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XDS 2008, With Input & GL Happiness Days

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  • Louise
    Originally posted by bridgman View Post
    Ohmigod. I wondered why the conference was being held at the zoo, now it all suddenly makes sense.

    Developers in Cages.

    Sounds like a bad 70's drive-in movie.
    I'd more like something Balmer would dream of =)

    With Google's Chrome browser I guess the safest place would actually be in a cage =)

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  • bridgman
    Ohmigod. I wondered why the conference was being held at the zoo, now it all suddenly makes sense.

    Developers in Cages.

    Sounds like a bad 70's drive-in movie.

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  • timofonic
    Kidnapping all Xorg devs and forcing them to work faster could be an extreme way of accelerating development

    A zoo full of developers? The term "code monkey" could have a literal meaning there

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  • phoronix
    started a topic XDS 2008, With Input & GL Happiness Days

    XDS 2008, With Input & GL Happiness Days

    Phoronix: XDS 2008, With Input & GL Happiness Days

    There's just about thirteen hours until the 2008 X Developers' Summit gets underway at the Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland. While attendance is low and the program was just getting thrown together at the last minute, it looks like everything will work out. This three day X.Org summit will kick off with the "input" day tomorrow that covers various aspects of X.Org input mechanisms...

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