I appreciate Michael's work
Michael, I want to let you know that I appreciate you publishing this article, which indeed was informative. Please don't be discouraged by the usual trolls who show up to attack you. Sad to say that the Internet enables these losers to anonymously heap abuse on people like you who actually create useful content for us geeks to read. What the trolls are really saying is that, "Hey, look at me, I'm a know-nothing loser, I can't write anything useful but I can make myself look cool by attacking those who are actually productive."
As for the article itself, I had been wondering what was happening with Gnash. Sad to see it stagnating, but glad to hear that Lightspark has picked up the baton. Much as we might all wish Flash to disappear from the Internet, that won't happen for at least a few more years, so it would be nice to have a fully-functional free tool that doesn't make us dependent on Adobe (which recently announced that they will no longer update Flash for Linux).
Michael, I want to let you know that I appreciate you publishing this article, which indeed was informative. Please don't be discouraged by the usual trolls who show up to attack you. Sad to say that the Internet enables these losers to anonymously heap abuse on people like you who actually create useful content for us geeks to read. What the trolls are really saying is that, "Hey, look at me, I'm a know-nothing loser, I can't write anything useful but I can make myself look cool by attacking those who are actually productive."
As for the article itself, I had been wondering what was happening with Gnash. Sad to see it stagnating, but glad to hear that Lightspark has picked up the baton. Much as we might all wish Flash to disappear from the Internet, that won't happen for at least a few more years, so it would be nice to have a fully-functional free tool that doesn't make us dependent on Adobe (which recently announced that they will no longer update Flash for Linux).