Phoronix: PathScale EKOPath 5.0 Beta Compiler Performance
Going on two years ago PathScale open-sourced their EKOPath 4 Compiler Suite. This Fortran/C/C++ compiler suite hasn't seen widespread adoption since then outside of some scientific circles and other select high-performance areas, but PathScale hasn't stalled in advancing their compiler software that is also still available commercially. PathScale has been preparing to release EKOPath 5.0, which is the subject of today's benchmarks.
Going on two years ago PathScale open-sourced their EKOPath 4 Compiler Suite. This Fortran/C/C++ compiler suite hasn't seen widespread adoption since then outside of some scientific circles and other select high-performance areas, but PathScale hasn't stalled in advancing their compiler software that is also still available commercially. PathScale has been preparing to release EKOPath 5.0, which is the subject of today's benchmarks.