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Wine 6.6 Released With Better Plug & Play Driver Support

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  • skeevy420
    Originally posted by klapaucius View Post

    Last time I checked Half-Life was available on Steam Play/Linux (1, 2 and Black Mesa). Why would you try to play the Windows version on Wine?
    Comparisons, like visual and performance, between Native and Wine would be my first guess.

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  • klapaucius
    Bugs fixed in 6.6 (total 56):
    19626 Half-life engine's software rendering is ridiculously slow
    27528 Half Life Software Rendering completely wrong
    Last time I checked Half-Life was available on Steam Play/Linux (1, 2 and Black Mesa). Why would you try to play the Windows version on Wine?

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  • Redfoxmoon
    Denuvo anti-cheat
    correction, Denuvo malware :^)

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  • Wine 6.6 Released With Better Plug & Play Driver Support

    Phoronix: Wine 6.6 Released With Better Plug & Play Driver Support

    Wine 6.6 is out as the open-source project's first release of April for running Windows games and applications primarily on Linux and macOS platforms. With Wine 6.6 comes more feature work that will ultimately be incorporated into the Wine 7.0 release due out in early 2022...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite