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Godot 4.0 Alpha Is Near, Another Pre-Alpha Build Available

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  • Godot 4.0 Alpha Is Near, Another Pre-Alpha Build Available

    Phoronix: Godot 4.0 Alpha Is Near, Another Pre-Alpha Build Available

    The highly anticipated Godot 4.0 game engine release continues moving closer and should soon see an official alpha release...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite

  • #2
    Just in case:

    Find games made with Godot like The Other One, Assessment Examination, Nightfall Terror : Trails of the dead, The Choicer Voicer, BFDI: Branches on, the indie game hosting marketplace


    • #3
      The first link's post is deleted.


      • #4
        *Looks at video timestamp*

        Well ya got my attention.

        *Plays video*

        Jesus Christ that music is too happy for this early in the morning.


        • #5
          Originally posted by cl333r View Post

          The first link's post is deleted.
          Thanks, Captain Obvious. But it's not about the first post, it's about the comments.


          • #6
            First link shows references to dead/incomplete projects and the tps demo which is known to perform badly.

            With all those games on the second link , you would think it would be easy to find a good one. You would be wrong.

            I'm sure Godot has better games to showcase.

            This guy usually finishes his games and he has a few made with Godot:

            Also, check out this page:

            and the actual Godot showcase:


            • #7
              Quick question, does anyone if you can create a simple game with just using GDScript as the language (obviously you need assets like image/sprite files, sounds files, backgrounds, etc.)?


              • #8
                Originally posted by ehansin View Post
                Quick question, does anyone if you can create a simple game with just using GDScript as the language (obviously you need assets like image/sprite files, sounds files, backgrounds, etc.)?
                Yes. That's their goal and the official tutorial walks you through doing that.

                Aside from convenience and integration, one of the reasons they want you to never need to step outside GDScript is that, with the possible exception of C# with their Mono builds (I've never tried it), going outside GDScript kills the support for Unity-like one-click cross-platform builds because you need to bring your own cross-compiler and provide the .dll/.so/.dylib/etc. for each supported platform yourself.

                In fact, to push the "You may need to move beyond GDScript for heavy things like simulation" further into the distance, Godot 4 is bringing some major improvements to GDScript performance by extending the GDScript compiler's ability to use the optional type annotations and the := operator (assign and infer a static type for this variable) to get more performance out of it, rather than just as a MyPy analogue... among other things.

                Godot is designed with the intent that GDScript serve a role similar to Python with PyQt. (i.e. All the heavy stuff you're likely to need ready-made in C++, most projects never needing anything else, and support for loading dynamic libraries if that's still not enough... but with GDScript being faster than Python and the Mono builds supporting easy calling back and forth between GDScript and C#.)

                ...unless you mean "Can I skip the Godot IDE and hack something together with Vim and a Makefile?". I know you can build scenes programmatically, but I'm not sure how much support there is for completely bypassing the Godot editor's project manager.

                (Though Godot isn't an NIH "our IDE is gr8test" project. It does have a "Use External Editor" option for your Vim or Emacs, I use godot --quiet --no-window --export in a Makefile to batch-build my project's Windows and Linux distribution bundles, and being friendly to git diff is an explicit goal of their on-disk project layout. I believe I saw a recent changelog entry about force-sorting keys or sections or something in .tscn files to improve that by working around a hashmap-related source of variation.)
                Last edited by ssokolow; 13 December 2021, 07:50 AM.


                • #9
                  ssokolow Thanks for sharing all of that. Once Godot 4 is released, maybe I will give it a try and see what I can do with it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ehansin View Post
                    Quick question, does anyone if you can create a simple game with just using GDScript as the language (obviously you need assets like image/sprite files, sounds files, backgrounds, etc.)?
                    You can do that for sure. I am currently working on game as a hobby and GDScript is more than enough for everything. You can even make tools with it - open source pixel art software Pixelorama is made entirely with just GDScript and shaders.

