Phoronix: Zenwalk Linux 4.8 Beta

Among Linux distributions, Zenwalk is really an unsung hero. This distribution is great when it comes to the quality of the software, package selection, and the all-around feel of the distribution. Zenwalk is shortly coming up on its v4.8 milestone and earlier this week the first beta was released. New in Zenwalk Linux 4.8 Beta is the Linux kernel as well as IceWeasel and IceDove replacing Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird accompanied by the GMusicBrowser. The Xfce user interface has also been tweaked slightly and new artwork can also be found in Zenwalk 4.8. Zenwalk 4.8 is shaping up quite well from what can be seen in the beta release and it's highly recommended to check it out if you have time over this Labor Day weekend.

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