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KDE Plasma 5.5.3 Comes With 20 Changes

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  • deadite66
    Originally posted by TheBlackCat View Post
    You do realize that neon is an unstable development version, right?
    Same as the 'stable' version then.

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  • TheBlackCat
    Originally posted by deadite66 View Post
    Wanted to try Plasma 5 again after kde released the neon project, fresh install, installed the proprietary nvidia drivers and plasma desktop randomly crashes, P.O.S.
    back to Mate.
    You do realize that neon is an unstable development version, right?

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  • deadite66
    Wanted to try Plasma 5 again after kde released the neon project, fresh install, installed the proprietary nvidia drivers and plasma desktop randomly crashes, P.O.S.
    back to Mate.

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  • Jumbotron
    Wake me when the headline says "KDE PLASMA 5.x.x COMES WITH 3 CHANGES"

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  • bluedragon777
    Fine by me. ATM KDE needs bugfixes.

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  • edmon
    Originally posted by Steffo View Post
    Plasma 5.3 had been called stable, then Plasma 5.4 had been called stable. What KDE user call stable, Gnome user call it unstable. Happy Gnome User for a few months.
    We don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams

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  • edmon
    Originally posted by deadite66 View Post
    Just as likely to have added plenty of new bugs.
    When i tried Plasma 5 and had problems i searched for them on the bug tracker and some of them go back years, fixed then broken again, rinse and repeat...
    It's a great shame i really did enjoy using it.

    Happy Mate user now.
    We don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams

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  • cygn
    5.5.2 fixed a lot already for me, compared to 5.4, I guess with the help of qt5 updates. Looking forward to qt5.6 which should squash remaining bugs.

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  • dajomu
    Originally posted by deadite66 View Post
    Just as likely to have added plenty of new bugs.
    When i tried Plasma 5 and had problems i searched for them on the bug tracker and some of them go back years, fixed then broken again, rinse and repeat...
    It's a great shame i really did enjoy using it.

    Happy Mate user now.

    Issues are issues no matter what is causing them, but you might want to read some of the reasons to why Plasma 5 is hit by "bugs"
    Last week we got quite some criticism about the quality of KDE Plasma 5 on the Internet. This came rather surprising for us and is at least in my opinion highly undeserved. So far what we saw is th…

    Some of the feedback we got, is that we should blog more about how we improve the quality, what kind of bugs we fixed. So today I want to do that with an in-depth explanation of four crash reports …

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  • grndzro
    Have they added the ability to have instant autohide for the UI? Last time I checked it had instant show, with a hide delay that drove me nuts.

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