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Unity 7 Still Being Tuned Ahead Of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

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  • hooluupog
    Why bring hatred to make yourself and others unhappy? If you dislike something you can just ignore it.

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  • dee.
    Originally posted by chrisb View Post
    Dee, you seem to have me confused with someone who has an attachment to Ubuntu. In fact, I would have given exactly the same advice regardless of distro. "I use distro X, it's terrible, I hate it". So try another. There is plenty of choice.
    Well, first of all, the original poster to whom you originally responded to never said whether they currently use Ubuntu or not. With that in mind, allow me to reiterate the exact same thing I said in my previous post, since it seems you failed to read it on the first time:
    For that matter, I can honestly say "windows xp sucks horse dick". I don't currently use windows xp anymore, and haven't used it in years, so does that mean I can no longer have any opinion on windows xp? And if that is not the case, then why would it be the case for Ubuntu? Besides that, people may not always get to choose what OS they use. Some people may have to deal with OS's they don't like due to work, doing favors to friends, or any number of reasons.

    When you immediately attack someone just for voicing a negative opinion about Ubuntu, accuse them of trolling, dismiss their opinion... it definitely does not look like the words of someone who "has no attachment to Ubuntu".

    The fact that you are so irrationally consumed with anti-Ubuntu hatred is something you should try to admit and accept. Doing so will not only make you happy, but also bring you wealth and riches beyond your wildest dreams.
    Well, that's a pretty funny - if somewhat clumsy - attempt at turning the tables and throwing my own words against me, but it kind of fails in that I've never actually expressed any kind of anti-Ubuntu hatred. You're probably confusing me with someone else.

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  • chrisb
    Originally posted by dee. View Post
    No, you were being defensive. Own up to it. The moment someone says something negative about Ubuntu, you jump in and start accusing them of trolling. Why can't you let others have their opinion? Someone who is not being defensive would have shrugged, said "ok, we all have different opinions/tastes" and moved on. Not instantly jumping in trying to discredit other people's opinions.

    For that matter, I can honestly say "windows xp sucks horse dick". I don't currently use windows xp anymore, and haven't used it in years, so does that mean I can no longer have any opinion on windows xp? And if that is not the case, then why would it be the case for Ubuntu? Besides that, people may not always get to choose what OS they use. Some people may have to deal with OS's they don't like due to work, doing favors to friends, or any number of reasons.

    In fact, you're using circular logic. By your logic, no one can ever say anything negative about Ubuntu, because you can always counter it with "well, if it sucks, you shouldn't be using it". And if they're not using it, then they can't criticize it either, because they don't know what it's like. That kind of attitude is not only irrational, it's an attempt to silence criticism and stifle open discussion.

    In short, you're behaving in every way like an irrational fanboy. The sooner you recognize this behaviour in yourself and accept it, the sooner you can strive to correct that behaviour and become a better, happier person.
    Dee, you seem to have me confused with someone who has an attachment to Ubuntu. In fact, I would have given exactly the same advice regardless of distro. "I use distro X, it's terrible, I hate it". So try another. There is plenty of choice. The fact that you are so irrationally consumed with anti-Ubuntu hatred is something you should try to admit and accept. Doing so will not only make you happy, but also bring you wealth and riches beyond your wildest dreams.

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  • dee.
    Originally posted by chrisb View Post
    a) I'm not. Why are you?
    b) It isn't my problem - I really don't care
    c) That was not the reason. He uses Ubuntu, but really hates it. Would you use something if you hated it? There are plenty of alternatives. Why not use Arch or Debian or Fedora? If someone told you "I keep deliberately banging my head against the wall. I really hate doing it. It inflicts great pain on me and ruins my life", then surely the first question you would ask is "why do you do it?" Followed shortly, one would assume, by a suggestion to seek an alternative path in life? Or is acceptance of a life of painful mediocrity something you would encourage?
    No, you were being defensive. Own up to it. The moment someone says something negative about Ubuntu, you jump in and start accusing them of trolling. Why can't you let others have their opinion? Someone who is not being defensive would have shrugged, said "ok, we all have different opinions/tastes" and moved on. Not instantly jumping in trying to discredit other people's opinions.

    For that matter, I can honestly say "windows xp sucks horse dick". I don't currently use windows xp anymore, and haven't used it in years, so does that mean I can no longer have any opinion on windows xp? And if that is not the case, then why would it be the case for Ubuntu? Besides that, people may not always get to choose what OS they use. Some people may have to deal with OS's they don't like due to work, doing favors to friends, or any number of reasons.

    In fact, you're using circular logic. By your logic, no one can ever say anything negative about Ubuntu, because you can always counter it with "well, if it sucks, you shouldn't be using it". And if they're not using it, then they can't criticize it either, because they don't know what it's like. That kind of attitude is not only irrational, it's an attempt to silence criticism and stifle open discussion.

    In short, you're behaving in every way like an irrational fanboy. The sooner you recognize this behaviour in yourself and accept it, the sooner you can strive to correct that behaviour and become a better, happier person.

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  • chrisb
    Originally posted by dee. View Post
    Why the hell are you so defensive? If someone doesn't like Ubuntu, why is it your problem? And why do you accuse someone of trolling just because they have a different opinion from yours?
    a) I'm not. Why are you?
    b) It isn't my problem - I really don't care
    c) That was not the reason. He uses Ubuntu, but really hates it. Would you use something if you hated it? There are plenty of alternatives. Why not use Arch or Debian or Fedora? If someone told you "I keep deliberately banging my head against the wall. I really hate doing it. It inflicts great pain on me and ruins my life", then surely the first question you would ask is "why do you do it?" Followed shortly, one would assume, by a suggestion to seek an alternative path in life? Or is acceptance of a life of painful mediocrity something you would encourage?

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  • dee.
    Originally posted by chrisb View Post
    If you hate Ubuntu so much, then why the hell are you using it? Or is this just a bad attempt at trolling?
    Why the hell are you so defensive? If someone doesn't like Ubuntu, why is it your problem? And why do you accuse someone of trolling just because they have a different opinion from yours?

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  • chrisb
    Originally posted by Grogan View Post
    Ubuntu is a terrible distribution in my books. Dumbed down yet crippled up with arbitrary difficulty and complexity.


    What a clusterfuck Ubuntu is, symlinks all over the place, libraries in alternate directories even if you're not using multilib etc. You better be a novice that uses only what they give you if you're going to use that distro because if you break it, you're screwed.

    Unity? All I can do is laugh at that... an xterm is a more productive user interface than that, for me.
    If you hate Ubuntu so much, then why the hell are you using it? Or is this just a bad attempt at trolling? btw the left shift key is Grub's "force show the menu" key. A simple Google search would've provided you with that information. I think most installs of Grub on single-distro systems will hide the menu screen, it might even be the default (it's unnecessary for most users to see a menu screen when they turn on the computer, Apple and Microsoft both also hide the boot loader menu)

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  • Grogan
    Ubuntu is a terrible distribution in my books. Dumbed down yet crippled up with arbitrary difficulty and complexity. They use a hybrid init system with upstart and sysvinit functionality, but don't even give you tools to manage it. You have to hand edit (or override) upstart files and/or many things still seem to start with sysvinit scripts and I have to manipulate the symlinks by hand to get the desired behaviour.

    I broke a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS install the other day, simply by installing the xorg-dev metapackage while setting up a build environment for a project I needed to compile on that distro. It showed me it was going to remove some custom Ubuntu xorg packages, and install the corresponding dependencies for the X11 devel packages so I said Y. After that, the system would not initialize, it just hung on a stupid purplish Ubuntu splash screen with no info, accepting no input of any kind, because the X server was actually missing. No grub menu to start in a different runlevel, and no key presses accepted because those assholes set the hidden timeout to 0 in the grub configuration. No ssh server installed... dead in the water.

    I had to boot with a rescue disk and edit grub just so I could find out what was wrong, and then install some missing packages. You can bet that I uncrippled the system so that can't happen to me again when I realized the things they had done. I put the grub menu back, set it to boot in "text" mode instead of splashes in my kernel stanza, set the tty's so login would use --noclear and also set the variable that grub passes to the init system so the system would start without X11 (and set it up so startx would start fluxbox... a plain jane window manager that won't piss me off when I'm trying to get work done. The Ubuntu package for fluxbox even made the damned menu more difficult to edit. I had a file that just included a dynamically generated menu file from /etc/default. Of course I fixed that, but how stupid is that. Anyone that asks for fluxbox probably already knows how to work it and doesn't need that kind of nannying. They can't even leave things like that alone)

    What a clusterfuck Ubuntu is, symlinks all over the place, libraries in alternate directories even if you're not using multilib etc. You better be a novice that uses only what they give you if you're going to use that distro because if you break it, you're screwed.

    Unity? All I can do is laugh at that... an xterm is a more productive user interface than that, for me.

    No I won't stop murmurring and accept it, as people admonish. I don't want people to think that Ubuntu is what Linux distributions are all about. If anything, Canonical is going to ruin "Linux".

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  • seb24
    Originally posted by Viper_Scull View Post
    So I guess you wouldn't mind 200 articles a day commenting on every new decision of every distro, every DE, etc, etc... right?

    You use Ubuntu? It's totally fine, but that doesn't mean you have to be Ok with him writing about what MS had for breakfast this morning. Linux world doesn't end with Ubuntu.... or maybe it does looking at how they drive apart from all the community directions.

    I won't go offtopic anymore cause my mate Barry doesn't seem to like it very much.
    It's the vUDS during 3 days. So during 3 Days we have news about the developement of Ubuntu. Nothing more.

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  • Xtigyro
    I use Ubuntu and only Ubuntu. And I'm one of these users that do want a distro simply to work with the best defaults available. I've tried the most popular 20 distributions on DistroWatch and I can state that for general use Ubuntu is by far the best distribution.
    And as far as I know this is the distribution with the biggest market share so it's normal to see much more articles about it. Stop murmuring and accept it.

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