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Need advice Linux laptops

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  • Svartalf
    Originally posted by niniendowarrior View Post
    What USB device?

    The webcam is built-in the laptop. The drivers gutsy loads detects the hardware. I don't have anything to test it though.
    Kano made a good suggestion. If you don't want to do that, it'll show up in sane as device in the "scanners" list if Linux supports it (Not that you can USE it as a scanner via XSane...) and you can use Ekiga to check cam function.

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  • niniendowarrior
    Originally posted by Panix View Post
    I prefer using a manual configuration but I'm having lots of problems figuring it out.

    If you want to use a WiFi GUI, try Wicd. It seems to be the fav for Linux. I would stay clear of Network Manager. Wicd is probably in the repositories by now. I've been told it's easy to install and one can even download it via Windows and then install it in Linux.
    I'll check it out. For wifi, the biggest problem is from the driver. Once you get the correct driver running, that's half of the battle already.

    After that, it's about working with iwconfig and iwlist to configure it. If you can use Network Manager, it's a good start though I'm still unsure how much it did help me get it working.

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  • Panix
    Originally posted by niniendowarrior View Post
    I also need a gnome based wifi tool that would allow me to search and connect to APs. Right now, I'm manually configuring it.

    I also want to get the webcam working. Acer Crystal Eye. So far, no luck.
    I prefer using a manual configuration but I'm having lots of problems figuring it out.

    If you want to use a WiFi GUI, try Wicd. It seems to be the fav for Linux. I would stay clear of Network Manager. Wicd is probably in the repositories by now. I've been told it's easy to install and one can even download it via Windows and then install it in Linux.

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  • niniendowarrior
    I'll install that. Funny that I installed Skype and it can use my web cam right away.

    Now I need:
    1. application for wireless connecting. (sometimes Ubuntu connects, sometimes, not.)
    2. microphone isn't working.

    just installed camorama. Can't seem to use my camera device. /dev/video0

    microphone is working now. Wireless acts a bit strange but I hope it's a one time isolated thing.

    More edits:
    The closest webcam I got working is xawtv. It couldn't grab anything at all from the webcam, but it at least got it to turn on (LED of the webcam). It also managed to mess with the video driver settings that made the webcam video in skype too bright. Took me awhile to realize that and fixed it. Maybe I should uninstall it before it delivers further setting damage.
    Last edited by niniendowarrior; 25 February 2008, 03:22 AM.

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  • Kano
    Install camorama. lsusb will list it.

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  • niniendowarrior
    Originally posted by Kano View Post
    If you want to get an usb device working, show the lsusb line of it. Then you can google something.
    What USB device?

    The webcam is built-in the laptop. The drivers gutsy loads detects the hardware. I don't have anything to test it though.

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  • Kano
    If you want to get an usb device working, show the lsusb line of it. Then you can google something.

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  • yoshi314
    I also want to get the webcam working. Acer Crystal Eye. So far, no luck.
    this webcam is a hellish device. no support for win2k, plus you have to dig around for winxp driver [since it mostly comes with those "vista friendly" laptops].

    i didn't have time nor opportunity to test it under linux - i was configuring acer aspire 5920 for a friend of mine.

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  • niniendowarrior
    Originally posted by Panix View Post
    Can you boot into Vista (is it single boot to Ubuntu or dual boot?)? Are you using the Grub bootloader? I'm curious since I've been looking at laptops preconfigured with Vista and would probably partition for a distro.
    It's a dual boot Vista/Ubuntu. I will say that Windows Vista's repartitioning tool is good. It does make installing Linux a bit easier. Unfortunately, it puts some fairly restrictive repartitioning, making Vista hold at least 40 GB despite me needing at least 10 GB from it.

    I can also boot the Vista Recovery partition through GRUB. Strange.

    I also need a gnome based wifi tool that would allow me to search and connect to APs. Right now, I'm manually configuring it.

    I also want to get the webcam working. Acer Crystal Eye. So far, no luck.
    Last edited by niniendowarrior; 24 February 2008, 08:22 AM.

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  • yoshi314
    acer extensa 5220 - this is an out-of-the-box linux friendly laptop. everything "just works" there.

    i'm looking for something more modern than that model right now.

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