It's Not All Roses For The Latest Humble Bundle

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67416

    It's Not All Roses For The Latest Humble Bundle

    Phoronix: It's Not All Roses For The Latest Humble Bundle

    Last week marked the start of a new Humble Indie Bundle, but there isn't as much interest among gamers this time around...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite
  • FireBurn
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2007
    • 2127

    I bought it when it was only one game, it's now three which isn't bad - I'm not sure why they didn't offer the 3 at once though - they'd have probably gotten more interest in the initial rush


    • madjr
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 583

      i think this bundle was some sort of "test" or maybe they were trying to "squeeze" anything left from the old frozenbyte bundle (i think they may had succeeded, since lots of windows users got it this time; not so much for mac or linux, since most got it last time ).

      anyway Trauma and space chem are really good / unique and they should had offered them in the beginning...

      i will be getting it for those games.

      what they need now is new foundations (apart from the ones they already have), like open source ones! (let users decide which get the $)
      Last edited by madjr; 06 October 2011, 10:33 AM.


      • Kakarott
        Junior Member
        • Mar 2011
        • 37

        Being upset about this "Give me ALL for FREE" - "I want more for less" society

        How can people complain about the Humble Bundle?

        It doesn't matter how often they do one or how much games are in.
        They give you the chance to pay what you like(!).
        Normally those games costs much more. Be happy that you can get if you WANT for a price you think it's worth for you.

        If you don't want the games - don't buy it.
        Else just pay what you want.

        They provide games for money for Mac-Linux-Windows. And you can choose how much it's worth for you.

        1 Cent at least.

        1 game 1 Cent
        5 games 1 Cent

        Yeah! Just complain. You want more. And all for free.

        But even then. I heard stories where people are given a gift and they complained about it.
        (Not just from the last Humble Bundles. Also from outside the computer and the Internet.)

        Holy crap!

        In what kind of civilization are we living in?

        Reminds me of that:

        40-50% of freshly produced good food are thrown away BEFORE it even sees a market. There is no need for ANY human being (on earth) to feel hunger.


        • Chewi
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2008
          • 1043

          I've held back on this one for financial reasons but I will get it before it expires. I did warn that they could lose good will if they keep messing around with the concept like this though.


          • yogi_berra
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2008
            • 936

            Originally posted by Kakarott View Post
            In what kind of civilization are we living in?
            The kind that doesn't pay good money for games that are reminiscent of the Atari 2600.


            • Veerappan
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2008
              • 1377

              With one game the bundle didn't seem worth it to me, especially since I had already bought the frozenbyte bundle. Now, with the added games, I've finally coughed up the money for the games + bonuses. I'll probably give away the duplicate licenses (i.e. steam keys) to either my wife or a friend.


              • Kano
                Kanotix Developer
                • Aug 2007
                • 7924

                Usually i do not play many games. The only commercial game I played longer on Linux was Caster 3d (as long as it was in the beta, did not buy it however, but would recommend to do so as it is simple and fun) and bought all humble bundles mainly to verify that the games run on Kanotix. I usally spent 1 $ to buy it, but this time selling only 1 game i only spent 1 cent. It was enough to find out that with Kanotix 64 with X from debian backports i had to write a tiny script that will allow to run the game on snb for example (extract the from the backported package and replace the one in the lib32 dir). This time you need to register with a unique serial to play online, similar to id games, just there you dont register your serial to a name. I did not like the game much, did not even finish the tutorial. The main reason seems to be to sell the other games again for those who missed the other bundle. But to be fair i would have added the new game to all former buyers of that bundle because it is a bit stupid to buy 2 times the same. The first frozen bundle was a good test for oss drivers however, it seems that noone cared about some opengl features before Trine was out for "mass" market.


                • Cyborg16
                  Senior Member
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 221

                  Originally posted by yogi_berra View Post
                  The kind that doesn't pay good money for games that are reminiscent of the Atari 2600.
                  Lol. Some of them are actually quite good. But it's not such a bad idea helping to prove there's a market for linux games either, is it?


                  • simcop2387
                    Junior Member
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 24

                    I had only got it because of the other games and to donate to Child's Play, I wasn't able to participate in April, and wish I had. The other games in the bundle (if you didn't already have them) certainly appear to be some very good ones. I've played the space chem demo before and liked it (haven't grabbed the full game yet), haven't looked at Trauma again.

