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KDE Adds NVIDIA GPU Power Reporting, Plasma Wayland Crash Fix

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  • #21
    Originally posted by user1 View Post

    Well, like I said in my first comment, for me it crashed just by customizing my panel a bit. But this was right after a clean install of Kubuntu, which has one of the best KDE implementation and it's the most stable KDE experience for me. So while obscure configuration may trigger bugs or crashes, it's certainly not the main cause.
    Kubuntu? You're not serious, are you? Kubuntu always packages some ancient, bug-riddled version of Qt. Kubuntu is probably the worst KDE experience. I've used that thing for over 10 years, before finally moving on.
    From what I have tried, good KDE distros are: Neon, OpenSUSE or any rolling distro. Neon if you don't care much for up-to-date stuff, rolling if you do and OpenSUSE for in-between.


    • #22
      Originally posted by bug77 View Post

      Kubuntu? You're not serious, are you? Kubuntu always packages some ancient, bug-riddled version of Qt. Kubuntu is probably the worst KDE experience. I've used that thing for over 10 years, before finally moving on.
      From what I have tried, good KDE distros are: Neon, OpenSUSE or any rolling distro. Neon if you don't care much for up-to-date stuff, rolling if you do and OpenSUSE for in-between.
      Yes I'm serious. Read my previous comment. I also don't understand the "ancient qt" argument. Many years ago it used to be only 1 (or sometimes 2) versions behind what rolling release distros ship, so I wouldn't call that "ancient". But for the last 1.5 years or so, this argument is pretty much irrelevant because KDE has been stuck on qt 5.15, so that's the version virtually all KDE distros currently ship.


      • #23
        Originally posted by user1 View Post

        Yes I'm serious. Read my previous comment. I also don't understand the "ancient qt" argument. Many years ago it used to be only 1 (or sometimes 2) versions behind what rolling release distros ship, so I wouldn't call that "ancient". But for the last 1.5 years or so, this argument is pretty much irrelevant because KDE has been stuck on qt 5.15, so that's the version virtually all KDE distros currently ship.
        Yes. Kubuntu works for me in all my computers, it even has technical support available (even if I have never used it, though it's important that your boss knows that you can have support), huge amounts of software in case I need something, backports PPA, Kubuntu comes preinstalled in several laptops (from Tuxedo, Slimbook, Kubuntu Focus and other companies), etc.

        My day-to-day usage is bug-free, although I use Kubuntu under X11 (not Wayland). Anyone can use a Kubuntu virtual machine and see for himself.


        • #24
          I can confirm what user1 and Nth_man said.

          Kubuntu like everything ships with 5.15 Qt and it is relativly stable and good expierience for me. Nvidia + X11 here, although wayland also works on my machine.

          There are some glitches in few edge cases when user is not informed enough (Eg. if nvidia driver updates, you expierience some glitches until you restart and... restart button doesn't work, i am forced to write in terminal systemctl reboot ) but except that expierience is quite good.
          Last edited by piotrj3; 20 November 2022, 09:58 AM.


          • #25
            Originally posted by user1 View Post

            Yes I'm serious. Read my previous comment. I also don't understand the "ancient qt" argument. Many years ago it used to be only 1 (or sometimes 2) versions behind what rolling release distros ship, so I wouldn't call that "ancient". But for the last 1.5 years or so, this argument is pretty much irrelevant because KDE has been stuck on qt 5.15, so that's the version virtually all KDE distros currently ship.
            Yes, but one major version behind meant also missing on a lot of bugfix releases and that really hurt. But you are correct, since KDE hasn't moved to 6 yet, that let Kubuntu catch up. Rumor has it, that will change next year when KDE migrates.

            If you have tried the variants I listed and found Kubuntu better, then maybe Kubuntu is the best KDE experience for you. If you didn't, give them a try. Like I said, I stuck with it for over 10 years before realizing there are greener pastures.


            • #26
              Originally posted by bug77 View Post

              Yes, but one major version behind meant also missing on a lot of bugfix releases and that really hurt. But you are correct, since KDE hasn't moved to 6 yet, that let Kubuntu catch up. Rumor has it, that will change next year when KDE migrates.

              If you have tried the variants I listed and found Kubuntu better, then maybe Kubuntu is the best KDE experience for you. If you didn't, give them a try. Like I said, I stuck with it for over 10 years before realizing there are greener pastures.
              Yeah, it's true that newer qt may have bug fixes, but on the other hand, as I said in my previous comment, Kubuntu almost always ships the last point release of a certain Plasma version, so that means as much as possible bugs introduced in that certain major Plasma version are fixed. Rolling release distros on the other hand, may also ship the initial release of a certain major version that is more buggy. For example, early this year I've installed Tumbleweed with Plasma 5.24.0 and right after installation it was a total crashfest.

              I'm also starting to feel that these kind of talks are becoming pointless because someone will always have good or bad experience with virtually any desktop / os.
              Last edited by user1; 21 November 2022, 06:38 AM.


              • #27
                Originally posted by user1 View Post

                Yeah, it's true that newer qt may have bug fixes, but on the other hand, as I said in my previous comment, Kubuntu almost always ships the last point release of a certain Plasma version, so that means as much as possible bugs introduced in that certain major Plasma version are fixed. Rolling release distros on the other hand, may also ship the initial release of a certain major version that is more buggy. For example, early this year I've installed Tumbleweed with Plasma 5.24.0 and right after installation it was a total crashfest.

                I'm also starting to feel that these kind of talks are becoming pointless because someone will always have good or bad experience with virtually any desktop / os.
                My point was, many of the bugs affecting Plasma are actually bugs in Qt. Using the latest Plasma point release achieves nothing if paired with older Qt, which is what Kubuntu usually gives you.
                And the alternative is not necessarily a rolling release (I've been using Tumbleweed the whole year, no crash fest, tyvm), I've given you a couple more alternatives to Kubuntu. Ignore them at your own expense.


                • #28
                  Originally posted by user1 View Post

                  [...] so that means as much as possible bugs introduced in that certain major Plasma version are fixed.[...]
                  Just out of curiosity, do you have that problem?

