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Steam, Source Engine Get First-Rate Love On Mac OS X

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    Originally posted by CNCFarraday View Post
    CryEngine is definetly NOT a huge hack. It is a cut-throat optimized real time rendering engine. It is SUPPOSE to suck up all cycles and frankly, given the quality of the rendering it is VERY efficient.
    Literaly taken from a Crytek research paper[1] about virtual textures:
    "On 64 bit and enough main memory or when using half resolution textures the texture streaming is not necessary and performance is more stable."

    The fact that Crysis requires pure voodoo to run is common knowledge.[2]


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  • CNCFarraday
    Originally posted by V!NCENT View Post
    And Quake 4?

    Probably, but the CryEngine is a huge hack. It can't run that well on Windows. It taps into every single clockcycle that it can get its hands on and that resulted in a lot of people not being able to play Crysis even though they had capable PC's.
    CryEngine is definetly NOT a huge hack. It is a cut-throat optimized real time rendering engine. It is SUPPOSE to suck up all cycles and frankly, given the quality of the rendering it is VERY efficient.

    I have no ideea wether Q4 uses SDL threading or their own model. If you want to use SDL to set up a GUI window, capture keys and eject the CD, fine. Beyond that, you are on your own.

    Originally posted by Setlec
    @CNCFarraday: so if SDL is for toy project, why about cryengine use DirectX? AFAIK SDL is a multimedia system for gaming it brings input layer, audio, layer, video layer (with OpenGL) and a networking layer. Does DirectX do something else than that? Maybe it does open you DVD device as coffee holder.
    Well, I hate M$ as much as the next guy but M$ invested a lot into a comprehensive full-featured framework for high performance gaming. I don't want to get into a flame war right now, but from "professional" game developers there is NOTHING on Linux/Mac world that can match DX from top to bottom and sideways.

    Please stop with this idiothic crap. I work on advanced engineering and scientific visualization projects developed for Linux/UNIX with OpenGL. When it comes to "serious" 3D OpenGL is unmatched. However, if you want to get the most of modern consumer graphics cards in a real time rendering engine for a game, you go DirectX because it is superior in this narrow field. It is optimized specifically for the singular task of making games.

    SDL has nothing whatsoever over DX. If you really want I can get down and dirty into a technical comparison of various APIs and frameworks. In the real world we do code reviews for tools we use in industrial/scientific strength projects. I was part of a team that did code review on SDL, on VTK (which can be built on top of SDL) and a few other. SDL sucks. It is very good for homebrew and Quake 4, but for people who intend to make shitloads of money from selling the game and don't give a flying f**k on anything else it just doesn't cut it. I wouldn't use SDL in a 'real' project because A: it sucks, it has bugs, it has open bugs that stay like that for ages, it is slow, it lacks key features ( I'm not going to reinvent the wheel for my project ) and upper management will never allow it, even if I will and my CTO will because it brings unknown variables and costs into the project.

    Until we see something on the scope of world of warcraft, made, deployed and used by 100k+ gamers online made with SDL and the whole bunch of homebrew stuff, big players won't take it seriously.

    SDL isn't like DirectX, i mean DirectX is a package with 3D rendering, audio and etc. In that case SDL is somewhat "inferior" to DirectX cause it require 3rd party software like Gfx drivers, ALSA/openAL and etc. So i can say that SDL is more stable than DirectX and doesn't require much updates. Sure the 3rd parties software like Alsa, OpenGL (included within gfx drivers), are much more updated than DirectX so to speak... DX has a slow update if you take all software cited previously.
    Seriously? On what is this exactly based ? From the point of view of 3d game development on the level of Crysis / FarCry2 / whatever DirectX is king. We had to write "by hand" most of the "advanced" features that DirectX offers for free, fully optimized. I mean, I don't complain, I enjoyed it and we did it for solid technical reasons, but then again we simulate reactors hooked up to real hardware probes and mainframe simulators that run a model of the real thing. Nobody in their right mind will approve a project that will have to pay top money for senior programmers with advanced computational geometry knowledge to write code in OpenGL that DirectX does for free. Maybe with OpenGL 4 that will change, but that's another thing.

    And don't even get me started on audio.

    The bottom line it that people paying the money needed to make something like cryengine don't give a s**t about using open source, "standards", "cross platform" and such.

    I've been a Linux/UNIX developer for a decade+ and I wouldn't work on windows platforms for anything. However, Linux video/audio/3d is BROKEN. I hate to borrow this meme from Slashdot, but it is "broken by design". Microsoft got it right, unfortunately, and put their big pile of cash behind DX which was a piece of s**t until DX 8. But FOR GAMING, DX 8+ and the Windoze graphics model is simply better, technically speaking. Now, if everybody could agree on one thing and put all their butts behind something like DRI + OpenGL 4 + Open AL + Open CL maybe we'll have a solid multimedia foundation on *nixes.

    If we're talking about homebrew / indie gaming then, by all means, SDL all the way.

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  • Setlec
    hmm i see your point. maybe someone could make take over sdl from icculus. (Honestly i've lost faith in icculus since ut3 fake port!)

    The reason that many of those subsystems have to be updated is to catch up to what Windows has had for years with it's DirectX foundation.
    if we take OpenGL it has many features misused or ignored like tessellation. Khronos group needs to look into the future instead of looking to the past (to keep up with its concurrent).

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  • deanjo
    Originally posted by Setlec View Post
    SDL isn't like DirectX, i mean DirectX is a package with 3D rendering, audio and etc. In that case SDL is somewhat "inferior" to DirectX cause it require 3rd party software like Gfx drivers, ALSA/openAL and etc. So i can say that SDL is more stable than DirectX and doesn't require much updates. Sure the 3rd parties software like Alsa, OpenGL (included within gfx drivers), are much more updated than DirectX so to speak... DX has a slow update if you take all softwares cited previously.
    I wouldn't say SDL is more stable at all. Lack of reaction time to resolve outstanding issues isn't a sign of stability at all it's just a sign of when Icculas has time to look at it. The reason that many of those subsystems have to be updated is to catch up to what Windows has had for years with it's DirectX foundation. You use as an example of frequent updates but it is still has a long long way to go to catch up with Windows on capabilities, features and stability. The same goes with audio, driver support, feature support, input device support, etc. If you want to see SDL strut it's stuff your best experience with it is actually being used on a windows system where it can utilize DirectX for it's subsystems and even there it does not utilize directx to it's fullest capabilities.

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  • Setlec
    SDL isn't like DirectX, i mean DirectX is a package with 3D rendering, audio and etc. In that case SDL is somewhat "inferior" to DirectX cause it require 3rd party software like Gfx drivers, ALSA/openAL and etc. So i can say that SDL is more stable than DirectX and doesn't require much updates. Sure the 3rd parties software like Alsa, OpenGL (included within gfx drivers), are much more updated than DirectX so to speak... DX has a slow update if you take all softwares cited previously.

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  • Svartalf
    Originally posted by deanjo View Post
    Yup, it sure does, it fixes it's bugs in a timely manner. Something SDL is very slow to do.
    I'd hesitate to say "timely"- in comparison to SDL, perhaps, but "timely" isn't quite what I'd call it for DirectX...

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  • deanjo
    Originally posted by Setlec View Post
    yeah but as you said SDL has updates too, slowly indeed.
    The other thing is that SDL is very dependent on external solutions by various projects to do it's job and as such is probably more susceptible to breakage then DirectX (a good example is the long outstanding various evdev and audio of course.) There is also no real good solution provided by SDL accelerated video playback. Again that is not entirely their fault but DirectX has offered many solutions is comparison and then there is also the boat load of available technical resources out there on DirectX which absolutely dwarfs SDL.

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  • Setlec
    yeah but as you said SDL has updates too, slowly indeed.

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  • deanjo
    Originally posted by Setlec View Post
    Does DirectX do something else than that?
    Yup, it sure does, it fixes it's bugs in a timely manner. Something SDL is very slow to do.

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  • Setlec
    @CNCFarraday: so if SDL is for toy project, why about cryengine use DirectX? AFAIK SDL is a multimedia system for gaming it brings input layer, audio, layer, video layer (with OpenGL) and a networking layer. Does DirectX do something else than that? Maybe it does open you DVD device as coffee holder.

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