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List of Linux friendly Kickstarter projects

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  • Originally posted by jhansonxi View Post
    They indicated that a third-party was planning to:
    Absolutely, they've confirmed later on that Linux is guaranteed, just as a delayed release. The reason is that they are using the open-source MOAI SDK to build the game, and they're working with the MOAI folks to make the Linux port really good (hence, there is some third-party porting work involved, which they are contributing resources to).

    For the record, that's exactly the game middleware library that Double Fine Productions will be using to deliver Double Fine Adventure to Linux (that's Tim Schafer's company... and a large reason why this Phoronix thread exists at all). Double Fine is also contributing to making MOAI on Linux really solid.

    So, both Shadowrun games will be on Linux!


    • Status of campaigns I backed, etc.

      I've found that searching for "Linux" on Kickstarter isn't reliable so I've been going through each software campaign and searching for Linux or Linux-compatible development environments.

      Axis Game Factory (game toolset based on Unity), $21K/$400K USD w/18 days remaining

      Emperor's Forge (MMORPG), $550/$80K USD w/18 days remaining. Looking for UI design help.

      Freedom Planet (side-scrolling arcade game), $4K/$2K USD w/28 days remaining. Not against Linux support but are using Multimedia Fusion 2 for development which would require the Anaconda runtime for Linux. But Anaconda doesn't support controllers, only keyboards, and the developers feel that this is too limiting.

      Neon (web server control panel similar to Webmin), $1937/$10K USD w/10 days remaining

      Oceania (3D fantasy MMORPG), $2347/$100K USD w/34 days remaining

      Pixel Kingdom (retro arcade/strategy game with classes), $1300/$5K USD w/24 days remaining

      SKYJACKER: Starship Constructor (tool for Skyjacker game), $17K/$30K USD w/8 days remaining. This is an odd one. Skyjacker is a 3D space combat game that had a failed Kickstarter campaign ($128K/$200K USD ending July 23, 2012). Apparently the game is still under development and this tool is part of it.

      Wildman (action/RPG with custom engine), $161K/$1.1M USD w/29 days remaining

      3 Step Studio (game development environment), $3K/$500K USD w/15 days remaining. Linux support is an undeclared stretch goal. This is by GarageGames who also has an Indiegogo campaign for porting the Torque 3D engine to Linus.
      Akaneiro: Demon Hunters (RPG), $86K/$200K USD w/15 days remaining. Linux is a stretch goal (even have a penguin-inspired reward for $100 pledge)
      Big Huggin' (interactive stuffed-bear game), $41/$2500 USD w/27 days remaining. No information on what hardware is used or licenses involved.
      CasinoRPG (on-line casino tycoon/RPG), $7K/$20K USD w/18 days remaining. HTML5
      Data Hacker Initiation (online 2D RPG), ?2K/?300 w/10 days remaining. A three-part development project. First part works on Wine. Third part will be 3D and possibly using the Unity engine.
      Factorium (2D side-scrolling adventure game), $37/$10K USD w/67 hours remaining. Uses Pygame.
      Hyphen (action/puzzle game), ?264/?2K w/12 days remaining.
      Imagine a world (3D battlefield simulation game), ?961/?300K w/29 days remaining.
      Lore (3D fantasy combat?), $861/$150K USD w/9 days remaining. Uses the Unity engine.
      Luna Shattered Hearts Episode 1 (browser-based side-scroller action game), $1.7K/$8K USD w/15 days remaining. Requires WebGL.
      Metacell (action/puzzle game), $4K/$35K USD w/23 days remaining. Windows initially, Linux and others later depending on funding.
      Neocolonialism (strategy game for the 1%), $5600/$10K USD w/16 days remaining
      Noctemis (horror-themed side scroller), $7K/$5K USD w/17 days remaining
      PCGamingWiki (wiki covering game fixes/tweaks for all platforms), ?1749/?500 w/69 hours remaining.
      PerfectGolf (golf game). No Linux support stated but uses the Unity 3D engine.
      RAW (2D action platformer), $1200/$5K USD w/3 days remaining. Linux support is indicated in a graphic on the page.
      Terrestrial Domination (3D space RTS), $373/$10K USD w/16 days remaining. No Linux support stated but uses the Unity engine.
      Tower and Power (1st phase of an online game - 3D modeling of city of Bologna in Italy), $1400/$38K USD w/37 days remaining. No game specifics yet but they are using Blender and SketchUp.
      The Red Queen of Oz: Two Fates (point-and-click adventure game), $7K/$40K USD w/7 days remaining.
      Unwritten: That Which Happened (strategy rouge-like, "Sid Meier's Civilization meets Oregon Trail"), $11K/$75K USD w/26 days remaining. Linux is a stretch goal (comes before Mac support).
      Vacant Sky: Awakening (RPG), $8.7K/$8K USD w/18 days remaining. Uses MonoGame so probably supports Linux.
      Vengeance (3D real-world martial arts game), $0/$35K USD w/44 days remaining. Third attempt at a campaign for this game. Previous campaign indicated Linux support.

      Arakion (RPG), $47K/$25K USD
      Carmageddon: Reincarnation (racing/combat game), $625K/$400K USD
      Distance (racing game), $161K/$125K USD
      Elite: Dangerous (3D space combat), ?1.5M/?1.25M. Didn't promise Linux support but weren't against it and announced Mac support after a stretch goal was reached.
      Fields of Fresh (farming game), $1K/$1K USD
      Forced ("Diablo meets Left 4 Dead" cooperative arena combat game), $65K/$40K USD
      Forsaken Fortress (post-apocalyptic RTS/RPG), $121K/$100K USD
      Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption (RPG), $409K/$400K USD. Accepting PayPal donations to meet stretch goals.
      Maia (space-themed God game), ?140K/?100K
      Meriwether: An American Epic (American history RPG), $44K/$35K USD
      Pathfinder Online (MMORPG), $1M/$1M USD. Based on the popular tabletop role-playing game that uses a modified D&D system. Announced Mac support but not Linux yet. Using the Unity web player which does support Linux through Google Chrome Native Client (NaCL) feature.
      Pier Solar (retro 16-bit RPG), $231K/$139K USD
      Project Eternity (RPG), $4M/$1.1M USD
      SlipSpace (3D space-shooter/RPG), ?2282/?2028
      Super Comboman (side-scroller/platformer), $16K/$15K USD
      War for the Overworld (RTS/God game in a Dungeon Keeper-influenced setting), ?211K/?150K w/4 days remaining.

      Aether (game engine), $87/$1K USD
      Beasts & Blades (turn-based 3D RPG), $1760/$12500 USD. Accepting PayPal donations while development continues (new beta released Dec 29).
      Days of Dawn (fantasy RPG), $31K/$95K USD. Planning a new kickstart campaign after some rework and their web site is still up.
      DH: Mechanized Assault Vehicle (mech MMO), $1612/$15K USD. Development continues.
      Gerztron (arcade game), $143/$8K USD
      Interstellar Marines: Prologue (space FPS/RPG), $157K/$600K USD. Development continuing and accepting pre-orders.
      Ormr (image editor), $22K/$50K USD. Development continues.
      Taste Linux (DVD training program), $1K/$5500 USD. A similar project DoorToDoorGeek Video Lessons did succeed in August 2012.
      The Demon Cave (Roguelike RPG), $276/$3750 USD
      The Ship: Full Steam Ahead (mystery/action game), ?18K/?128K. May try again in the future.
      Thorvalla (RPG) $47K/$1M USD

      Telepath Tactics (turn-based tactical RPG), failed at $18K/$25500 USD, still being developed
      The Banner Saga (turn-based strategy game), succeeded at $723K/$100K USD

      Kicking It Forward (developer-developer pledge)
      Kickstarter in 2012: 52,000 backers contributed $79M to game-related projects
      Ren'Py is being used for some cross-platform interactive visual novels including Devil Gene R


      • I received an email from Chris Johnson confirming that Terrestrial Domination has Linux support and an alpha build is available from the web site.


        • Vendetta Online:


          • the-90s-arcade-racer

            "A PC, Mac or Linux digital download of the game!" sounds good and the previewvideo looks good:
            A racing game inspired by the great arcade racers of the 90's. Updated!


            • Originally posted by liamdawe View Post
              I'm not sure if that really counts since it already supports Linux. The campaign is mainly for IOS support (and extra content added to the game.) Don't get me wrong, I really hope they do well since they have supported Linux for a very long time.


              • There is now a wiki here:

                You can find plenty of crowdfunding info on there including a big list, please help keep it updated.


                • Yeah, RussianNeuroMancer, Akaneiro is really close now, past $180K with about 40 hours to go. I'm a bit torn about the F2P aspect of it... it's not an MMO, so there is not pay-to-win, and it's not a MOBA, so we don't have to worry about competitive arena gaming twisting the economy. In principle, I'm against the concept, and haven't supported it anywhere else.

                  However... the game itself looks absolutely amazing, and the soundtrack is hauntingly beautiful. It's clearly a labor of love, and (I suspect) a make-or-break for American McGee's studio. Further, an F2P game that good is almost certain to bring more users to Linux. I think I'll be giving him a nice modest pledge, not so much for having in-game pets or art books... but sort of paying forward to the next generation of broke Linux gamers, like I was back at Uni

                  I remember those days very well, and remember playing the same dozen (or so) open-source games until I got sick of them, I would have loved to spend a few months enjoying a lush environment like in Akaneiro, completely free of charge. Also, F2P games could be launch titles on Valve's Steam Box, and we need that box to be absolutely as strong as possible (to shake up the "big three" closed-console ecosystem of MS/Sony/Nintendo).

                  Oh god... I'm actually applying RTS tactics to my life... I need to stop pledging these Kickstarters!!


                  • Another interesting one a pixel art space rouge-like

