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It's Easy To Guess What Angers GNOME Users

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  • Originally posted by droidhacker View Post
    Browser user-agent.
    Hacking user agent string in firefox.
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    It doesn't matter. All systems are vulnerable as all get out and it's all SQL injection and python. They'll jail pc's like a phone with the efi and UEFI which no matter what people want to try to present that as is simply a dongle and boot code just like the PS/3 on pc. UEFI's need to stop rootkitting is about as sincere as the need to stop online gambling money laundering. The ways that work work and nobody root kits beause it's just not necessary unless you're looking for total control over another persons computer without any way for them to get out of it. And the only people interested in that is INTEL which will bring up network independantly of the operating system. Will assign host name and put your computer on the internet will expand netbios into the system bios. Will continue towards an industry standard of making systems wake on lan with an active ethernet connection. The only thing is it will go just like phones. They will be able to be waked, put on internet without ever turning on any lights.

    As long as the system has some sort of sql or some sort of python it can and will be controllable remotely. And systems with UEFI won't ship with the code to allow them to boot. And your system will be remote brickable just like a iphone or a car with a map system gps. And the people working on gnome are not retards who have no idea what they are doing. They are simply infiltrated with people who work on the projects with their own goals and their own ideas and their own needs. Gnome 3 is simply a break down of the community crowd sourcing with people who lie by ommision or lie by proxy or derail until things go the way they want them to go. It's the linux communities willingness to respect these types of people that will either destroy it or taint it till it's as bad as windows and as easily hackable without leaving any traces as apples. Because the people making the stuff are the people hacking it. Because having gps coordinates of a listening or camera device anywhere on the planet is something people want. And just because your linux box doesn't have a gps you still have to input your coordinates on the planet in a round about way to get system time updaters and weather apps and travel map apps.

    It doesn't matter if 3/4's of the gnome team are ignorant in the dark useful idiots or not. What matters is once you're fucking linux box is bricked you're going to have no damn way to get to your logs to find out who the fuck did it so they don't even give a shit about screwing over system logging capability. They just want that goddamn uefi and that goddamn netbios working through the hard coded system instead of the system software.
    Last edited by Hephasteus; 21 October 2011, 03:09 PM.


    • Originally posted by Kirurgs View Post
      Some short thoughts about what I don't like, no rant

      I'm a power user using computer to do actual work, I have my workflow which is fast, rational and suites me best. I'm using fixed workspace count - each for every project I'm working on and a couple more.
      Gnome Shell doesn't fit this workflow. However, the developers are considering designs with fixed workspace layouts, so you may wish to add your voice to the mailing list and bugtracker, explain your workflow and make sure future versions of Gnome Shell are a better fit.

      In the meanwhile, Ubuntu Unity is a great alternative that builds on Gnome 3 and supports fixed workspaces (if you are using Ubuntu). KDE might also fit the bill but that's a much larger change to swallow (different applications, different looks, different mentality).

      Gnome shell isn't Linux, but just some piece of software.
      And Linux isn't a piece of software? I thought it was a kernel, which is - by definition - software. I could be wrong, though.


      • Originally posted by Hamish Wilson View Post
        What do you mean by this? You can add more applets, and move them about the panel. You have to press the Alt key while right clicking to toggle this (there also used to be a bug that affected the Fallback mode in the versions that Fedora 15 shipped that made it so this would not work if you had num lock, caps lock, or scroll lock on, but this has been fixed upstream). It is true that you can no longer randomly place applets, with them either having the be grouped on the sides of the screen or the centre, but the reasons for this are sound and in many ways this is actually easier to configure.

        Please read these three links if you are going to keep making statements like this:!

        The truth of the matter is that the Fallback mode is just as good or better than the old panel. All the old official Gnome applets have been ported. If you do not like the Shell and preferred Gnome 2.x, just use the Fallback. It is as simple as that.
        I've noticed a lot of people that try fallback never figured out that they have to use the alt + right click to customize the panel, so they just scream that gnome-panel has been ruined and run away lol.

        It is admittedly kind of dumb that they changed it so you have to use the alt key + right click, its not very discoverable and its a seemingly pointless change. (same with the default system menu where you need to hit alt to see the shutdown option, luckily that one is easily fixed with an extension).

        I agree fallback is a good solution and does not deserve the hate its gotten. Its super similar to gnome 2 and even has some improvements. You can still use compiz ect.. with it. I also think people are making a way to big of a deal about how gnome is "killing" gnome 2. If gnome-shell or gnome-fallback are not acceptable for you XFCE is about as close to gnome 2 you can get, and its a little more light weight. There are plenty of good choices for gnome 2 users, its not the end of the world.
        Last edited by bwat47; 21 October 2011, 03:06 PM.


        • Originally posted by bwat47 View Post
          I've noticed a lot of people that try fallback never figured out that they have to use the alt + right click to customize the panel, so they just scream that gnome-panel has been ruined and run away lol.

          It is admittedly kind of dumb that they changed it so you have to use the alt key + right click, its not very discoverable and its a seemingly pointless change. (same with the default system menu where you need to hit alt to see the shutdown option, luckily that one is easily fixed with an extension).

          I agree fallback is a good solution and does not deserve the hate its gotten. Its super similar to gnome 2 and even has some improvements. You can still use compiz ect.. with it. I also think people are making a way to big of a deal about how gnome is "killing" gnome 2. If gnome-shell or gnome-fallback are not acceptable for you XFCE is about as close to gnome 2 you can get, and its a little more light weight. There are plenty of good choices for gnome 2 users, its not the end of the world.
          Holy crap, thanks for the Alt + right click thing! The shutdown thing is just plain stupid.


          • Originally posted by LinuxID10T View Post
            Holy crap, thanks for the Alt + right click thing! The shutdown thing is just plain stupid.
            Yep. I am a big fan of gnome 3 and gnome-shell but I cannot wrap my head around that decision, its just silly, and I hope they eventually realize it. Their rational that everyone should suspend is so flawed because of the following reasons:
            1. Suspend is often buggy/not working on linux.
            2. Who actually goes to the menu to suspend? (on a laptop anyway). On a laptop 90% of the time people just close the lid to suspend, many desktop users simply don't use suspend anyway. The shutdown option is a more used option than the suspend option.


            • Originally posted by sebastianlacuesta View Post
              Could you please give us a hint on how to do it or a link where it is explained? I'm right now trying xfce and lxde, but while I think they're not bad, they doesn't convince me.
              It's simple stuff to do;

              There are a few different ways to do it, depending on what you are running with gnome. Basically, you need to edit/create; /usr/share/applications/compiz.desktop (with the proper parameters)

              then you need to edit one or two settings in gconf-editor, and you're finished.

              I personally am using G3+cairo-dock+compiz (no gnome-panel), so i can actually just install a package for archlinux that sets it up with 1 command.

              However, it is easy to do manually. you just need to create/edit a .session , and then with GDM you can select it as your session. ie: Gnome-Shell has a .session , so does gnome-fallback , and so does compiz (if you create it), and probably Unity (if you use Ubuntu).

              the session file, lists a few things like WM and required components. you can find where they are located, by running;

              locate .session
              Here's what they look like;


              [GNOME Session]
              Name=Display Manager
              IsRunnableHelper=bash -c 'gnome-shell --help | grep -q gdm-mode && /usr/lib/gnome-session/gnome-session-check-accelerated'
              Gnome Compiz + Cairo-dock (my setup)

              [GNOME Session]
              Name=GNOME Compiz
              I'm sure you can spot the differences


              • Originally posted by bwat47 View Post
                It is admittedly kind of dumb that they changed it so you have to use the alt key + right click, its not very discoverable and its a seemingly pointless change. (same with the default system menu where you need to hit alt to see the shutdown option, luckily that one is easily fixed with an extension).
                Well, not sure if I agree with it completely, but here is the rationale they gave for it:

                Still editable, but not by accident: this all sounds cool, but you tried to add an applet, or to even just move one, but without success? There's a secret trick here: press alt (or the modifier configured for metacity, if you changed it) and right-click. And here you go, you can do everything again! This is indeed not very discoverable, and we might work on improving that, but this makes using gnome-panel a much more solid experience. First, you don't have this feeling it can break easily (I had this feeling), and second, you won't remove things by accident anymore. This also means we don't need the per-applet lock setting anymore, so it's gone. And really, did you edit your panels that frequently? I doubt so :-)

                At any rate, once you know, it is not that hard to get used to.


                • Originally posted by Hamish Wilson View Post
                  Well, not sure if I agree with it completely, but here is the rationale they gave for it:


                  At any rate, once you know, it is not that hard to get used to.
                  Yeah once you know its not a big deal, but my issue is very poor discoverability, which gives users a bad impression. I've seen this proved time and time again with the huge amount of comments from people saying you can't customize the gnome fallback panel. I guess I can see why they did it though, I did have issues with gnome-panel applets accidentally being removed ect... and I would have to go through and lock every single launcher and applet to keep that from happening which was annoying.

                  Of course having to use alt to expose the shutdown option still makes no sense lol.
                  Last edited by bwat47; 21 October 2011, 04:52 PM.


                  • Originally posted by LinuxID10T View Post
                    Holy crap, thanks for the Alt + right click thing! The shutdown thing is just plain stupid.
                    All this time I was assuming you had tested those things you were complaining about. Did you read the GNOME3 release notes / help etc?

                    There are plenty of tips for new GNOME3 users in


                    • Originally posted by ludovic.silvestre
                      I don't agree, but I also don't understand why you would want that (give a use case?). Anyway, the activities screen should show all information that the user can have. The dock shows all opened application (and favorites) because the middle section show the opened applications for the selected workspace. If the dock show the same information as the middle section, you loose information (the opened applications in the other workspaces).
                      Well my point is simple as this: when I switch to workspace N, I would like to have fast access to applications running on that workspace. I don't mind any solution which helps me to switch apps very fast (one button or one key). I also need to get overview of those apps, dock seems to be proper place.

                      Originally posted by ludovic.silvestre
                      Are you talking about something like this ->
                      If that's the case, gnome-shell already does something similar with Alt+Tab, although it doesn't show all information right away, nor have the same organization. But let me ask you a question: when you want to switch to an app in another workspace, do you think "I want to switch to Firefox in Workspace 5" or "I want to go to Workspace 5 to see Firefox"? If you answered the last one, then Alt+Tab should be as you said. Otherwise, gnome-shell does the right thing, first show a list of applications, then show the applications in all workspace (press down arrow to get the list). Their problem is that they don't identify the app's workspace, that's why I suggested a little icon with a number.
                      On gnome2 (that is NOW), I'm using superswitcher - what a brilliant app it is! But overall, see, it depends, when I'm somewhere and want to see all apps (so I can choose them globally) is one thing - I want to switch to that applications WS, when I'm in concrete workspace I use some sort of key combination to get all apps on that WS only, I mean I know the context and I choose to display all or just current workspace apps, also i very much like compiz thing to switch to another window of current application. I'm completely open to anything, just make it simple, fast and rationale. Compiz approach seems to be very very good, three combinations to show apps, very good, simple, fast and thought through.

                      Originally posted by BlackStar
                      Gnome Shell doesn't fit this workflow. However, the developers are considering designs with fixed workspace layouts, so you may wish to add your voice to the mailing list and bugtracker, explain your workflow and make sure future versions of Gnome Shell are a better fit.
                      This is really good news, but all talks about gnome devs seems to go down the hill, I take it with salt as I never had such an attention, but still, some of well known (and some posters here that I kinda believe / trust their opinion) said it's completely no-go anyone would listen to it... Will try...

                      Originally posted by BlackStar
                      In the meanwhile, Ubuntu Unity is a great alternative that builds on Gnome 3 and supports fixed workspaces (if you are using Ubuntu). KDE might also fit the bill but that's a much larger change to swallow (different applications, different looks, different mentality).
                      I tried, I thought it was my savior from dumbness of G3, but hey, it was slow :O I was so frustrated and surprised it is SLOW with catalyst, in gnome2 and compiz 0.8.x it was super fast, it was completely super, I don't know what they did with 0.9.x and unity but opening 30 apps and having 2 monitors is a NIGHTMARE 0 it IS dog slow then, I was so disappointed, really... Still Unity design is really better compared to G3 for a power user, I completely relied on established compiz reputation and still it failed for me... What a shit

                      Of course current state of linux desktop seems to be a LOT better when I started like 5 years ago, it was really a challenge to work amongst Windows machines, Linux was faster, but support was so so so, now I just need to find correct DE for me... Gnome was the best stable and supported, KDE nowadays is more than OK, except it has no transparent KIO, evolution/evolution-mapi integration and such stuff, if it would support those - I would switch to KDE any time despite any Gnome3/Unity, because it's functional, pretty, GUI is fast now (starting 4.7), it has Activities of their own - a fantastic feature, folder view - fantastic, but I hate missing meetings coming from our Exchange server, I have no notifications from Exchange and I hate I can't save documents to windows share because KIO is not transparent, I hate to download movies from my SSH and then watch when in GNOME I can watch them realtime using GVFS, because it's transparent.

                      Not much asked, but still I understand FREE is free and I can't complain, I can suggest / contribute instead if anyone IS actually listening... I'm kind of a person which first try alternatives / try workarounds / try to fix it myself and only then ask / complain or so...

                      Kinda this
                      Last edited by Kirurgs; 21 October 2011, 05:49 PM.

