Originally posted by Nuc!eoN
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I think controversy is a double edged sword. It may benefit in certain conditions, but it might destroy too. Also, personal discussions aren't good in LKML. I think he needs to become a lot more polite, get code merged and collaborate with developers, then get sponsors to be full time and hire at least dozen of developers for Bcachefs development.
He should direct to VFS maintainers and such. If they ignore him, that's another topic but talking directly to Linus might make a bad climate.
If the maintainer is an *hole, don't become another. Maybe there should be a mechanism to replace maintainers that become irresponsible, stupid, rude and other negative attitudes bad for Linux kernel development.
Linux kernel development ecosystem needs to be improved. I consider relying on a mailing list is a limitation, instead a GitHub/GitLab system but I consider that functionality should be implemented in Git itself with both web and native frontends.
I consider there needs to be some kind of "social training" to make teamwork better. Proper text-based communication is possible, but requires to develop certain skills not quite common to most people.
Kent isn't the only *hole here, but the most prominent because he wants his code to get merged. He should improve his social skills, his technological ones are already quite extremely high. Even Linus Torvalds improved over time, despite his rebuttals were quite funny but not constructive in the long term (Nvidia deserved the middle finger and still does, anyway).
I see Bcachefs development to be quite endangered until all involved parties reflect on it, accepting responsibilities and faults of themselves. Then learn from it and be sure all this crap doesn't happen again. And of course, more strict moderation and a better project governance model.