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System76 Releases Pop!_OS 21.04 With New COSMIC Desktop

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  • Nth_man
    There are some external factors that may cause problems. But Kubuntu works in a stable way in several computers that I manage, and in two Kubuntu virtual machines (one for VMware and another for VirtualBox).

    Anyone can try a Kubuntu virtual machine downloading it from , running it and seeing it for himself.

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  • AHOY
    Originally posted by CochainComplex View Post
    If you don't like std Ubuntu with gnome, go and have Kubuntu. Mint, Xubuntu, Lubuntu...* The same with Debian/Devuan or any other Distro/fork. Switching is rather easy because there is almost no vendor lock in.
    Kubuntu is one of the worst distros to use KDE, it's just full of bugs I never get in other distros. Use Fedora or OpenSUSE Tumbleweed.

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  • CochainComplex
    Originally posted by Danielsan View Post
    I used POP for one year and it had been my saddest Linux period...

    (some additional chars to meet the at least 5 chars criteria)

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  • CochainComplex
    Originally posted by Vistaus View Post

    If something is used a lot by something, doesn't mean it's not bad.
    true but then e.g. the KDE spins of the distribution would surge. For instance that has happend with mint during the unity / first gnome3 period on ubuntu. To a certain extend where I have thought Mint is already more present than ubuntu. I guess now it is rather calm/stable around mint.
    You are right we still have a windows monopol - that is proof enough. On the other hand Linux has a more "democratic" ecosystem.
    If you don't like std Ubuntu with gnome, go and have Kubuntu. Mint, Xubuntu, Lubuntu...* The same with Debian/Devuan or any other Distro/fork. Switching is rather easy because there is almost no vendor lock in.

    *or simply install kde
    Last edited by CochainComplex; 30 June 2021, 12:06 PM.

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  • Vistaus
    Originally posted by CochainComplex View Post

    there are still people liking gnome more than a windows wm copy (provocation intended). since it is the default wm on fedora, ubuntu, pop, clear linux ...etc it can not be that bad. For a second ... let us Just imagine the Distro maintainers : ...well I'm using KDE and the most of us too but just to annoy our users let us ship the distro by default with gnome fellow maintainers are you in ? ..hehe ...*chanting choire* yes me lord..... *facepalm*
    If something is used a lot by something, doesn't mean it's not bad.

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  • Danielsan
    I used POP for one year and it had been my saddest Linux period...

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  • skeevy420
    Originally posted by mmstick View Post

    There is also a shell script plugin built in. Scripts can be placed in `~/.local/share/pop-shell/scripts/`, and there must be metadata describing the script at the top of the file, like:

    # name: Switch to Compute Graphics
    # icon: preferences-system-symbolic
    # description: Use integrated GPU for display; discrete for CUDA / OpenCL
    # keywords: compute graphics switch nvidia
    I guess that's in the ballpark of what I meant...

    I was talking about typing something like "p: var=42" which would pass "var=42" to a Python shell in a terminal window or even an embedded shell in the Launcher Bar itself.

    Using that example because I use Python to do math occasionally.

    Michael been a while since I've bugged you about a flagged post
    Last edited by skeevy420; 30 June 2021, 08:23 AM.

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  • skeevy420
    Originally posted by StarterX4 View Post
    Switching to KDE and contributing to it would be more profitable than forking GNOME and trying to make it better.
    I reckon that depends on a person's background. Someone who knows JS but not C++ might not agree with that assessment. Someone who likes GTK over Qt might not agree with that. Someone who likes GNOME over KDE might now agree with that.

    I say that knowing that I'd also prefer what COSMIC does on top of KDE. Powerful tiling options on top of a very customizable base environment that doesn't make me feel like a 2nd class citizen because I have a mouse? Yes please. GNOME, to me, is the quintessential "fuck you mouse user" desktop environment. Just feels like everything in GNOME (and COSMIC by Proxy) is based around using a keyboard and touchpad on a 13"-17" 1080p laptop. When your environment is a 55" 4K screen without a touchpad, that's how GNOME and things based on GNOME feel.

    If y'all want to complain about switching to or using KDE -- Seems like 2/3 of what Ubuntu does is taking GNOME from a laptop form factor and using plugins to make it workstation form factor...basically turning GNOME into Crappy KDE. If anyone should exnay on the NOMEgay it should be Ubuntu. Just work on KDE. Don't make Crappy KDE with GNOME and Plugins.

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  • bple2137
    We'll see where it goes. Will they either only keep the Gnome fork to have any control over extensions breaking every time, or will they actually alter the codebase.

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  • CochainComplex
    Originally posted by StarterX4 View Post
    Switching to KDE and contributing to it would be more profitable than forking GNOME and trying to make it better.
    there are still people liking gnome more than a windows wm copy (provocation intended). since it is the default wm on fedora, ubuntu, pop, clear linux ...etc it can not be that bad. For a second ... let us Just imagine the Distro maintainers : ...well I'm using KDE and the most of us too but just to annoy our users let us ship the distro by default with gnome fellow maintainers are you in ? ..hehe ...*chanting choire* yes me lord..... *facepalm*
    Last edited by CochainComplex; 30 June 2021, 06:36 AM.

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