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Wishlist for Porting Projects (Pt. 2)

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  • johanar
    Oh, now I remembered another game I'm hoping for a Linux port for.. Monaco.. It's still in development though

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  • liamdawe
    Originally posted by sirdilznik View Post
    Well, since Steam and Source are STILL coming to Linux (nudge nudge, wink wink) then Left 4 Dead should be a shoo-in to get ported.
    Woohoo someone shares my view...

    Although stupidness aside, left 4 dead 2 is an awesome game, it would get a lot more time from me if it worked under Linux.

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  • sirdilznik
    No. I thought I laid the sarcasm on thick enough, but I guess not.

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  • snuwoods
    do you know something we don't?

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  • sirdilznik
    Originally posted by johanar View Post

    Not so realistic wishes:
    - Left 4 Dead 1 & 2
    Well, since Steam and Source are STILL coming to Linux (nudge nudge, wink wink) then Left 4 Dead should be a shoo-in to get ported.

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  • johanar
    Since my post to this thread either never was posted or has magically disappeared, here we go again Maybe it had too many links, so that the spam filter kicked in?

    Realistic wishes:
    - Magicka
    - Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

    Not so realistic wishes:
    - Left 4 Dead 1 & 2
    - Battlefield 3

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  • whizse
    There's apparently a new port of UE3 to OS X:
    Find in-depth gaming news and hands-on reviews of the latest video games, video consoles and accessories.

    I'm guessing icculus isn't involved this time around?

    Always seems like a waste to bring a game (and game engine) to OpenGL and OS X and then not port it to Linux, but I guess I'm biased

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  • Max Spain
    The Duke

    DNF coming to Mac.

    Now I was under the impression that DNF used the Unreal engine and that was never gonna be ported anywhere. WTF is going on?

    I really wish we knew what really happened with Icculus/Mr. Gordon.

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  • johanar
    Hey! What happened to my wishlist that I posted here a few weeks ago? It even had links to the games I was talking about

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  • dashcloud
    Interesting tweet about Psychonauts

    Hi guys, this tweet about Psychonauts is interesting- does it mean Psychonauts can go from the never column to the highly unlikely column at least?

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