue, I'd probably have them spin a Wheel of Employment or something. "You're all great candidates. Rock, paper scissors to see who gets the job!" Only way to be fair.


                  • #79
                    We just like new and shiny. The fact that it breaks and we can then fix it makes us feel superior.

                    No but seriously, lots of people like to run the latest version of X and Y software and get "new" features. For graphics tasks (games primarily and other 3D software), having the latest stable Mesa (or sources from git if you prefer) is always welcomed, especially if you like to upgrade your hardware every couple of years (I don't personally). If you have a specific program you like to use either for recreation or work, you would also like to run the latest to get the new features and/or fixes.

                    But that's the thing. Different kinds of uses. What I described above is more for a desktop user. If you run a server or other critical applications that demand stability then you won't care to run the latest, unless it comes with an important fix or a feature you really need.


                    • #80
                      Originally posted by kpedersen View Post
                      One thing I have learned from people commenting here is that they care for little else other than the very latest packages.

                      How come this is so important to people?

                      Whether you have Gimp version 2.10.8 rather than 2.10.9 or vim with patch 1382 but not patch 1401 does that really affect so many peoples lives here?

                      It is fairly obvious that the majority of people here also use Linux as a workstation or desktop rather than on a server and are generally interested in graphical applications so it can't be to do with security (also updating a server isn't quite the "hammer in apt-get upgrade and sod everything else" approach that it is on the desktop).

                      You probably all own phones or games consoles running operating systems with ancient versions of busybox and firmware blobs and yet you seem content with them. So why are so many people not happy with their number being smaller than it could be on their paint program or libpng?

                      It is puzzling. Is it a psychological compulsion?
                      If all they want are the latest packages, they simply shouldn't be using anything outside of something like Gentoo or Arch. I mean I use Linux at all levels I can, yet I still stick with Debian Sid on my desktop. Why? Because of the MASSIVE amount of software that is pre-packaged. If a few things are a little behind, who cares? It doesn't ruin my day. They keep up on the nvidia driver, hell WineHQ has their very own Debian repos for wine-staging, etc. Debian truly is the universal operating system, if you need/want newer stuff, use Sid, just be aware it occasionally has some funky breaks, but it's usually fixed within a few days, much like Arch.

