Why KDE Is Great For Gaming On The Linux Desktop

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67376

    Why KDE Is Great For Gaming On The Linux Desktop

    Phoronix: Why KDE Is Great For Gaming On The Linux Desktop

    Martin Gr??lin, the well known KWin developer, has written a new blog post explaining why if you're wanting to play Valve's Source Engine games or the other new native Linux games you should be using KDE Plasma...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite
  • RealNC
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2008
    • 4247

    Right. The same guy who doesn't give a shit about the need of games to be able to set their own resolution now claims KDE is great for gaming. Is this a joke?


    • blackout23
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2012
      • 1313

      Of course there is no self interest in promoting his programm...

      I haven't noticed any performance gains in SS3 when choosing another WM or Compositor or enableing/disabling desktop effects. I have been using the build-in BenchmarkingTool and FPS Graph. PC is Core i7 2600K 8GB RAM GTX 580 with 310.19 driver playing at 1920x1200.


      • johnc
        Official X.org Fanboy
        • May 2011
        • 2276

        How is it humanly possible for a user to not have OpenGL support? Is there any sort of video chip in existence these days that can't do 3D?


        • oleid
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2007
          • 2520

          Don't you need OpenGL for those games anyways?

          I don't get it... If you want to play OpenGL games, why would the possibility of using a non-OpenGL destkop be an advantage? Even though e.g. gnome-shell isn't any slower for fullscreen stuff, as benchmarked by Michael?


          • ua=42
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2010
            • 418

            How is it humanly possible for a user to not have OpenGL support? Is there any sort of video chip in existence these days that can't do 3D?
            It isn't that the hardware can't do it. Its the open source drivers that either don't have it, or have it poorly implemented.


            • funkSTAR
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2011
              • 389

              Originally posted by RealNC View Post
              Is this a joke?
              Let me translate for you. "Good news guys. Our compositoring code path suck so much that we need to promote non-compositoring. We'll just add yet another switch for you POWER user to adapt to (and waste time toggling). Sure it will add complexity but you will look sooo cool and 1337 in front of the next door geek when beeing a Kool Kid in KDE. BTW we just pushed alot of complexity down to themes and such, but those guys can sure handle it. Neeeeevermind that KDE is loosing manpower like USA is loosing money. Sure Kwin has a million bugs to fix, is dumb as hell when apps request screen resolution changes and is keept unmaintainable just because it need to support soon to be obsolete code paths. But do you know what!? YOU GOT THE BRAGGING RIGHTS BECAUSE YOU USE A WM WHICH MADE IT TO THE FRONTPAGE OF PHORONIX." Thumbs up power user!!!!!


              • funkSTAR
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2011
                • 389

                Originally posted by BO$$ View Post
                I really like KDE these days. I've tried it for a week but something is wrong in Ubuntu 12.10 so that when I increase the memory usage to near upper limit kwin dies and all kde desktop goes down.
                LOL. Yet another sad story about Kwins maintenance burden is way over the maintainers limits. Too much shit for one man. That is what you get when you try too much. here is a clue for you; the non-compositoring days are over.


                • gcala
                  Junior Member
                  • May 2010
                  • 11

                  Originally posted by funkSTAR View Post
                  Let me translate for you. "Good news guys. Our compositoring code path suck so much that we need to promote non-compositoring. We'll just add yet another switch for you POWER user to adapt to (and waste time toggling). Sure it will add complexity but you will look sooo cool and 1337 in front of the next door geek when beeing a Kool Kid in KDE. BTW we just pushed alot of complexity down to themes and such, but those guys can sure handle it. Neeeeevermind that KDE is loosing manpower like USA is loosing money. Sure Kwin has a million bugs to fix, is dumb as hell when apps request screen resolution changes and is keept unmaintainable just because it need to support soon to be obsolete code paths. But do you know what!? YOU GOT THE BRAGGING RIGHTS BECAUSE YOU USE A WM WHICH MADE IT TO THE FRONTPAGE OF PHORONIX." Thumbs up power user!!!!!
                  So, let me know which incredible DE/compositor are you using...


                  • gcala
                    Junior Member
                    • May 2010
                    • 11

                    Originally posted by funkSTAR View Post
                    LOL. ... the non-compositoring days are over.
                    Have you read the source? The problem is that current implementation of unity/gnome force you to maintain compositor ON, and this causes overhead when playing games. With KWin you can manually/automatically disable composition and gain more fps from a game.

