Will UT3 For Linux Be Released This Year?

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  • xav1r
    i dont like the idea of a possible linux ut3 steam only release. It'd be like going from a closed system like windows, from a closed platform to play your bought game on, like steam.

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  • idefix
    I wont buy it, until Linux client is released.
    If that doesnt happen, I can live without ut3.

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  • Aradreth
    Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
    Just a thought I had earlier. If the reports about a Linux Steam turn out to be true, and UT3 does appear on there, what are the chances they'll let us use our Windows discs to install?

    Please don't say "your own damn fault", I know that too well! But I'd rather not have to buy the game all over again.
    If the version on the discs is the steam version (like the orange box) then I'm guessing you wont have to pay, otherwise you will. That's if steam gets does get ported and UT3 for linux is ever released.

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  • d2kx
    If it does not work with your disc, you can download the whole game at full speed from Steam (or let a friend do that and burn the DVD with the .gcf files for you there).

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  • Shakey_Jake33
    Just a thought I had earlier. If the reports about a Linux Steam turn out to be true, and UT3 does appear on there, what are the chances they'll let us use our Windows discs to install?

    Please don't say "your own damn fault", I know that too well! But I'd rather not have to buy the game all over again.

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  • deanjo
    Originally posted by Svartalf View Post
    Considering that NWN2 isn't the same caliber of game as NWN in the first place, much like UT3 is panning out to be- I don't think I'll concern myself with that title any more than I am with UT3 at this point. Why are you insisting on being a pain in this manner?
    It does not matter if it was @ the same calibre of the first. It was/is probably the most heavily requested game to get a linux port. It's a topic that refuses to die in any NWN community and on atari's forums. http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums...d.php?t=444382

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  • Svartalf
    Originally posted by deanjo View Post
    Great so you estimate that you will get that NWN2 port to be done next week Svartalf?
    Considering that NWN2 isn't the same caliber of game as NWN in the first place, much like UT3 is panning out to be- I don't think I'll concern myself with that title any more than I am with UT3 at this point. Why are you insisting on being a pain in this manner?

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  • deanjo
    Originally posted by Svartalf View Post
    More than enough people willing to give us titles- and more most likely in the months to come. You want to do console, great guys... Just don't expect to find people all that interested- console's the most fickle of the bunch when you get to brass tacks.
    Great so you estimate that you will get that NWN2 port to be done next week Svartalf?

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  • Svartalf
    Originally posted by deanjo View Post
    Well I wrote to about 20 mainstream news tech sites about the situation, the total number of sites willing to do a story on it was 0. You even take a look at the diggs on the subject and interest was low. It's at the point now where you wonder if Epic would even bother spending the capitol to work around legal issues. The story couldn't even get a 1000 diggs, so you have to look at it from Epics point of view and look at the return on investment. Right now it just doesn't make financial sense.
    Yeah, I was a bit disappointed in the results, myself.

    Truth be known, I can't be bothered past my own efforts here- I've got other axes to grind- and if Epic's not going to put the thing out, then it's no skin off my nose.

    More than enough people willing to give us titles- and more most likely in the months to come. You want to do console, great guys... Just don't expect to find people all that interested- console's the most fickle of the bunch when you get to brass tacks.

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  • Huenengrab
    Well, at least I can thank Epic for not having to upgrade my 7900 GTX to be able to play UT3 in WUXGA.

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