Ubuntu's File Manager App Has A Long TODO List

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  • TheBlackCat
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2011
    • 1920

    Originally posted by mhall119 View Post
    I doubt that the Nemo Mobile file manager (or Dolphin) does the extraction itself, but rather shells out to tar or zip for that, in which case it's mostly front-end work which we would have to do regardless. Probably the same for browsing network shares.
    No, as with all KDE file managers, file dialog boxes, and file transfer tools, Dolphin shells out those things to the KIO library. KIO figures out what sort of thing it was told to get, converts that to a list of files, then sends that list back to a program to display (or not) in whatever manner it wants (this is a bit simplified, obviously, but that is the basic idea). So a program using KIO pretty much doesn't need to know or care what sort of thing it is browsing, it just has to display the list of files provided by KIO. Local directories, USB drives, archive files, discs, network shares, and websites are all pretty much exactly the same, there is pretty much no additional "front-end work".


    • TheBlackCat
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2011
      • 1920

      Originally posted by mhall119 View Post
      The problem was that the our developers knew QML, but not much C++, and the Qt4/Qt5 UI were build in C++, so they couldn't do the work on the other UIs that was needed to make them work. And, appropriately, upstream wasn't going to land patches for the Ubuntu UI if they broke the Qt UIs. So we were at an impasse. The developers of the Ubuntu front-end started accumulating patches that worked for the Ubuntu UI but couldn't land in upstream without work done on the other UIs. Eventually they started releasing their patched version under the name Dekko, to make it available to users. Finally, after quite bit of discussion with the upstream project, they decided that the impasse wasn't going to be resolved any time soon, so the split was made official. Importantly, though, at no point were any of these decisions made by Canonical.
      I am confused by this. The GUI of trojito is written in C++, but so is all of the backend code. If nobody working on the fork understands C++, how are they planning to maintain all the C++ backend code?

