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A Kernel Maintainer's Prediction On The CPU Architecture Landscape For 2030

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  • SystemCrasher
    I wonder if he sponsored by ARM or just fiddled with these a but too much. ARM makes good cores, sure, but... there is a very big BUT. They are proprietary. And it seems it matters. Recently, when nvidia has been up for purchasing ARM, nearly everyone in ARM ecosystem has been shitting bricks real hard. Somehow I don't think people would dare to try to put all eggs into 1-2 baskets. It maybe convenient, but comes at very huge price. Just imagine what could happen if ARM actually bought by nvidia. At which point everyone relying on ARMs (well, excluding nvidia) would be pretty much screwed to say the least.
    Last edited by SystemCrasher; 05 September 2020, 08:32 PM.

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  • Space Heater
    Originally posted by danmcgrew View Post
    You don't read much--at all, as in 'nothing'--do you?
    Suggest you enroll in a literacy-action program, specifically targeted at juveniles.

    You don't comprehend anything at all, do you?
    No suggestions here; some things are not 'fixable'. But a 'handicapped' license plate will explain a lot.
    This is the response of a confused and enraged schizo when he encounters something he cannot handle.

    It's sad that you pretend to be a hardware engineer, going so far as to claim that you were "involved in the 'word-length-growth' of processors at a more technical level than most". I guess this is the expected emotional reaction when your delusions meet reality.
    Last edited by Space Heater; 01 September 2020, 02:50 PM.

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  • danmcgrew
    Originally posted by Space Heater View Post

    So much for:

    What are you trying to accomplish by just screaming that you don't like it?

    You don't read much--at all, as in 'nothing'--do you?
    Suggest you enroll in a literacy-action program, specifically targeted at juveniles.

    You don't comprehend anything at all, do you?
    No suggestions here; some things are not 'fixable'. But a 'handicapped' license plate will explain a lot.

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  • Space Heater
    Originally posted by danmcgrew View Post
    What a pile of unmitigated horse-shit.
    <incoherent rant continues>
    So much for:
    Originally posted by danmcgrew View Post
    I would, honestly and objectively, like you to expand on what you perceive the technical reasons for your statement to be, and definitely not for the purposes of starting an argument.
    What are you trying to accomplish by just screaming that you don't like it?

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  • danmcgrew
    Originally posted by Space Heater View Post

    He's talking about the 128-bit CHERI RISC-V ISA (CHERI = Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions), which uses the extra bits for capabilities. They are not doing this to simply further increase the virtual address space.

    From their FAQ:

    University of Cambridge Technical Report number 927--

    What a pile of unmitigated horse-shit.

    If the 496-page document (yes; you read that correctly--FOuR HUNDRED and NINETY-SIX PAGES) referenced in THIS pile of shit is not enough (wherein is mentioned not only a 128-bit architecture, but a 256-bit architecture), just wait--

    "... we are actively improving the specification and anticipate an updated version in the forthcoming CHERI ISAv8 (due 2020Q2)...”
    ************************************************** *************************************
    Ever occur to you that all this verbiage and monumental effort centers around a RISC machine? That stands for "Reduced Instruction Set Computer", people.
    Apparently THEY have not.

    If you'd like to know who "they" are--besides generating 500-page 'Research Reports", their modesty extends to including photographS of the entire 'research team'.

    Someone(s) has found a way to a guaranteed source of income.
    Last edited by danmcgrew; 01 September 2020, 02:25 PM.

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  • Spooktra
    Most pf this guy's predictions fall into the category of "no shit, Sherlock".

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  • Spooktra
    Originally posted by s_j_newbury View Post
    I expect we'll be in an economic depression for the next decade at least
    I disagree, I truly believe that as soon as a viable vaccine hits the market, you will see the economy skyrocket; I believe this so much I put everything I can into the stock market, buy as many shares of airlines, movie theaters and pharmaceutical companies as I could afford, and I also bought a bunch of Uber stock. I work for a very large medical company, we are big enough that when Mr. Trump invited CEO's from various medical firms to meet him in the White House, my company's CEO was there.

    All projections within the industry are that a viable vaccine is nearly here, with the first vaccinations predicted to begin before the year is out and mass vaccination by mid 2021.

    I think you are about to see a Supply Crunch, as vaccinations role out, people are going to want to go out and spend money and the Demand is going to far exceed the Supply. The current economic downturn is not an "organic" one, it didn't happen due to market forces, it happened due to legislative actions taken world-wide to try and combat a pandemic, once those restrictions are lifted the economy is going to grow and you will probably see a Labor Crunch, a shortage of people available to fill even non-skilled positions as Demand outpaces Supply.

    But overall, I think you'll see an economic expansion similar to what happened after WW2.

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  • Prescience500
    There's a lot of research being done into using light/photons instead of electricity/electrons in processors. Who knows if it'll be able to overcome the limitations of physics that exist with electricity and silicon.

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  • Weasel
    Originally posted by sebastianlacuesta View Post
    Sure, 640 kB ought to be enough for anybody.

    Math ain't your forte I guess.

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  • Weasel
    Originally posted by danmcgrew View Post
    I would, honestly and objectively, like you to expand on what you perceive the technical reasons for your statement to be, and definitely not for the purposes of starting an argument.

    For a long time, I have been involved in the 'word-length-growth' of processors at a more technical level than most, starting with Intel's '4004 / 4040' and Japanese 4-bit CPUs, to where we are now.
    The address space is just too big. But humans have a problem understanding just how big some numbers are. You can address enough bytes to almost cover all the grains of sand on the planet.

    But that's not the only problem. The thing is that memory is useless if you don't make use for it. RAM is supposed to be fast memory, it's not for long-term storage. Right?

    And remember that in practice, you will almost never use full memory bandwidth, since most stuff will require calculations (that's what the CPU is for after all). But nevertheless, how fast do you think you can read the memory?

    Even if you read the memory at 4 TB / sec, which is insanely fast, it would take you 4194304 seconds to read all of it just once. This doesn't even include writing it. That's 48 days.

    Of course, physical address space is different than virtual, but the numbers are insane either way (not to mention you can have multiple processes).

    And that's just 64-bit... 128-bit can possibly address one byte for each atom on Earth.

    Want to know about 256-bit? Enough addresses for all the atoms in the entire observable Universe.

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