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SDL 2.30.2 Released Along WIth New SDL3 Preview

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  • #11
    Originally posted by ssokolow View Post
    Because people writing software don't always copy-paste filenames. They'll re-type them and, if it works under test, they'll move on... and Windows uses case-insensitive filename resolution.
    I guess I'll add another reason for why it is good to test on multiple platforms.

    Those are the same type of lazy person who assumed that "int", "long" and a pointer had the same internal representation and generated loads of porting work when 64 bits came around on Windows.
    I pity the high quality developers who have to work with them and ultimately get to fix the mess they've created.

    Originally posted by ssokolow View Post
    Actually, they are. That's the problem. Turkish codepages reused the ASCII characters but altered the uppercase-lowercase pairings and Unicode was concerned with ensuring lossless round-tripping.
    I see, oh boy!

    Would be OK if the lazy developers hadn't messed up, but I guess it is easier to disable support for such locates instead.

    Unfortunately hiding issues will only get you so far. Even for unfortunately the much more complicated fix later will not be the burden of those who caused it.


    • #12
      Originally posted by anda_skoa View Post
      I guess I'll add another reason for why it is good to test on multiple platforms.

      Those are the same type of lazy person who assumed that "int", "long" and a pointer had the same internal representation and generated loads of porting work when 64 bits came around on Windows.
      I pity the high quality developers who have to work with them and ultimately get to fix the mess they've created.
      That's actually the number-one reason game developers are encouraged to use packfiles instead of assets loose in the filesystem... to ensure that they interact with filesystem semantics that vary from platform to platform in a small number of easy-to-find and easy-to-test places.

      Bit of a shame. Classic Mac OS was one of the most modding-friendly game platforms in history because developers were encouraged to store anything that naturally fell into one of ResEdit's structured data types in the files' resource forks and it was easy to mod your games because the Apple's ResEdit gave everyone a resource packfile editor that worked on games in their compiled, retail forms.

