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Windows NT Synchronization Primitive Driver Updated For The Linux Kernel

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  • oiaohm
    Originally posted by Weasel View Post
    It's not about Windows vs Linux on servers, it's about whether they have both Windows version and a Linux port. That's what you claimed. That's extremely rare. Almost nobody bothers to actually port that on the server side.
    Its extreamly common for a game that has a Windows only client to have Windows and Linux decanted server implementations with the Linux decanted server being a latter add on.

    Weasel lot of games are split into really two bits. Client that the user has that commonly not ported to Linux. Server part that is common to be ported to Linux with majority of cases as cost stack up.

    Windows licensing and Wine overhead both provide pressure port to Linux for the server side.

    Weasel something to remember you want to let user play single player or provide their own servers this equals needing the provide Windows versions of the game server software and the like. But then your mass server hosting Linux is your cheaper hosting. Yes the client application not ported but the server for the application ported to Linux for games is very common. This has annoyed Linux game players for a long time they see a Linux version of game download it and find out all it is is the decanted server of the game nothing more.

    Weasel full ports of a game to Linux is not common. The part port of just the decanted server bit is highly common and it cost driven.

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  • Weasel
    Originally posted by oiaohm View Post

    Lots of games have Windows versions of their servers and don't in fact have Linux native versions.

    Weasel do recall how palworld has been complain about high server costs. Guess what they don't have a Linux version of their server and were paying for Windows instances.

    Weasel Linux server only is horrible rarer than one would think when it comes to games. Yes the argument you make why port to Linux when you have Wine is used a lot by game developers until the cost stack up and they have to make a Linux dedicated server port in a lot of cases to prevent themselves from going under due to hosting costs..
    It's not about Windows vs Linux on servers, it's about whether they have both Windows version and a Linux port. That's what you claimed. That's extremely rare. Almost nobody bothers to actually port that on the server side.

    Having Linux only is not a port either of course.

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  • oiaohm
    Originally posted by Weasel View Post
    Most of the time they probably have a Linux server only, no Windows at all, since Linux dominates server space. Nothing to do with what you said.
    Even though Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop is currently only available for Windows, the dedicated server can be run on Linux using Wine....

    Lots of games have Windows versions of their servers and don't in fact have Linux native versions.

    Weasel do recall how palworld has been complain about high server costs. Guess what they don't have a Linux version of their server and were paying for Windows instances.

    Weasel Linux server only is horrible rarer than one would think when it comes to games. Yes the argument you make why port to Linux when you have Wine is used a lot by game developers until the cost stack up and they have to make a Linux dedicated server port in a lot of cases to prevent themselves from going under due to hosting costs..

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  • Weasel
    Originally posted by oiaohm View Post
    There is a big difference between the client and the game server. Lot game servers in executable are less than 100 megs of data. Yes this include games that that clients are over 700megs. Yes carting wine around basically triples you game server image. This also has horrible effects on game instance cost.

    Hosting game servers can get really expensive so there is a lot of investment into getting game servers as cost effective as possible. Yes this is also why a lot of games have a native Linux game server part with no Linux native client for a game..

    Weasel think games that are not larger than 250Meg in there servers.

    The reality here like it not there are areas where Wine is not the ideal solution. Native Linux is because this is going to end up costing the company less doing it.

    Weasel games with 100000+ players on online with servers hosted by the game creators the instance cost can come very expensive very quickly. There is a money reason here to make Linux versions of the game servers to save on instance costs. Yes larger the player base the more pressure to optimize..
    Most of the time they probably have a Linux server only, no Windows at all, since Linux dominates server space. Nothing to do with what you said.

    Same reason Google Colab for example is Linux only (I mean the runtime in their cloud, otherwise it's just on your browser). There's no port here, it's only Linux.
    Last edited by Weasel; 24 February 2024, 03:28 PM.

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  • oiaohm
    Originally posted by Weasel View Post
    Wine (including wine-mono and wine-gecko btw) is ~250 MB in a squashfs. Some game executables are larger than that.
    There is a big difference between the client and the game server. Lot game servers in executable are less than 100 megs of data. Yes this include games that that clients are over 700megs. Yes carting wine around basically triples you game server image. This also has horrible effects on game instance cost.

    Hosting game servers can get really expensive so there is a lot of investment into getting game servers as cost effective as possible. Yes this is also why a lot of games have a native Linux game server part with no Linux native client for a game..

    Weasel think games that are not larger than 250Meg in there servers.

    The reality here like it not there are areas where Wine is not the ideal solution. Native Linux is because this is going to end up costing the company less doing it.

    Weasel games with 100000+ players on online with servers hosted by the game creators the instance cost can come very expensive very quickly. There is a money reason here to make Linux versions of the game servers to save on instance costs. Yes larger the player base the more pressure to optimize..

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  • Weasel
    Originally posted by oiaohm View Post
    Because you are some party like a game company hosting on Linux servers and you want to reduce the size of your docker images. Wine is not what you call small.
    Wine (including wine-mono and wine-gecko btw) is ~250 MB in a squashfs. Some game executables are larger than that.

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  • Weasel
    Originally posted by EphemeralEft View Post
    Why port to Wayland when you can just use XWayland and have it done for you?
    I honestly don't see why anyone sane would ever port something to shit as crippled as Wayland in the first place. You don't need XWayland if you simply use X11.

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  • oiaohm
    Originally posted by Weasel View Post
    Why port when you can just use Wine and have it done for you?
    Because you are some party like a game company hosting on Linux servers and you want to reduce the size of your docker images. Wine is not what you call small.

    Ntsync will make the porting simpler because porting will not have to equal straight up redoing the sync structures into Linux native.

    There is a balance here.

    Yes weasel think you want to start docker instances on demand items like wine start up costs start coming important. Wine has to do a lot of start up things just in case application uses them not that the current application will use them. Yes Wine has a start up cost from being generic..

    ntsync driver will lower the cost to port Windows native program to mostly Linux native for particular users this will be important. Lower the porting developer time cost smaller the gain from porting required to justify doing the porting.

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  • EphemeralEft
    Originally posted by Weasel View Post
    Why port when you can just use Wine and have it done for you?
    Why port to Wayland when you can just use XWayland and have it done for you?

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  • timofonic
    Originally posted by mirmirmir View Post
    Now include native windows in the benchmark
    I agree!

    Michael Please do it!

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