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Ubuntu Finds New Love With Qt

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  • BlackStar
    Originally posted by mugginz View Post
    Is this the "Window title to menu bar" you meant?

    Exactly, QtCurve does not render color gradients correctly. Additionally, it causes instability in some applications (e.g. MonoDevelop warns you when you start it up with QtCurve).

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  • mugginz
    Originally posted by RealNC View Post
    I used QtCurve in the past too. But now Oxygen-gtk. It's much better. QtCurve looked different from Oxygen and it also didn't do the "Window title to menu bar" smooth color thing correctly.
    Is this the "Window title to menu bar" you meant?

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  • KDesk
    Originally posted by RealNC View Post
    Btw, Oxygen supports dragging windows not only from titlebar, but from menu and toolbars as well as all other empty areas of windows.
    Yes, first it was implemented in Oxygen I think. My point was that QtCurve has all the options from Oxygen plus many more.

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  • RealNC
    Btw, Oxygen supports dragging windows not only from titlebar, but from menu and toolbars as well as all other empty areas of windows.

    Just mentioning :P

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  • KDesk
    Originally posted by RealNC View Post
    I mean it doesn't work for Gtk.
    Ah, ok. But it also works

    Originally posted by RealNC View Post
    I wasn't in a need for an Oxygen replacement. I was in a need for something that allows me to use Oxygen without Gtk apps looking random. We can argue all day long which Gtk theme is better. The point is solely having Gtk apps use Oxygen, which is what this theme solves.
    Yes, it's an alternative to have a consistent theme for many apps, but personally I don't like some things from the Oxygen look, and they are not configurable.

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  • RealNC
    Originally posted by KDesk View Post
    It does work right now for me, you can see in the screenshot, it's only a setting of the used gradient.
    I mean it doesn't work for Gtk.

    I wasn't in a need for an Oxygen replacement. I was in a need for something that allows me to use Oxygen without Gtk apps looking random. We can argue all day long which Gtk theme is better. The point is solely having Gtk apps use Oxygen, which is what this theme solves.

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  • KDesk
    Originally posted by RealNC View Post
    Oxygen is configured in System Settings. Oxygen-gtk uses the same settings as KDE's Oxygen.
    The same with QtCurve, it is also configured via System Settings.

    Originally posted by RealNC View Post
    I used QtCurve in the past too. But now Oxygen-gtk. It's much better.
    One think I also like from QtCurve is that you can configured it to look like almost anything, including Oxygen.

    Originally posted by RealNC View Post
    QtCurve looked different from Oxygen
    That's way I use it The problem which I see with Oxygen is that is has very few configuration options. With QtCurve you can use and create hundreds of themes, in Oxygen you have to use the same boring theme. For example, you can in QtCurve enable the "drag windows from titlebar, menubar, toolbar, etc." thing; or you can also hide all the menubars and statusbars with shortcuts or with a button in window decorator. In this screenshot you can see a small M on the left in the window decorator. It's for hiding the menubar of any window.

    Originally posted by RealNC View Post
    and it also didn't do the "Window title to menu bar" smooth color thing correctly.
    It does work right now for me, you can see in the screenshot, it's only a setting of the used gradient.

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  • RealNC
    Originally posted by KDesk View Post
    Do you know that QtCurve is a engine? You can use/create any theme with it.
    QtCurve is better than Oxygen because as being an engine, you can configure many aspects beside look (and the look it self of course), but in Oxygen you can not configure the look and only a small portion of the settings compared to the hundreds of settings in QtCurve.
    Oxygen is configured in System Settings. Oxygen-gtk uses the same settings as KDE's Oxygen.

    I used QtCurve in the past too. But now Oxygen-gtk. It's much better. QtCurve looked different from Oxygen and it also didn't do the "Window title to menu bar" smooth color thing correctly.

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  • KDesk
    Originally posted by Jonno View Post
    But what happens when I change my Qt-theme to Cleanlooks, Plastique or anything else? GTK-apps start looking foreign again!

    This is not GTK+ apps rendering using Qt, but just another case of one Qt-theme and one GTK+-theme looking consistent with each other, similarly to the existing qtcurve (though admittedly looking a lot better than qtcurve).
    Do you know that QtCurve is a engine? You can use/create any theme with it.
    QtCurve is better than Oxygen because as being an engine, you can configure many aspects beside look (and the look it self of course), but in Oxygen you can not configure the look and only a small portion of the settings compared to the hundreds of settings in QtCurve.

    Look a look at this screenshot from, in my opinion, it looks much better than Oxygen.

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  • deanjo
    Originally posted by lem79 View Post
    Brasero is still immature compared to K3B, and buggy (as of Ubuntu 10.10), especially with multisession handling. The "span multiple media" feature didn't seem to work last time Brasero offered it to me either. There are other things that I can't remember now, but K3B > Brasero for anything more than simple burning tasks.
    Doesn't much matter anyways. Optical media is going the way of the floppies and zip drives. The trend for the last year or so has been to backup to external storage. You can even see this on the store shelves. It seems like the selection of optical media is getting smaller and smaller with every month that goes by. 2 years ago I used to burn DVD's like a madman but now it is cheaper and more reliable to use an external drive.

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