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KDE Is Down To Just One Wayland Showstopper Bug Remaining

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  • #11
    Originally posted by Linuxhippy View Post
    My most recent try "just" resulted in many applications having the same icon in the taskbar (the Wayland "W"-icon instead of the applications one) and external beamer not working as expected (which is a showstopper not only for teachers)
    That's an issue with app->desktop file mapping. Wayland relies heavily on this info to search and display appropriate icon. Had this issue with some crap from AUR and simply fixed it in KDE's Window Rules by assigning valid "desktop file name" to appropriate process name. Everything else from Arch repos work without any problem. Driving KDE Wayland for 1.5 years already.


    • #12
      Originally posted by Linuxhippy View Post
      I really hope it will work good enough when fedora will stop shipping Xorg.

      I give KDE on wayland a try every year or so and there where major showstoppers in previous years, despite it was claimed to be "almost ready".
      My most recent try "just" resulted in many applications having the same icon in the taskbar (the Wayland "W"-icon instead of the applications one) and external beamer not working as expected (which is a showstopper not only for teachers) . So till next year KDE on Wayland.
      Found the German.


      • #13
        Originally posted by stormcrow View Post

        For someone that just wrote your post... you do know the difference between a window manager and a full featured desktop environment, riiiiiiiight? IceWM will never have the same features "available in Gnome/KDE". That's not even a design goal even if they were all running the same back end of X, Wayland, or Arcan.
        I certainly know the difference and IceWM/X11 provides nearly everything Gnome and KDE provide under Wayland. The Xorg server is not a joke.

        A complete surprise for Wayland fans I suppose.
        Last edited by avis; 25 November 2023, 09:44 AM.


        • #14
          Originally posted by Linuxhippy View Post
          I really hope it will work good enough when fedora will stop shipping Xorg.

          I give KDE on wayland a try every year or so and there where major showstoppers in previous years, despite it was claimed to be "almost ready".
          My most recent try "just" resulted in many applications having the same icon in the taskbar (the Wayland "W"-icon instead of the applications one) and external beamer not working as expected (which is a showstopper not only for teachers) . So till next year KDE on Wayland.
          I really hope a bunch of W icons isn't considered a showstopper. For the record, you can fix that by having a proper .desktop file (which usually comes with any properly packaged software anyway).

          As per the beamer... I really hope you reported the issue you were having, otherwise it is never gonna be solved.

          (and I really hope it was a real problem, not something like the "W" icons :lol)


          • #15
            Originally posted by samuelec View Post
            I still experience random freeze where you can only move around the mouse pointer.. probably originated by Firefox that it's allowed to freeze the whole KDE
            I was having that too under X11, along with other weird issues. With Wayland (KDE 5.27.x) almost no issues. Definitely nothing near as bad as I was having under X11.


            • #16
              Originally posted by avis View Post

              This will be the day I will stop using Fedora.
              Why not just stop using Linux and leave us alone forever.

              Also stop linking to your website or your posts like they're sources.


              • #17
                Originally posted by user1 View Post

                Haven't they said they'll stop shipping Xorg only with Gnome and KDE?

                If they'll entirely remove Xorg packages from Fedora repositories, it will kill all the other spins, so imagine the outrage it will cause.
                The change proposal (which is now accepted) only says we (the KDE SIG) won't be shipping a plasma-x11 session. We are not removing Xorg at all.

                That being said, it is very likely that in a not so distant Fedora release the Xorg packages might not be maintained anymore. I am sorry but this is the hard reality, nobody wants to maintain that monster (and that is a personal comment, not a Fedora one ;-) ).

                Of course it is possible that somebody steps up and maintains those packages but I wouldn't not count on that knowing how big and hard to maintain the Xorg stack is.

                As per the other Spins... they cannot have an outrage if voluntary collaborators stop maintaining it's org. Fedora is community driven, if that happens an a Spin that needs Xorg wants to continue existing they will need to either step up and maintain Xorg themselves, migrate to Wayland if possible or... die.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by avis View Post
                  I certainly know the difference and IceWM/X11 provides nearly everything Gnome and KDE provide under Wayland.
                  Except applications and usability.

                  The Xorg server is [...] a joke.​

                  A complete surprise for Wayland fans I suppose.
                  Not a surprise. Everyone knows Xorg will never met current standards. It's also security nightmare. Years ago you even wrote an article about how Xorg is broken (its title was something like: why Linux is not ready for desktop). Then you turned by 180 degrees and started supporting Xorg and blaming Wayland that came to fix Xorg issues that you were complaining about. WTF?

                  P.S. last time you claimed Linux is hard-coded up to eight CPU cores (even if you saw Threadripper benchmarks and 'strangely' nobody from HPC or ~2000 CPUs workstations noticed such 'issue'..). There's something very strange about this.
                  Last edited by Volta; 25 November 2023, 10:17 AM.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by samuelec View Post
                    I wonder how many years will pass by after the first "stable" release is released and the desktop experience becomes "stable" at least as it is right now (despite the fact that I still experience random freeze where you can only move around the mouse pointer.. probably originated by Firefox that it's allowed to freeze the whole KDE)
                    Would you mind linking to the bug report you created describing your issue so that somebody can address it?



                    • #20
                      I really hope a bunch of W icons isn't considered a showstopper. For the record, you can fix that by having a proper .desktop file (which usually comes with any properly packaged software anyway).​
                      Well for me it is. Those are self-installed applications which haven't been pre-packaged, and the .desktop file was created by myself using KDE's interface for it (with icons assigned). When using X everything works as expected, when using KDE+Wayland I have 10 applications in my taskbar and don't know which one is which. A small technical problem, but a usability nightmare.

                      Originally posted by Damnshock View Post
                      Would you mind linking to the bug report you created describing your issue so that somebody can address it?
                      There was a time when I had *many* open bug reports against major end-use open-source projects like firefox, libreoffice and KDE.
                      Every time I noticed something was off, I took the time tried to reproduce and file a bug. every time a crash happend and the applictaion/os had a crash reporter, I took the time and described what caused it. and when it didn't i installed debug symbols and created a back-trace with gdb.

                      And what typically happens is:
                      - Fedora ABRT: no one looks at the issues, after two releases they are auto-closed
                      - KDE: tickets stay open until they are no longer relevant (because the component is no longer shipped with KDE)
                      - LibreOffice: every 2-4 years someone asks to re-validate if the issue is still present. sometimes someone else takes the time to re-validate, sometimes the issues are closed because I no longer care.

                      However I stopped reporting obvious issues (like the W-Icon and the projector issue), because they are so common problems, I am sure many before me spottet the same problems. And they are still not fixed, so what would be the value of sitting down and writing down what is already known but no one found time to care about.
                      If something really bothers me, I have to fix it myself. However the described issues don't bother me enough yet, I can still use KDE with X and everything works fine.

                      Don't get me wrong, I really like KDE and I am very grateful for what the KDE developers created here. I get a very capable desktop environment for free and I even get the source for it. And for the last few years, the KDE 5.x series (on top of X) has also been quite reliable and stable.
                      My comment was just describing the issues which stop me from using KDE+Wayland currently.

