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Wine 1.3.19 Improves Direct3D 9 Support

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  • #11
    Originally posted by not.sure View Post
    LOL. You have that, too?? I always thought having wine+notepad opening for txt files must be a freak accident on my system...
    rm ~/.local/share/applications/wine-extension-*.desktop
    ...and then kbuildsyscoca4 (kde4) or just logout/login solves that.


    • #12
      Originally posted by allquixotic View Post
      Windows is a complicated operating system. To write the whole OS natively (including all the dependencies), you're talking upwards of 25 million lines of code, maybe more if you throw in all the backwards compat stuff.

      No wonder wine has problems. If Microsoft needs that many million SLOCs to implement it natively, how many lines do you think wine will need to implement it in emulation by calling POSIX stuff in the background?

      Wine *does* work for some applications, but to truly discover what apps a particular release enables, you have to test it.
      yes that is true, but the majority of those codes have absolutely nothing to do with running a binary executable. the fact that wine can run as much as it does while being a fraction of the size of windows is amazing, but theres clearly something huge they're missing that is causing extravagant failures:
      when you look at it in this way, windows 98 cannot run all windows xp, visa, or 7 programs. this is due to just simply missing code and features that future programs need. windows xp cannot run certain programs from windows 95, because it can't run 16 bit programs and the OS was heavily revised in comparison.
      BUT, wine has compatibility for programs from windows 3.1 to windows 7, yet there are huge gaps of functionality problems. this isn't just simply missing or changed libraries, i feel there are entire pieces of things missing altogether, and the wine developers are coming up with alternatives. one of these things is directx. when you try to substitute an ENTIRE product that has been revised for literally over a decade, it is almost futile if you are to ever expect to compete.

      wine has the ability to be a perfect windows alternative but they have GOT to stop re-writing everything. if theres legal problems, just simply don't include it, but give compatibilty.


      • #13
        Originally posted by devius View Post
        It may be just me, but I see all these announcements that wine made improvements and bugs were fixed, and everytime I try it it's all the same old shit. What actual new games/programs now run perfectly that didn't before, if any at all? That's what I'd call an improvement, not something like "We fixed more MSXML stuff for the millionth time but everything using it is still broken".

        PS: I may be a bit biased in my hate towards Wine because I dislike that it decides to create a bunch of context menu entries that I don't want and decides to associate notepad.exe with text files although I don't want that, and even after removing it, the chaos that it created in my desktop gets left behind. And on top of all that the programs that I wanted to run with it don't work.
        To better understand what improvement means by their definition you should look at this link:

        As you can see there are goals and sometimes peoples associated with them. What you can see more is that this goals aren't application oriented but feature oriented. Now you may think that features they implement are useless because they don't make your application run better.


        • #14
          What's up with all the hating? Thanks to Wine I am able to play FUCKING PORTAL 2 on linux the day it's released. The only thing I need to do to play this unbelievably complex piece of software on my linux PC is to install a package that's only a few megabytes large. Isn't that a goddamn miracle? The task that Wine is trying to achieve is so unbelievably ambitious that the fact that they are at least partially succeeding deserves deep respect.


          • #15
            If someone doesn't want crashes/regressions in a new release, he/she must use stable releases.....


            • #16
              Alien Swarm and FEAR Combat stopped working. Mouse still warps. Thanks wine team, that sure IS an improvement.


              • #17
                Originally posted by kokoko3k View Post
                rm ~/.local/share/applications/wine-extension-*.desktop
                ...and then kbuildsyscoca4 (kde4) or just logout/login solves that.
                This one is by far better:

                chmod o-w -R ~/.local/share/applications/
                This will strip ability to modify any custom file associations for current user.
                Do o+w for reverse.
                The problem is that crappy WINE has no option to stop integrating windows bullsh!t into linux DE. It replaces many associations bound to sane linux programs instead to windows bullcr@p or wine running that bullcr@p. No one understands why. People need WINE to run 1-2 wincrap programs over linux, but instead WINE tries to pull wincr@p on linux.

                Disabling the ability to modify custom associations fixes this WINE idiocy. Or you have to patch it to remove that crap in the binary.

                But don't worry, WINE STILL makes all your user files available for write to wincrap stuff and there is no official way to run wincrap programs under different user, whilst remaining in original user (like sudo, but for wine), so wincr@p stuff has zero access to user files. Because it runs viruses as well. Well, I figured out how to do that but somebody should really make codewavers FIX this.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by crazycheese View Post
                  The problem is that crappy WINE has no option to stop integrating windows bullsh!t into linux DE. It replaces many associations bound to sane linux programs instead to windows bullcr@p or wine running that bullcr@p. No one understands why. People need WINE to run 1-2 wincrap programs over linux, but instead WINE tries to pull wincr@p on linux.
                  Why should it do otherwise? What does happen with file associations when you install "windows bullcr@p" on Windows?


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by vertex2 View Post
                    The task that Wine is trying to achieve is so unbelievably ambitious that the fact that they are at least partially succeeding deserves deep respect.
                    So very true


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by NSLW View Post
                      Why should it do otherwise? What does happen with file associations when you install "windows bullcr@p" on Windows?
                      Surely I want to open .jpg files with "Wine Internet Explorer".

