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AMDGPU's xf86-video-amdgpu vs. Mode-Setting DDX Performance

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  • liam
    Why would we expect any changes in 3d performance when changing out the X driver?

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  • Michael
    Originally posted by W.Irrkopf View Post
    Hmm, as as premium user I should not be subjected to ads at all - and still the benchmarks are missing with activated ad-blocker :-(
    Just disable EasyList or whatever for Phoronix then. This isn't something I changed on my end but rather an EasyList fail as mentioned in a few other posts now.

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  • Michael
    Originally posted by Espionage724 View Post
    Can confirm this (temporarily toggling cosmetic filtering with UB shows the benchmarks). Here's an link for anyone else who can't see it:

    Is this intentional?
    As mentioned a few times, no it's not intentional, it's the faulty of EasyList that they have a too broad of a filter in an update made recently.

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  • lumks
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-radeon.conf  [/FONT][/COLOR]
    [FONT=monospace]Section "Device"[/FONT]
    [FONT=monospace]       Identifier      "Device0"[/FONT]
    [FONT=monospace]       Driver          "modesetting"[/FONT]
    [FONT=monospace]       Option          "AccelMethod"   "glamor"[/FONT]
    to enable modesetting usage...

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  • Luke
    Originally posted by smitty3268 View Post
    Yep, can confirm. Easylist, used by adblock, has a rule hiding

    Code:[style^="text-align: center;"]
    which contains all the charts. The 1st element on the page appears to be an ad, so i guess they got carried away with the rule. Perhaps it's automatic.
    Somehow this is no surprise. I remember about a year ago getting a complaint that a totally non-monetized, no ads allowed political website I am one of the admins of was being blocked in its entirety by Adblock as well as by the DC libraries and several wireless networks. A similar issue was reported by the activist-owned Riseup email server, which was several times falsely flagged by the Spamhaus project leading to blocked emails. In short, not all authors of blocklists can be trusted, and I've seen outright politicization before. Thus, all blocklists require manual editing both to remove undesired whitelists (e.g. ABP's "paying customers") and undesired blacklists. There's no really good solution to this unfortunately. Privacy Badger's behavior system, for instance, won't work on a "stateless" browser which is always run from a fresh start.

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  • smitty3268
    Originally posted by W.Irrkopf View Post
    Hmm, as as premium user I should not be subjected to ads at all - and still the benchmarks are missing with activated ad-blocker :-(
    Just tell ad-block to exclude phoronix, then and you won't get any ads and still see the charts.

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  • bridgman
    Originally posted by W.Irrkopf View Post
    Hmm, as as premium user I should not be subjected to ads at all - and still the benchmarks are missing with activated ad-blocker :-(
    Isn't that because ad-blocker is mistakenly classifying the benchmark results as ads ? Don't think it has anything to do with the site serving ads to you.

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  • smitty3268
    Yep, can confirm. Easylist, used by adblock, has a rule hiding

    Code:[style^="text-align: center;"]
    which contains all the charts. The 1st element on the page appears to be an ad, so i guess they got carried away with the rule. Perhaps it's automatic.

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  • W.Irrkopf
    Hmm, as as premium user I should not be subjected to ads at all - and still the benchmarks are missing with activated ad-blocker :-(

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by kurros View Post
    Someone in another post complained about this, I think it was their adblocker hiding the benchmarks.
    Can confirm this (temporarily toggling cosmetic filtering with UB shows the benchmarks). Here's an link for anyone else who can't see it:

    Is this intentional?

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