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Ryzen 2200G Still Not Reliable in 4.18rc2, when will it work?

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  • Ryzen 2200G Still Not Reliable in 4.18rc2, when will it work?

    There are still boot issues and stability issues with the Ryzen 3 2200G platform. My system boots less than 50% of the time, and it frequently freezes in FireFox (due to hardware acceleration). This is with a X470 motherboard and 4.18rc2.

    It seems we'll need to wait 10 weeks of more for the next merge window to open for AMD to fix these issues. Or perhaps even longer.

    Do you think they are even working on this issue over at AMD?

    Does AMD even care?

    I know these questions are impossible to answer.

    It seems like support for the chip isn't going to make it into the next few big Linux Distro releases. It's nice that AMD is fixing performance issues with amdgpu driver, but maybe the engineers should be working on more basic areas.

  • #2
    Been running a 2200G since release, and I never had trouble booting it (B350 board), but I also had my fair share of lock-ups, especially when running Chrome.
    After Suse updated the Tumbleweed kernel to 4.17.1, I have yet to see a lock-up during the week it has been installed, I hope it is finally stable.


    • #3

      Maybe the boot issues are with a combination of either X370 or X470 and the 2200G. One of the frequent messages that the kernel emits is that it can't write to the IOMMU counter, which I suppose the B350 boards don't support.

      And I guess the X470 is even more bleeding edge than the 2200G.

      That kind of sucks, If I had bought the $50 dollar B350 board as opposed to the $150 dollar X470 board, maybe the system would actually reliably boot?

      I guess I'll have to fire up a GT 1030 or better to see if that fixes the boot issues.


      • #4
        I'm in the same situation.

        ASRock AB350 ITX, latest BIOS with 2400G.

        Tried a couple of BIOS settings.

        Tried with kernel 4.16, a custom 4.16.15, 4.17.2 and 4.18 rc2 with RCU_NOCBS.

        Tried MESA 18.1.1 and 18.2

        It work perfect, performance is good.
        But I'm still having frequent boot failures and get system freeze.
        I can reproduce the freeze quite fast playing games (unity 3D, for my stress test), but I'm able to compile kernels, some workload work, some will eventually cause a freeze.
        Freeze can happen right away or I can be lucky and it take more work for it to freeze.

        I'm out of ideas.


        • #5
          Originally posted by bryanbr View Post
          There are still boot issues and stability issues with the Ryzen 3 2200G platform. My system boots less than 50% of the time, and it frequently freezes in FireFox (due to hardware acceleration). This is with a X470 motherboard and 4.18rc2.
          Just wanted to mention that we probably resolve as many (or more) issues via AGESA/SBIOS updates as through kernel & driver code. If you haven't picked up latest SBIOS from your mobo vendor it's worth checking what is available.

          Are you able to disable HW acceleration in Firefox and if so do the freezes go away ? I don't think we are tracking a Firefox issue at the moment so if there is one it would be good to know about it.
          Test signature


          • #6
            Originally posted by LasseKongo View Post
            Been running a 2200G since release, and I never had trouble booting it (B350 board), but I also had my fair share of lock-ups, especially when running Chrome.
            After Suse updated the Tumbleweed kernel to 4.17.1, I have yet to see a lock-up during the week it has been installed, I hope it is finally stable.
            Did you have to do anything special on the initial install to get things working? I have been trying to get various distros working with my 2200g + B350 and I have had no luck at all. Every so often I can get a system installed and get a good boot, but once I update the kernel and/or add AMD drivers the systrem is pretty much toast.


            • #7
              Originally posted by bridgman View Post

              Just wanted to mention that we probably resolve as many (or more) issues via AGESA/SBIOS updates as through kernel & driver code. If you haven't picked up latest SBIOS from your mobo vendor it's worth checking what is available.

              Are you able to disable HW acceleration in Firefox and if so do the freezes go away ? I don't think we are tracking a Firefox issue at the moment so if there is one it would be good to know about it.
              I'm actually running two different 470 + 2200G systems, both with the latest BIOS from the vendor's website.

              GIGABYTE X470 AORUS: the latest BIOS F4g. Release date: 5/10/2018. F4g Update AGESA
              ASRock X470 Master: running a beta BIOS, version 1.15A. Release date: 5/11/2018. Update AGESA Patch C.

              I'm running the latest AMD driver code that is provided by Mint 18.3.

              Both of these systems exhibit the same characteristics: 50% boot success, hard freeze in FireFox. I can work all day long in Android Studio and perform other database tasks, but FireFox and rebooting are both danger zones.

              What's particularly sad is I retired two AMD A10 machines that were rock solid. My guess is that all X470 boards will exhibit these same issues.

              I will disable HW acceleration in Firefox and report back.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ControlD View Post

                Did you have to do anything special on the initial install to get things working? I have been trying to get various distros working with my 2200g + B350 and I have had no luck at all. Every so often I can get a system installed and get a good boot, but once I update the kernel and/or add AMD drivers the systrem is pretty much toast.
                I installed Mint 18.3, which I believe uses a 4.13 kernel. On my Asrock 470 board, I had to go into live mode and install using that method. I think the installation froze one or two times.

                What's interesting is that a plain Mint 18.3 with 4.13 kernel gives a glmark2 score of 100, while a 4.17/4.18rc kernel with Mesa 18.2 gives a glmark score of 3600.

                The system is actually much more stable under 4.17 and 4.18 than 4.13.
                Last edited by bryanbr; 25 June 2018, 04:42 PM.


                • #9
                  The 4.17.2 kernel is this one:
                  Debian testing updated MESA to 12.1.2-1, still freezing.

                  Trying to tweak the BIOS now, disabling all I can.

                  Wow, my longest run without crash, I'm on Mesa 12.1.2-1 and 4.18 rc2 with RCU_NOCBS.
                  Need to find what BIOS settings may have helped.
                  60 min in the game without freeze. That may be extreme luck but had more than 20 freezes before within 10 min.
                  Another 30 min test plus playing youtube at the same time without freeze, something going on.

                  My guess of changed BIOS options that helped:
                  South Bridge Onboard HD Audio = disabled (I do not care, using HDMI sound)
                  I noticed that sound seemed to freeze 1 sec before complete freeze
                  NBIO Common Options Power Supply Idle Control = Typical Current Idle

                  Check BIOS options, that may be the key.

                  I'm still getting 50% boot failure.
                  It stop at this line: switching to amdgpudrmfb from efi vga
                  or it switch to a black screen and nothing happen. But its a lesser problem.


                  • #10
                    It's weird that you get old agesa version on X470. Some say you need to get at least Had access to it for my board on 2018/5/2
                    You need a recent kernel and recent mesa. I'm using Debian testing that should come with all that is needed. You probably need at least kernel 4.15-4.16
                    I use Debian and don't really know the others distro but I saw tutorial for Ubuntu for Ryzen. A 4.17.2 kernel here:
                    This may help you for deb based system:

