Originally posted by AdamW
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"solve only 90% of the problem" is also one of the... how you call them.. unix guidelines (?) and he demonstrated it in the example
(i read a bit of the Unix haters handbook and recommended it to all who wanna laugh (note for people: you might or might not learn something from it while doing that))
he also subtly states systemd is not perfect (another note for nitpicky forum dwellers: nothing is perfect)
@middy and others who talk about "unix lovers", "the future", "lennart haters" and so on
i never used a Unix (installed solaris once long time ago)
but i like the generic "keep it simple, stupid" principle, that goes along with "do one thing and do it well"
ofc if the goal can be done simpler by doing more things...
i think (my opinion, gosh) linux needs standardization
a well planed standardization of data formats, mechanisms etc. (like wayland for example or the LFS filesystem standard or POSIX or ...)
that could bring about a simpler but still powerful end system
but then again that is my opinion, and i am not entitled to my opinion 'cuz i dont like lennart's approach to problems and questions at hand (also i type without punctuation, that pisses off some people)
(PS i only mention him after someone repeats he's reasoning without understanding it)
funny enough i can be that kind of an asshole from time to time, but i learn and some times maybe even apologize (the dbus in kernel talk he seemed down to earth)