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Nokia & Microsoft Get In Bed, Qt & MeeGo Take A Back

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  • Originally posted by yesterday View Post

    I guess you missed Windows CE 6.5.

    Oh, and your saying that Microsoft could have dominated the phone market because they weren't trying? What sort of idiotic business can't be bothered to make money?
    I think microsoft went and designed a proper OS while most companies were fighting out wether phones were going to be big bussiness.

    Lest you forget dos,windows of all version etc.

    they tend to do that. field a float see how the market is, then come in and kick ass.

    Lets be honest. Microsoft has the money to hire the best developers in the world and they routinely do.

    Plus I know of numerous people who hate there linux "andriod" phones.

    so go figure.


    • Originally posted by Thatguy View Post
      I think microsoft went and designed a proper OS while most companies were fighting out wether phones were going to be big bussiness.

      Lest you forget dos,windows of all version etc.

      they tend to do that. field a float see how the market is, then come in and kick ass.

      Lets be honest. Microsoft has the money to hire the best developers in the world and they routinely do.

      Plus I know of numerous people who hate there linux "andriod" phones.

      so go figure.
      Comeback to kick Ass? With what? A non multi threading mobile OS ? Dont think so.....
      They rather tend to come in late and try to own what they missed! They make shit and try to have success with it, they dont care what thier customers want! Thats why they are the loosers..
      Nokia made a big mistake ..

      Back a few months ago i had to make a dessison, a n900 or a android phone (galaxy s )
      I wanted meegoo but i choosed android! It happly turns out it was the right one, now i can play with cyanogenmod 7 :-)


      • Originally posted by Azpegath View Post
        I don't think finnish people replace "l" with "r" when they speak English. They usually also have very good grammar. Just saying...
        Ow 'scuse me for the insult. Dunno why I thought Nokia was Korean >.< Finnish people speak perfect English.

        But when you make deals like that you are stupid to the max. Anyone knows that Micorost has been desperate to get into other markets than operating systems, and except for the Xbox360 they have failed horribly in everything they tried so far. I'm still seeing Windows dying sooner or later... If only because desktop sales have been declining for a loooong time in favor of laptops who are declining in favor of tablets and smartphones.


        • Originally posted by V!NCENT View Post
          But when you make deals like that you are stupid to the max. Anyone knows that Micorost has been desperate to get into other markets than operating systems, and except for the Xbox360 they have failed horribly in everything they tried so far.
          Well, except for mice, keyboards, other peripherals, computer games and application software.


          • Originally posted by RealNC View Post
            Well, except for mice, keyboards, other peripherals, computer games and application software.
            True true. On that notice, I have to recommend TypeMatrix keyboards to you guys. I bought one 4 years ago, another one for work a year later, and I'm very happy with them! Sounds like I work for them now, but I just want to spread the word, their bold design is great and I'd really like them to be rewarded for it.
            Here's a link:

            I'm writing dvorak on it, with a blank keyboard and see-through dvorak overlay (or actually svorak, the Swedish equivalent). Haven't looked back since the switch!


            • Originally posted by V!NCENT View Post
              Anyone knows that Micorost has been desperate to get into other markets than operating systems, and except for the Xbox360 they have failed horribly in everything they tried so far.
              The xbox360 would be a horrible failure if the customer base was smart enough not to accept shoddy electronic manufacturing standards.


              • Originally posted by Thatguy View Post
                field a float see how the market is, then come in and kick ass.
                Quite the opposite IMO. They grab the market with something crappy that kind of works, kill the competition with questionable (at least) practice, and then they start improving things. Android was early, here. They released an early version that kind of sucked and kind of worked, and took over 5% of the market, then they improved (android 2.2) it and jumped to 25% market share or something in six months.

                The netbook market is another example. Linux was there first, when asus sold millions of linux devices (the early eeepc, that I bought). MS reacted by first giving away XP Licenses to the early adopters, and quickly bullying the hardware manufacturers:

                The difference between the netbook and phone markets, is that here the contender are heavy weight software companies (as opposed to Xandros in the early eeepc). They can't simply be pushed around.

                And what was this bit about MS hiring the best engineers? Some of the best minds in the industry are quite entrepreneurial. That's why Google got ahead so quickly: they got a lot of these gems early, and nurtured them in an environment more reminiscent of the bazaar than the cathedral. This was covered in the media in Jan/Feb this year, see here:

                And this is actually one of the alleged reasons for management shakeup at the top in Google a couple weeks ago.

                Plus I know of numerous people who hate there linux "andriod" phones.
                Most people I know have hated their windows computers for the last 15 years. Endured vuruses , crapware, and malware of all kinds. They are still Windows users.

                Ironically, many Free Software advocates still embrace the "Don't release until it's ready" paradigm. Clearly, "Release early, release often" works a lot better on the field


                • Originally posted by jscurtu View Post
                  Comeback to kick Ass? With what? A non multi threading mobile OS ? Dont think so.....
                  They rather tend to come in late and try to own what they missed! They make shit and try to have success with it, they dont care what thier customers want! Thats why they are the loosers..
                  Nokia made a big mistake ..

                  Back a few months ago i had to make a dessison, a n900 or a android phone (galaxy s )
                  I wanted meegoo but i choosed android! It happly turns out it was the right one, now i can play with cyanogenmod 7 :-)

                  yes come back and kickass. did you know that you can play xbox games on a windows7 phone ?

                  I can't confirm you diatribe about multithreading

                  I just gotta tell you, the absolute Bs that comes out of linux users mouths is beyond annoying.

                  Look I don't really care for microsoft, but at least there shit works as advertised.


                  • Originally posted by mendieta View Post
                    Quite the opposite IMO. They grab the market with something crappy that kind of works, kill the competition with questionable (at least) practice, and then they start improving things. Android was early, here. They released an early version that kind of sucked and kind of worked, and took over 5% of the market, then they improved (android 2.2) it and jumped to 25% market share or something in six months.

                    The netbook market is another example. Linux was there first, when asus sold millions of linux devices (the early eeepc, that I bought). MS reacted by first giving away XP Licenses to the early adopters, and quickly bullying the hardware manufacturers:

                    The difference between the netbook and phone markets, is that here the contender are heavy weight software companies (as opposed to Xandros in the early eeepc). They can't simply be pushed around.

                    And what was this bit about MS hiring the best engineers? Some of the best minds in the industry are quite entrepreneurial. That's why Google got ahead so quickly: they got a lot of these gems early, and nurtured them in an environment more reminiscent of the bazaar than the cathedral. This was covered in the media in Jan/Feb this year, see here:

                    And this is actually one of the alleged reasons for management shakeup at the top in Google a couple weeks ago.

                    Most people I know have hated their windows computers for the last 15 years. Endured vuruses , crapware, and malware of all kinds. They are still Windows users.

                    Ironically, many Free Software advocates still embrace the "Don't release until it's ready" paradigm. Clearly, "Release early, release often" works a lot better on the field

                    your living in a fantasy world. If linux had the same market share as windows, there would be so much stuff written for it, it'd boggle your mid.

                    Microsoft does hire the best engineers and pays them accordingly.

                    Let me tell you something you might not understnad. Really good engineers are cocky bastards. They might not always be the most innovative, but they are cocky, the expect to be paid and at crunch time, they get shit done.

                    Nothing google does impress's me.



                    • @ ThatGuy: I can't help but notice you complete lack of response to any of the specific arguments or data mendieta presented other than what amounts to "because I said so". Do you actually have a response to what mendieta said, or do you expect us to just take your word for it?

