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PC-BSD Is Developing Its Own Desktop Environment

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  • robbert
    This may be a knock-on effect of the whole Wayland and systemd thing. These technologies are (so far) Linux-centric, and desktop environments that are designed with GNU/Linux primarily in mind may start to integrate with, and require, these services. If you're building on bms system FreeBSD, and want to guarantee a high-quality, unique, enterprise-grade experience, it might not be a bad idea to go your own way on the desktop front. As a lay-person, I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with.

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  • bison
    Originally posted by endman View Post
    Looks like a rip off of xfce crossed with some of the worse of lxde to be honest.
    More careful analysis will reveal that it looks a lot like Fluxbox.

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  • Anfdrea
    It's all good.

    Last edited by Anfdrea; 11 June 2014, 05:47 AM.

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  • profoundWHALE
    EDIT! crapidty crap posted in the wrong thread O.o

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  • profoundWHALE
    Originally posted by scjet View Post
    Sure, no probs.

    There's even a rudimentary howto install Lumina,..., whenever you're "not too busy"
    Well, from what I can see, it looks usable, and if you're right about it being fast then I can easily see it being a success, and if they keep the size down enough, maybe even 'the' default. (making it the fallback looking way into the future similar to how gnome2 was)

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  • endman
    Originally posted by scjet View Post
    Sure, no probs.

    There's even a rudimentary howto install Lumina,..., whenever you're "not too busy"
    Looks like a rip off of xfce crossed with some of the worse of lxde to be honest.

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  • scjet
    Originally posted by profoundWHALE View Post
    Do you think you could take a screenshot for those too busy to go and try it out? I'm assuming that it won't be a major change, but it'd be nice to have an idea of what it looks like already.
    Sure, no probs.

    There's even a rudimentary howto install Lumina,..., whenever you're "not too busy"

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  • endman
    Originally posted by scjet View Post
    Even though Lumina is still "alpha", I recently installed it, on a (default) PCBSD-10-Joule installation. It is getting better with every commit.
    It is amazingly clean, and fast. -The next thing will be finalizing their Lumina-Filemanager, which, will be built from scratch for BSD.

    No gnome/Linux bloat anymore. It's refreshing to feel how well a "bloatfree" system, with a proper DE can actually run.
    Hats-off to the BSD dev's, for this, it's been a long time comin'.
    Of course, any software in alpha stage does not have bloatware yet. Wait till they have their first release. Particularly with BSD which is known for being bloat in the default install and 1000000 times slower then Linux or even Windows.

    The most probable thing that will happen is Lumina will be a desktop heavier then gnome 3 or KDE4 (whatever is heavier) and at the same time buggy and probably unusable.

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  • profoundWHALE
    Originally posted by scjet View Post
    Even though Lumina is still "alpha", I recently installed it, on a (default) PCBSD-10-Joule installation. It is getting better with every commit.
    It is amazingly clean, and fast. -The next thing will be finalizing their Lumina-Filemanager, which, will be built from scratch for BSD.

    No gnome/Linux bloat anymore. It's refreshing to feel how well a "bloatfree" system, with a proper DE can actually run.
    Hats-off to the BSD dev's, for this, it's been a long time comin'.
    Do you think you could take a screenshot for those too busy to go and try it out? I'm assuming that it won't be a major change, but it'd be nice to have an idea of what it looks like already.

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  • scjet
    Refreshing BeerSD

    Originally posted by phoronix View Post
    Phoronix: PC-BSD Is Developing Its Own Desktop Environment

    The PC-BSD project is developing its own desktop environment from scratch! The ultimate plan is for Lumina to become a full-featured, open-source desktop environment that may ultimately replace KDE as its default desktop environment...

    Even though Lumina is still "alpha", I recently installed it, on a (default) PCBSD-10-Joule installation. It is getting better with every commit.
    It is amazingly clean, and fast. -The next thing will be finalizing their Lumina-Filemanager, which, will be built from scratch for BSD.

    No gnome/Linux bloat anymore. It's refreshing to feel how well a "bloatfree" system, with a proper DE can actually run.
    Hats-off to the BSD dev's, for this, it's been a long time comin'.
    Last edited by scjet; 02 June 2014, 11:58 AM.

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