Originally posted by Pallidus
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Heavily-Upgraded Postal Hits Steam
I'm looking forward to giving this one a try at some point. Just finished the main portion of Postal 2 the other day and it was a lot of fun, even if it had some flaws. Down to the last few missions now on Sunday in the Apocalypse Weekend expansion. The expansion is shorter and a bit more linear than I would of liked, but still a fair bit of fun and insanity to be had. A few other Postal series fans I have talked to have highly recommended the first game, but the 3rd is almost universally reviled, so I don't mind that one not making it to Linux.
For those who don't own it yet, now is the time to get Postal 2, 66% off atm, but the sale is ending in about an hour and a half. I found it to totally be worth the ~$5 sales price, it took me about 24 hours to just get through the main storyline as I kept running around looking for secret areas and messing around with the townsfolk and robbing the bank every day, lol.
Originally posted by Hamish Wilson View PostI suggest people actually learn more about Postal III if they are going to comment on it:
Particularly read the developers reactions section.
RWS disowned it and refuse to endorse it or even sell it through their own site. They treat it as an unofficial spin-off of Postal 2 instead of as its proper successor. Also worth noting RWS seem intent to do another installment to the series in-house this time which I look forward to.
Akella's game has shown up on most major gaming sites' worst game lists. There will be nothing missed if they never get it ported and even if they do I have no plans to waste money on it.
Originally posted by Hamish Wilson View PostThere is actually a lot of depth here, and only the arrogant or ignorant refuse to see it.
Originally posted by yogi_berra View PostSo the mini-game "Fag-hunter" in Postal 2: Complete is actually deep and not meant to offend? I enjoy urinating on cops and tossing molotovs at marching bands as much as the next guy, but your argument is just a tad ripe with the smell of bullshit.
Second, that is not in any official RWS product, but rather a third-party mod. Even "hot coffee" had some developer input from the GTA guys, but Fag Hunter has nothing to do with RWS.
And of course there is the whole other issue that you do not have to piss on cops or toss molotovs, but that is a separate point.
EDIT: A good read on Postal, if anyone is up for it: http://web.archive.org/web/200502141...opic.php?t=629Last edited by Hamish Wilson; 29 March 2013, 04:20 PM.
Originally posted by Hamish Wilson View PostFirst off, do not lecture me on bullshit as I know about it far more than you do, being a farmer.
Second, that is not in any official RWS product, but rather a third-party mod. Even "hot coffee" had some developer input from the GTA guys, but Fag Hunter has nothing to do with RWS.
Just admit that it is incredibly fun to urinate on cops and light marching bands on fire, no one will think less of you.
Originally posted by yogi_berra View PostWow, they changed the name when they included it to get around store rules, just keep on shovelin', pal.
Originally posted by yogi_berra View PostPostal is not deep and to argue that it is tells us a lot about you as a person. Just admit that it is incredibly fun to urinate on cops and light marching bands on fire, no one will think less of you.
Originally posted by yogi_berra View PostSo the mini-game "Fag-hunter" in Postal 2: Complete is actually deep and not meant to offend? I enjoy urinating on cops and tossing molotovs at marching bands as much as the next guy, but your argument is just a tad ripe with the smell of bullshit.
Also, "deep" and "offensive" aren't mutually exclusive. Lots of Postal 2 is _definitely_ offensive, but I feel that a lot of it works as commentary on modern life, pop culture, politics, and media.
Postal 1 is clearly less interested in these things. It's strange to think about Postal 2 being a more mature piece of art, but there it is.