Originally posted by Thetargos
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I may get stoned for this, but it looks like there needs to be a shift in paradigm regarding games, at least. I looks like the traditional model of developer-publisher (which in the end the tendency seems to be publishers owning studios), studios would be better off cutting the man in the middle and selling directly (I know I may be talking foot in mouth), but it does seem as if those responsible selling the games refuse to do so despite how positive towards Linux the studio might be.
Grousing about not selling isn't going to fix things.
Grousing about not advertising isn't going to fix things.
Grousing about people not getting AAA titles isn't going to fix things.
Those all require much, much more cash than I think anybody right at the moment in the Linux space can muster appropriately.
I'm proposing working at trying to change the game- because it's very most definitely gotten taken over, in the large, by the same crowd that's screwed up all that's fubared in the music and movie businesses.