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Gentoo Linux Back To Spinning A Weekly LiveGUI DVD/USB ISO

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  • Gentoo Linux Back To Spinning A Weekly LiveGUI DVD/USB ISO

    Phoronix: Gentoo Linux Back To Spinning A Weekly LiveGUI DVD/USB ISO

    To complement their minimal install images and various stage archives produced, the Gentoo project has restarted the process to also begin producing a LiveGUI DVD/USB image as a more friendly first encounter with this Linux distribution...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite

  • #2
    Some of the software on the image:
    • KDE Plasma as desktop environment
    • Office productivity: LibreOffice, LyX, TeXstudio, XournalPP, kile
    • Web browsers: Firefox, Chromium
    • IRC and similar: irssi, weechat
    • Editors: Emacs, vim, kate, nano, joe
    • Development and source control: git, subversion, gcc, Python, Perl
    • Graphics: Inkscape, Gimp, Povray, Luminance HDR, Digikam
    • Video: KDEnlive
    • Disk management: hddtemp, testdisk, hdparm, nvme-cli, gparted, partimage, btrfs-progs, ddrescue, dosfstools, e2fsprogs, zfs
    • Network tools and daemons: nmap, tcpdump, traceroute, minicom, pptpclient, bind-tools, cifs-utils, nfs-utils, ftp, chrony, ntp, openssh, rdesktop, openfortivpn, openvpn, tor
    • Backup: mt-st, fsarchiver
    • Benchmarks: bonnie, bonnie++, dbench, iozone, stress, tiobench
    No shit? ZFS? Cool! This is a nice start to the week.

    The rest of that is basically a list of everything I use on a regular basis.


    • #3
      As someone mentioned it to me in these forums, there is also - unfortunately this project seems to have slowed down a bit since there was no new release in 2022 yet.

      By the way, is the new ISO also somewhat optimized, e.g. using the x86-64-v3 feature level?


      • #4
        Originally posted by ms178 View Post
        As someone mentioned it to me in these forums, there is also - unfortunately this project seems to have slowed down a bit since there was no new release in 2022 yet.

        By the way, is the new ISO also somewhat optimized, e.g. using the x86-64-v3 feature level?
        Looks like it's just standard x86_64.



        • #5
          Very nice to see ZFS make it into the ISO. Specifically had to use Ubuntu to install my ZFS-backed Gentoo installation a year or so back just for the ZFS live environment.


          • #6
            Very good news.


            • #7
              aww, no omgoptimized comments? you guys are slipping

